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Appointment of Conjoints Guidelines

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Section 1 - Steps, Procedures and Actions

(1) Intakes of conjoint appointees generally will occur twice a year in January and June.

(2) Conjoint roles are not advertised, however, there are a number of ways in which suitable applicants can be identified:

  1. Expressions of interest may be called from time to time because a Faculty has identified a need and/or opportunity for expertise or experience that enhances or supports its goals and activities.
  2. A Pro Vice-Chancellor or Head of School may bring the opportunities associated with conjoint appointment in their Faculty/School to a suitable persons attention and explore their interest in making application.
  3. A Head of School is approached by a person who wishes to apply for a conjoint appointment.

(3) The Head of School and potential applicant hold a discussion that would normally include but is not limited to the following issues:

  1. Faculty/School needs;
  2. the potential applicants qualifications, expertise and skills;
  3. the potential applicants availability;
  4. specific roles and responsibilities to be undertaken;
  5. identification of potential need for academic leader/mentor;
  6. discussion about level of appointment based on the assessment criteria (Criteria for Assessing the Level of Conjoint Appointment); and
  7. identification of the Indicative Support available for a Conjoint appointee in the School.

(4) Based on the outcomes of the discussion with the potential applicant, the Head of School completes the appropriate application form and forwards it to the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor after deliberations in line with Clause 13.

(5) Senior professionals of high standing without academic credentials and a relevant academic track record who have held senior positions in industry, business, government, community organisations or similar, and where the level of national and/or international influence and esteem is at the same level as expected of conjoint academic appointments at associate professor or professor level can be appointed to the title Conjoint Professor of Practice in line with Clauses 8 to 15.

Appointment Recommendations and Approval - New Appointments

Conjoint Fellow to Conjoint Senior Lecturer

(6) A Faculty Conjoint Appointment Committee comprising:

  1. the relevant Head of School; and
  2. a member of another Faculty Executive Group at Professorial level

    meet to:
  3. identify the specific roles to be undertaken by the applicant;
  4. to assess the applicant against the criteria set out in Contributions of Conjoint Appointees; and
  5. to assess the level of appointment against the criteria set out in Criteria for Assessing the Level of Conjoint Appointment.

(7)  The Pro Vice-Chancellor approves/declines the recommendation on the basis of advice received from the Conjoint Appointment Committee and makes an offer of appointment to the successful applicant. The relevant School Office sends the letter of offer to the successful applicant.

Conjoint Associate Professor, Conjoint Professor and Conjoint Professor of Practice

(8) The Head of School:

  1. identifies the specific roles to be undertaken by the applicant;
  2. assesses the applicant against the criteria listed in Criteria for Assessing the Level of Conjoint Appointmentand referring to Contributions of Conjoint Appointees;
  3. recommends the level of appointment.

(9) Applications for appointment to these levels should include three referees. At least two should be external referees who are recognised as authorities in the applicant's field. For Conjoint Associate Professor and Conjoint Professor it is desirable that applicants nominate senior referees (e.g. at or above the level aspired to by the applicant) recognised at national and international level.

(10) The Pro Vice-Chancellor makes a detailed recommendation to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) who convenes the University Professorial Conjoint Advisory Committee, as defined in the Honorary Appointments Policy. The Committee meets to consider the application and provide a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor.

(11) The Vice-Chancellor approves or declines the recommendation.

(12) The relevant School Office sends the letter of appointment to the successful applicant.

(13) The Head of School forwards details of the appointment to the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor; Director, Human Resource Services; Library Officer and the Records Governance Services for action in relation to the appointment, according to the terms and conditions outlined in the letter of offer.

(14) The School Office maintains a record of all offers and responses from all the applicants.

(15) If the successful applicant indicates it is appropriate to their appointment, a letter is sent to the appointee’s primary employer (when such exists) by the School Office advising of the applicant's successful appointment, and outlining the terms, conditions and benefits being provided to that person.

Appointment of Former Academic Staff Members of the University of Newcastle

(16) Former academic staff of the University of Newcastle may be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor (for Professor or Associate Professor) or a Pro Vice-Chancellor (for Senior Lecturer, Lecturer or Fellow) to the same academic level as they held when they left the University. Such appointments may be made without the need for assessment.

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Section 2 - Length of Appointment

(17) The length of appointment will normally be up to three (3) years. All term ends will coincide with the Triennial Review commencing in December 2014.

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Section 3 - Reporting Arrangements of Conjoint Appointees

(18) Conjoint appointees are appointed within a School of a Faculty, and are accountable, in the first instance, to the Head of School in which they are appointed.

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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities

Conjoint Appointee Responsibilities

(19) The roles and responsibilities of a Conjoint appointee will be detailed in their letter of offer, based on the activities described in Contributions of Conjoint Appointees. Subsequent alterations to the roles and responsibilities may be altered as follows:

  1. Up to and including Conjoint Senior Lecturer - The roles may be altered by the mutual agreement of the Head of School and Conjoint Appointee.
  2. For Conjoint Associate Professors, Conjoint Professors and Conjoint Professor of Practice. The roles may be altered by the Vice-Chancellor on advice from the Pro Vice-Chancellor with the mutual agreement of the Conjoint Appointee.

(20) The Conjoint Appointee will:

  1. undertake activities as outlined in their letter of offer, liaising with the Head of School where appropriate;
  2. advise the Head of School in which they are appointed if there are any changes in their circumstances or professional status that may impact on their ability to undertake the activities outlined in the letter of offer;
  3. identify their affiliation with the University and/or Faculty by indicating their academic or professional status appropriate to their appointment (Fellow, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor or Professor of Practice). However, in all written correspondence or documentation this must be preceded by the term "Conjoint" i.e. Conjoint Senior Lecturer; and
  4. abide by University statutes, regulations and policies whilst undertaking activities relating to their honorary appointment. Any breach or suspected breach of policy or any conduct which, in the opinion of the University, is likely to bring the University or any of its related entities into disrepute may result in withdrawal of the honorary title and/or relationship.

(21) Failure by a Conjoint appointee to comply with any one or more of the responsibilities may, in and of themselves, be grounds for termination of one or more privileges and/or termination of the Conjoint appointment.

Head of School Responsibilities

(22) The Head of School in which the applicant is appointed will:

  1. liaise with the Pro Vice-Chancellor concerning identification of the need and/or availability of suitable persons to support the Teaching, Research and/or Community activities of the School, and/or Faculty;
  2. consult with the applicant to identify an appropriate description of the role(s) for the term of the appointment in regard to enhancing the School and/or Faculty's teaching, research and or community activities;
  3. complete and forward the application form to the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor after deliberations with a member of another Faculty Executive Group at Professorial level;
  4. identify and confirm availability of the resources to be made available to the applicant if the application is successful;
  5. make recommendations to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, of any benefits or privileges that are to be extended to the applicant or the applicants primary employer; and
  6. make recommendations and provide evidence to the Pro Vice-Chancellor concerning the need and purpose of any review of the status of any Conjoint appointee appointed within the School.
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Section 5 - Review and Reappointment


(23) Conjoint appointments are approved for a period of three (3) years. A Pro Vice-Chancellor may initiate a review of a Conjoint appointment at any time should an appropriate need arise.


(24) Reappointment, including consideration of appointment to a higher level, will be undertaken when the current conjoint appointment expires or in the Triennial Review (commencing December 2011), whichever is the sooner.

Reappointment to a Higher Academic Level

Conjoint Fellow to Conjoint Senior Lecturer

(25)  The review and reappointment of Conjoint appointments to a higher level within the range Conjoint Fellow to Conjoint Senior Lecturer level will follow the process describe at Clauses 6 and 7.

Conjoint Associate Professor and Conjoint Professor

(26) The review and reappointment of Conjoint appointments to a higher level at Associate Professor and Professor level will follow the process describe at Clauses 8 to 15.

Reappointment to the Same Academic Level

(27) Reappointment of conjoint staff to the same level can be made by the Pro Vice-Chancellor if review of the contribution made by the conjoint appointee merits such reappointment.

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Section 6 - Termination of Appointment

(28) The University or a Conjoint appointee has the option to terminate the Conjoint appointment prior to the expiration of the appointment.

(29) Termination of appointment usually occurs at the conclusion of the period of appointment, and will be confirmed in writing by the School.

(30) Additionally, termination of the Conjoint appointment would normally and automatically occur if the Conjoint appointee:

  1. did not meet Statutory or University requirements regarding the performance of the roles and responsibilities of their Conjoint appointment within a Faculty; or
  2. did not maintain Faculty and University academic standards.

(31) The Faculty or the Conjoint appointee may terminate the Conjoint appointment prior to the normal term of the appointment by notice given in writing to the Head of School in which the appointment is held.

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Section 7 - Appendices 

(32) Conjoint Appointment Application Form

(33) Criteria for Assessing the Level of Conjoint Appointment

(34) Indicative Support for Conjoint Appointees 

(35) Contributions of Conjoint Appointees 

(36) FHEAM - University Conjoint Applications