(1) These Rules shall apply to the postgraduate coursework programs leading to professional doctorate awards of the University. (2) In these Rules, unless the context or subject matter otherwise indicates or requires:- (3) Pro Vice-Chancellor means the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty responsible for the program. (4) The coursework professional doctorate is a postgraduate coursework award of not less than 240 units consisting of:- (5) The program must contain a research component representing the equivalent of not fewer than 80 units. A pass in the thesis will be a requirement of the award. (6) A candidate must fulfil those requirements of a program which were in force at the time he or she first enrolled in that program except where a candidate has taken a break in studies of one year or more (Leave of Absence or unapproved leave). The program requirements which will then apply are those operating at the time of recommencement or readmission. (7) Only courses approved by the Faculty Board as courses suitable for a Doctoral Degree (Professional) program may be offered in that program. (8) The Faculty Board will allot each course a unit value. (9) Except in exceptional circumstances, the CAL for the (10) Where there is any change in the CAL or the PAL, the Faculty Board must make all reasonable provision to permit candidates already enrolled to complete the award or one deemed equivalent. Such alternative arrangements must not disadvantage candidates in terms of completion times. (11) To complete a course successfully, a candidate must satisfy any published requirements, and gain a satisfactory result in the (12) Admission to a Doctoral Degree (Professional) program shall be on such terms as may be prescribed in the relevant Schedule and on such additional terms as may be prescribed by the Faculty Board. (13) In normal circumstances this would require: (14) In exceptional cases, where these criteria are not met, the candidate will be required to complete a lower qualification within the nested series of awards prior to enrolling the Doctoral Degree (Professional). (15) An applicant may enrol in the University only if the applicant: (16) A candidate who undertakes courses with a load of 30 units or greater in a term is deemed to be a full-time candidate (see Note 1). A candidate who undertakes courses with a load of less than 30 units in a term is deemed a part-time candidate. (17) Unless otherwise approved by Academic Senate, the maximum full time load imposed by a program, and the standard full-time load, shall be 40 units in a semester and trimester and 10 units in a Summer Term. (18) A candidate may choose to take up to 50 units a semester without approval unless they are bound by the provisions of the Procedures for Review of Progress. (19) A candidate who wishes to undertake more than 50 units in any semester, more than 40 units a trimester, or more than 10 units in a Summer School, must obtain permission from the Pro Vice-Chancellor. (20) A candidate must only enrol in courses that conform to the requirements of their program as prescribed by Academic Senate. (21) A candidate will not be permitted to count towards an award any course that is substantially equivalent to one that the candidate has previously counted towards the same award. (22) Candidates must pay any prescribed fees for the program by the (23) For progression purposes, a Faculty Board may prescribe assumed knowledge for any course: for example, a level of achievement in a specified course or courses desirable for successful study in another course. (24) Ignorance of the assumed knowledge requirements for a course cannot be the basis of an application under the Procedures for Addressing Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items or for an appeal under the Procedures for Appeal Against a Final Result. (25) Only eligible candidates may enrol in or gain credit for any course that has a course requisite attached to it by Academic Senate. (26) A candidate may be granted credit by the Pro Vice-Chancellor in specified and/or unspecified courses of a program leading to an academic award of the University in recognition of prior learning. (27) Credit may be granted for:- (28) The granting of such credit will be on such conditions as the Pro Vice-Chancellor or Faculty Board may determine. (29) A candidate will not be granted credit for (30) A candidate may give notice in writing to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President of withdrawal from a course, on or before the prescribed date. The withdrawal shall take effect from the date of receipt by the University of such notice. (31) A candidate who withdraws from a course after the prescribed date for the course will incur an academic penalty. (32) A candidate who withdraws from a course after the (33) In courses which contain a placement the Head of School may set a date, different from the University's prescribed date for that term, after which permission of the Head of School is required for a candidate to withdraw from the course without incurring an academic penalty. That date and its significance must be clearly specified in the Course Outline for the course. (34) A candidate may not add a course or change from one course to another after the beginning of the third week of term, except that, in exceptional circumstances, a candidate may apply in writing to the Head of School offering the course for permission to add a course after the end of the second week of the commencement of a term, but before the relevant prescribed date. (35) A candidate shall give notice in writing to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President of intention to suspend studies and at the same time seek Leave of Absence from the program of up to one calendar year no later than the prescribed date of the first teaching period for which leave is being sought. (36) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President shall seek advice from the Pro Vice-Chancellor before granting Leave of Absence. (37) Leave of Absence shall not normally be granted to candidates who have not completed the requirements for at least ten (10) units of study in their program. (38) Failure to enrol as directed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President following a period of approved leave of absence, will result in enrolment in the program being cancelled. (39) A person returning from approved Leave of Absence of twelve months or more will be re-enrolled in the program subject to the program requirements applying at the time of re-enrolment. (40) A person who is absent without leave from a program may apply for re-admission to the program. If successful, the applicant will be re-admitted to the same or an equivalent program under the program requirements operating at the time of re-admission. (41) Candidates undertaking the Doctoral Degree (Professional) award will be subject to the Procedures for Review of Progress. Candidates may be subject to exclusion under these procedures. (42) Once a candidate commences the research component of the program, the progress of the candidate will be monitored according to guidelines provided by the Research Training Sub-Committee, a sub-committee of the Research Committee (hereafter referred to as ‘the Committee’). (43) The research component of the degree shall consist of one or more research related courses and one or more research projects leading to a thesis, as determined by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for the purposes of the program. (44) No research project may be undertaken until the research related courses have been successfully completed. (45) The thesis shall have a total unit value of not less than 60 units but may cover one or more individual research projects. One project is to have a minimum 40 unit value. (46) The work for the project (or projects) and the preparation of the thesis shall be carried out under the direction of a supervisor or supervisors appointed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Head of the School. (47) The topic of a project (or projects) and the resulting thesis shall be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Head of the School in which the candidate is carrying out the research for the project(s). (48) A thesis submitted for a degree shall embody the result of a project (or projects), investigation, design or other research undertaken by the candidate, and shall:- (49) A candidate who is unable to complete the requirements of the research component of the program but who has completed all the requirements of the coursework component may, at the discretion of the Pro Vice-Chancellor and in accordance with any provisions set down by Faculty Board, be granted credit towards another award of the University according to the Rules Governing Postgraduate Coursework Awards. (50) A candidate should normally have completed all other courses required for the degree before the thesis is submitted. (51) Guidelines for the submission of the thesis shall be determined from time to time by the Committee. (52) Such guidelines shall include:- (53) Guidelines for the examination of the thesis and the constituent project (or projects) shall be determined from time to time by the Committee. (54) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) shall appoint two examiners and one reserve, none of whom shall normally be a member of the staff of the University. The supervisor shall not be an examiner but the supervisor’s advice may be sought by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) on suitable examiners. (55) Each examiner shall submit an independent, written report on the merits of the thesis which shall contain an assessment of the thesis in relation to the stated thesis objectives. The report shall include one of the following recommendations:- (56) The Committee shall consider the reports of the examiners, any other recommendations prescribed in the Schedule or in the guidelines and advice from the supervisor and/or Head of School and shall either:- (57) Where the examiners’ recommendations are not unanimous, before making any final recommendation, the Committee may take one or more of the following actions:- (58) A candidate will be permitted to amend and resubmit a thesis for examination once only. (59) A candidate permitted to revise and resubmit a thesis must enrol in an extra 20 unit course in the next term from the date on which the candidate is advised of the result of the first examination and submit the revised thesis within that period, otherwise the (60) To provide for exceptional circumstances arising in any particular case, the Academic Senate on the recommendation of the Pro Vice-Chancellor may relax any provision of these Rules.Rules Governing Professional Doctorates
Section 1 - Interpretation
Section 2 - Program Requirements
Section 3 - Courses
Section 4 - Admission
Section 5 - Enrolment
Section 6 - Fees
Section 7 - Assumed Knowledge
Section 8 - Credit
Section 9 - Change of Enrolment
Withdrawal from Course(s)
Adding Course(s)
Section 10 - Interruption of Studies
Leave of Absence
Return from Approved Leave of Absence
Section 11 - Progress
Section 12 - Research Component
Top of PageSection 13 - Inability to Complete Research Component
Section 14 - Submission of the Thesis
Top of PageSection 15 - Examination of the Thesis
Section 16 - Relaxing Provision
Section 17 - Schedules
View Current
This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Application of Rules
Note 1: other authorities may specify another minimum for full-time study - this is the University’s requirement.
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