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Section 1 - Motor Vehicles
(1) All travel on official business is subject to prior approval by an authorised officer (eg. Head of School/Division) with appropriate delegation.
(2) Where approval is given to travel by motor vehicle, it is expected that staff will use University vehicles if available. Use of Faculty/School/Division vehicles are managed by the relevant Faculty/School/Division. Fleet vehicles are managed by Facilities Management or Estates in relation to the Central Coast Campuses.
(3) Applications for use of University Fleet vehicles are to be made on the Fleet Hire Application form and submitted to Facilities Management or Estates in relation to the Central Coast Campuses.
(4) Consideration will be given to requests to use private vehicles on official business in circumstances where University vehicles are available, but due to the need for early morning departures it is unduly inconvenient to take delivery of a University vehicle.
(5) When University vehicles are not available, staff may arrange through their Supervisor for use of a rental vehicle, where this is the most economical means of transport. Bookings for rental vehicles are to be made direct by School/Division staff.
(6) For short journeys, where hire of a rental vehicle is uneconomic, staff may be given approval to use a private vehicle, or if not available, may be issued with a Cabcharge Voucher.
(7) For journeys where University vehicles are not available, public transport is not available or appropriate, and where it is not reasonable or economic to use rental vehicles or taxis, staff may use their own private vehicle on official business.
(8) Approval for the use of a private vehicle on official business is not to be anticipated and no expenses should be incurred prior to an approval.
(9) Private vehicles used on official University business are not covered by University Insurance Policies.
(10) Staff who are required, or elect and are approved to use their own private vehicle on official business will be reimbursed at the Australian Tax Office Rate (refer to Travel Related Rates/Allowances) as determined from time to time. In cases where staff elect to use private vehicles rather than University vehicles or public transport when these alternatives are available, reimbursement will be limited to the equivalent public transport fare.
(11) Authority to use a private vehicle for travel on the campus will not normally be given, unless there are compelling work related reasons in support of any such application. Generally these reasons will relate to the nature of duties/responsibilities, or to specific job related tasks which require transport of equipment/materials.
(12) Claims for reimbursement must be submitted on a Travelling Expenses Claim Form approved by the Head of School/Division. Claims for reimbursement will be subject to approval against each vehicle usage.
(13) The kilometre rate determined as reimbursement for use of private vehicles on official business is an all inclusive rate to cover costs such as fuel, registration and insurance.