(1) This document describes the (2) While cyber security incidents are managed by personnel in incident response roles, all users of the (3) This procedure addresses the four phases of cyber incident response which are preparation; detection and analysis; containment, eradication, and recovery; and post-event activity. (4) This procedure sits within the (5) All (6) In the context of this document the following definitions apply: (7) Common types of cyber security incidents are described in Table 1. (8) The following clauses describe the relationship between cyber security incident management and Digital Technology Solutions (DTS) and critical incident management. (9) The DTS Incident Management team is responsible for incidents causing a significant deterioration, degradation, or disruption to a digital service or (10) The Cyber Security team is responsible for cyber security incident management, which runs in conjunction with the DTS incident management process. (11) If, during a standard DTS incident investigation, DTS (12) If it is determined that an incident is not cyber security-related, the Cyber Security team will discontinue its participation in the DTS incident response process. (13) Major and significant incidents require immediate escalation to the Incident Communications Lead, who is responsible for the DTS Critical Incident Management process. (14) The DTS Critical Incident Management process interfaces with the (15) Significant incidents impacting critical infrastructure as defined by the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018, must be reported to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) within 72 hours of detection by the Associate Director, Cyber Security and IT GRC via cyber.gov.au. (16) Data breaches affecting privacy and (17) Cyber security incident response has four phases that comprise the following activities: (18) The (19) To assist with the technical aspects of an incident, the Incident Lead may seek advice from external organisations such as the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), AusCERT, CERT Australia, vendors, and service providers. (20) If an Incident Lead communicates with external parties, the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) should be used. The TLP is an industry standard for sharing sensitive information. (21) The (22) The initial phase involves preparing personnel who hold incident response roles and making tools and resources available for use during an incident. (23) Preparation activities that enable the Incident Lead to respond to an incident include: (24) A cyber security incident begins when a cyber security-related event is reported. Events are reported through a range of channels including an automated system diagnostic, an incident ticket submitted to the DTS Service Desk, or an email sent to the Cyber Security team. (25) The following steps are undertaken as part of incident detection and analysis: (26) Each Incident Category has an associated priority level. The Incident Priority reflects the timeframe for communicating with relevant stakeholders and for containing the incident. Incident priority levels are described in Table 5. (27) The Incident Lead is responsible for ensuring incidents are managed in accordance with their priority level, and for escalating major and significant cyber security incidents to the Incident Communications Lead within the defined timeframes. (28) Once notified the Incident Communications Lead is responsible for exercising the DTS Critical Incident Management Guide. (29) Phase 3 begins once the suspected event is classified as a Confirmed Incident. The Incident Lead manages and coordinates this phase. (30) The primary objective is to confine any adverse impact to the (31) Strategies to contain, eradicate and recover from the incident vary based on the type of the incident, and responsibilities may be shared by multiple teams who report to the Incident Lead. (32) Incident Leads require investigation expertise to effectively identify the root cause and impact of an incident. Alternatively, Incident Leads can engage third parties with the appropriate skills to perform investigations. (33) An appropriate combination of the following actions must be undertaken to complete this phase: (34) Post-incident activities commence once an incident is resolved or closed and include a post incident review and the development of an incident closure report. (35) The Incident Lead conducts a post incident review workshop with relevant stakeholders and any external parties involved in the incident response. The review will reflect on the: (36) The Incident Lead documents the findings and actions from the post incident review within a closure report. The closure report must contain the following information: (37) The completed report is shared with the Chief Digital & Information Officer for review and approval. (38) The Incident Lead delivers the incident closure report to appropriate stakeholders and communicates follow-up actions. (39) The Cyber Security team is responsible for reviewing the operational effectiveness of the incident response capability which includes the people, process, organisation, support, technology, and training for incident response. (40) At a minimum, the incident response capability should be tested at least annually by engaging a third party or by running internal exercises. (41) The Cyber Security team is responsible for coordinating the implementation of recommendations from incident response tests, incident closure reports and feedback from DTS. (42) As managers of the (43) The Cyber Security team sits within DTS and is responsible for the protecting the (44) The Incident Lead is responsible for coordinating and managing the response to an incident which includes: Cyber Security Incident Management Procedure
Section 1 - Introduction
Common Types of Cyber Security Incidents
Table 1 – Common Types of Cyber Security Incidents
Top of Page
Incident Type
Compromised credentials
A password used to login to
Unauthorised access
Any unauthorised access to the
Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
A system or service is overwhelmed with traffic to the point where the system or service is unavailable. This can occur maliciously or due to inadequate capacity planning.
Deceptive messages are received by
A type of malware used to lock or encrypt victims’ files until a ransom is paid.
Installation of malicious software such as a virus, worm, Trojan horse, or other code-based malicious entity on a digital
Data breach
Unauthorised access and disclosure of information.
Improper use of digital
Loss or theft of device with
A physical device used to undertake
Section 2 - Relationship with Digital Technology Solutions and Critical Incident Management
DTS Incident Management
Critical Incident Management
Section 3 - Cyber Security Incident Management Process
Table 2 – TLP Classifications and University Data Classifications
University Data Classification
TLP Classification
Highly Restricted
Phase 1: Preparation
Preparing to handle an Incident
Phase 2: Detection and Incident Analysis
Table 3 – Incident Status
Event/incident analysis activities confirm that an incident has occurred, and a response is underway.
Event/incident analysis activities are unable to locate an incident. The incident is deemed Resolved-Unidentified.
Event/incident analysis activities confirm that an incident occurred and the incident is transferred to another business unit for further investigation or action.
Event/incident analysis activities confirm that an incident occurred however incident response activities are deferred due to the low impact of the incident or due to resource constraints. Critical and High priority cases cannot be deferred without approval from the Chief Digital & Information Officer.
False Indicator
Event/incident analysis activities show that the indicators of the incident were false positives.
Event/incident analysis activities show that the event was caused by system misconfiguration or malfunction.
Event/incident analysis activities show that the incident is a duplicate of another record in the Service Desk and is merged with the existing workflow.
Table 4 – Incident Category
Incident Category
An incident affecting the entire University.
An incident affecting multiple facilities, user groups or campuses.
An incident affecting a facility or campus.
Minor incident
- Incidents resulting in some localised inconvenience. No significant impact to the
Incident Category
Incident Priority
Notification Timeframe*
Containment / Remediation Timeframe
Stakeholders to notify
Immediate notification
Within 8 hours
Within 1 hour
Within 24 hours
Within 8 hours
Within 3 business days
Not applicable
Not applicable
- Not applicable
Any incident impacting PII or PHI
Immediate notification
24 hours
*timeframe begins when a cyber security incident is confirmed through the detection and analysis.
Phase 3: Containment, Eradication and Recovery
Phase 4: Post-Incident Activity
Continuous Improvement
Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities
DTS Staff
Cyber Security Team
Incident Lead
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Any actions that violate the Information Technology Conditions of Use Policy including:
- sharing corporate or sensitive information with unauthorised persons;
- using University assets to undertake illegal activities;
- downloading forbidden software such as crypto miners and network monitoring tools;
- using unapproved virtual private networking (VPN) services or network anonymisers; and
- making unauthorised changes to the configuration of digital assets .
-Substantial, possibly wide-ranging, actual or potential damage to the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the University's digital assets .
- An incident that impacts the availability of perimeter security infrastructure.
- Bulk exposure of PII, PHI or intellectual property (IP) into the public domain, where such exposure results in compliance and/or reputational consequences.
- Contained actual or potential damage to the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the University's digital assets .
- More than 10% of users are unable to access or use digital assets .
- Exposure of a small amount of confidential or sensitive University information, PII, PHI or IP into the public domain or to an unauthorised individual.
- Malware incident that does not fall into a higher severity.
- Loss of data that does not include PII or PHI.
- Phishing campaign that impacts more than 100 users.
- Incident Cmmunications Lead
- Associate Director, Cyber Security and IT GRC
- Chief Digital & Information Officer.
- Incident Communications Lead
- Associate Director, Cyber Security and IT GRC
- Chief Digital & Information Officer
- Associate Director, Cyber Security and IT GRC
- Chief Digital & Information Officer
- Associate Director, Cyber Security and IT GRC
- Chief Digital & Information Officer for referral to the Privacy and Right to Information Officer.