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Browse Policies A - Z

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Below is a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of the entire Policy Library. Each alphabetic grouping of documents is headed with the relevant letter of the alphabet, next to which you will find a "view summary descriptions" link. These may help you determine if the document is the one you are after.

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  • Cabcharge ProcedureThese procedures support the management and use of Cabcharge Taxi eTickets.
  • Campus Access PolicyThis Policy sets out the University's expectations of users of its lands; states the University requirements; and specifies activities that require prior University approval or are unacceptable at any time.
  • Casual Staff Time and Attendance PolicyThis policy outlines the University's requirements for casual professional, academic and teaching staff to record their hours of work and any associated claims for overtime to enable the correct payment of wages in accordance with the relevant Enterprise Agreement.
  • Casual Staff Time and Attendance ProcedureThis procedure outlines the steps required of casual staff to record their hours of work.
  • Chancellor Selection ProcedureThis procedure provides a framework for the appointment of the Chancellor.
  • Child Safety and Wellbeing PolicyThis Policy demonstrates and establishes the University's commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, and establishes obligations for our leaders, staff and volunteers to act ethically towards children in ensuring their safety and wellbeing; and connects to the University's framework of policy and procedures that ensure children’s safety and wellbeing.
  • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) PolicyThis Policy establishes the principles for installation and use of CCTV by the University.
  • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) ProcedureThis procedure supports the UON Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Policy.
  • Code for the Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic FreedomThis code seeks to ensure that the freedom of lawful speech and academic freedom for staff and students of the University, and visitors to the University, are not restricted or unnecessarily burdened.
  • Code of Practice for Higher Degree by Research CandidatureThe principal purpose of the code of practice is to ensure that supervisors, their respective academic units and Colleges, and the higher degree by research candidates, are aware and clear about their minimum responsibilities, the responsibilities of each other and of the University.
  • Collaborative Research ProcedureThis guideline outlines human and animal ethics considerations where a member of the staff of the University of Newcastle is the Chief Investigator on a research project involving human participants or animals, and which involves collaboration with researchers from other institutions.
  • Complaint Management PolicyThis policy outlines the UON commitment to complaints management.
  • Complaint Management ProcedureThis procedure supports the Complaint Management Policy and must be read in conjunction with those documents.
  • Compliance Management FrameworkThis framework sets out the process for integrating compliance into operations, to assist in understanding actions to support compliance practices, providing efficient and effective compliance controls and to ensure that compliance requirements can be met without duplication of effort.
  • Compliance Management PolicyThis policy sets out the University’s commitment to compliance management and outlines key roles and responsibilities.
  • Conflict of Interest PolicyThe objective of this Policy is to help employees and others engaged in University business to identify, disclose and manage actual, reasonably perceived or potential conflicts of interest between their interests and their University duty or responsibilities.
  • Conflict of Interest ProcedureThis outlines the steps required for conflicts of interest.
  • Copyright Compliance GuidelinesThis Guideline outlines the University's requirements for compliance with the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and its associated regulations.
  • Copyright Compliance PolicyThis is the University's policy regarding compliance with Copyright legislation.
  • Course and Programs Performance ProcedureThis document details the steps and responsibilities of the Course and Programs Performance Procedure.
  • Course Management and Assessment ManualThis manual is designed to provide clear and concise directions for staff and students of the University when designing, managing and reviewing courses and assessment.
  • Coursework Scholarships PolicyThis policy outlines how the University will administer and govern scholarships for coursework students.
  • Coursework Scholarships ProcedureThis procedure sets out how the University will establish, award and manage scholarships.
  • Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning PolicyThis Policy outlines the requirements for assessing recognition of prior learning including formal, non-formal, and informal learning; the granting of credit; and the development and approval of institutional articulation arrangements.
  • Cyber Security Incident Management ProcedureThis guideline document governs the actions required for reporting, responding and managing information security incidents involving University's ICT services and system resources.