(1) (2) This policy outlines how the (3) This policy applies to: (4) The policy does not apply to streaming of live video or other video or audio installations which may occur during ceremonies, conferences, meetings, exhibitions, or other (5) In the context of this document and the CCTV Procedure: (6) CCTV forms part of the (7) The (8) CCTV may be operated on (9) CCTV may be operated by the (10) CCTV may or may not be continually monitored. (11) The (12) CCTV footage may also be used for related purposes, including: (13) CCTV data may be used for the purposes of (14) The location of CCTV cameras will be determined by a (15) The Director, Infrastructure and Facilities Services may approve the installation, relocation, or removal of CCTV cameras if it is considered reasonably necessary for one or more of the purposes set out in this policy. (16) The Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 prohibits surveillance of an employee in a change room, toilet facility or shower, or other bathing facility. (17) The (18) The collection of CCTV footage, and its management, will be in accordance with relevant privacy laws and the Privacy Management Plan. (19) The business unit responsible for retrieval of CCTV footage is Security Services at the Callaghan (20) Access to CCTV footage will be in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act, the Privacy Management Plan and the CCTV Procedure. (21) The Security Manager, or their nominee, will ensure only persons with authorisation have access to CCTV footage and that such persons are appropriately trained. (22) The Security Manager is responsible for authorising access to CCTV data. (23) CCTV footage must only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected, or as permitted by law. (24) CCTV footage will be maintained for no more than 28 (25) CCTV footage retained under clause 24 will only be retained for as long as is reasonably necessary. (26) For any CCTV footage retained, an appropriate duration of the CCTV footage must be retained to show the context of any individuals’ actions. (27) CCTV data may be copied and stored for later use in relation to analysis and planning. CCTV data will be stored for a duration that is commensurate with the purpose for which it is to be used. Once the CCTV data has been used it will be deleted. (28) Destruction of CCTV footage and data must be in accordance with the CCTV procedure where relevant, and comply with all relevant policies, including the Records Governance Policy. (29) The Director, Infrastructure and Facilities Services may authorise the public display of an image or footage from the CCTV system to: (30) The (31) (32) Contractors found to be in breach of this policy or its associated documents may be subject to remedial action under the provisions of any associated contract or agreement. (33) Complaints in relation to CCTV must be made in accordance with the CCTV procedure. (34) The Director, Infrastructure and Facilities Services is responsible for the CCTV system and the implementation of standard operating procedures relevant to CCTV. (35) The Security Manager is responsible for managing the CCTV system in accordance with this policy, including the review of the CCTV system at least every two years that entails reviewing: (36) Authorised security personnel are responsible for the operation of the CCTV system in accordance with the relevant legislation, this policy and its associated procedure. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Policy
Section 1 - Audience
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 5 - Policy Principles
Authorised Purposes
CCTV Locations
Collection of CCTV Footage
Access to CCTV Footage
Access to CCTV Data
Retention and Destruction
Public Display
Complaints Resolution
Roles and Responsibilities
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