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Browse Policies A - Z

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Below is a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of the entire Policy Library. Each alphabetic grouping of documents is headed with the relevant letter of the alphabet, next to which you will find a "view summary descriptions" link. These may help you determine if the document is the one you are after.

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Return to TopR (View Documents A-Z)

  • Recognition of Formal Learning ProcedureThis document outlines the requirements for assessing applications for the recognition of prior learning for formal learning and the granting of credit.
  • Recognition of Informal and Non-Formal Learning ProcedureThis document outlines the requirements for assessing applications for the recognition of prior learning for informal and non-formal learning.
  • Records Governance PolicyThis policy provides a framework for the management of University records in accordance with the legislative requirements, standards and best practices which are applicable to the activities of the University.
  • Research Authorship ProcedureThe guideline details the criteria and protocols for acknowledging authorship and seeks to recognise the restrictions associated with commercial publication.
  • Research Breach Investigation ProcedureThese guidelines provide a framework for responding to suspected breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and to allegations of research misconduct.
  • Research Data and Primary Materials Management ProcedureThis guideline outlines the management of research data and primary materials articulated in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
  • Research Peer Review Procedure for Ethics ApplicationsThis guideline provides the process requirements for peer review of research proposals submitted for ethics approval to the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) or the Animal Care and Ethics Committee (ACEC).
  • Research Publication Responsibility GuidelineThis guideline provides researchers with a framework for publication of research findings.
  • Research Thesis with a Creative Component ProcedureThis document provides guidance for candidates, supervisors, schools and examiners on the expected standards of a research thesis with a creative component and sets out the process for presentation and examination.
  • Research Training Program Scholarship PolicyThis policy applies to University of Newcastle (University) Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship applicants and recipients.
  • Resolving Workplace Concerns and Grievances ProcedureThis procedure provides a clear framework for addressing and resolving workplace concerns and grievances raised by workers.
  • Responsible Conduct of Research PolicyThis policy establishes the University's practices for research that are in accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018.
  • Revenue PolicyThis Policy sets out the University's position in relation to revenue generation and debtor management and establishes the University's key revenue principles that:
    a. govern the University's revenue generating activities;
    b. meet the University's business and strategic requirements; and
    c. promote fair and equitable treatment of all current and potential customers.
  • Risk Management FrameworkThe Risk Management Framework provides the foundations and organisational arrangements for designing, implementing, monitoring, reviewing and continually improving risk management.
  • Risk Management PolicyThis policy sets out the University’s commitment to risk management and outlines key roles and responsibilities
  • Rules Governing Traffic and Parking This rule applies to all vehicles brought onto the Callaghan and Ourimbah Campuses of the University and to the University’s Newcastle CBD campus.