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Honorary Academic Titles and Visiting Appointments Procedure

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) This procedure supports the implementation of the Honorary Academic Titles and Visiting Appointments Policy and must be read with that document.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This procedure outlines the processes for the following types of honorary academic titles:

  1. conjoint;
  2. clinical;
  3. adjunct; 
  4. honorary.

(3) This procedure also outlines the processes for visiting appointments.

(4) This procedure does not apply to honorary degrees, University fellowships, or titles of Professor Emeritus, Laureate Professor or Distinguished Laureate Professor.

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Section 3 - New Honorary Academic Title Appointments 

University of Newcastle Academic Staff Applicants

(5) Academic staff of the University of Newcastle may apply for an honorary academic title at the time of resignation or retirement via the Notification of Resignation Form. The award of the honorary academic title is subject to the Head of School supporting the application and approval by an authorised delegate.

(6) In circumstances where the academic staff member is ceasing employment with the University of Newcastle via other exit mechanisms, an honorary academic title may be recommended by the Head of School, and awarded subject to approval by an authorised delegate.

External Applicants

(7) Applicants for conjoint, clinical, adjunct and honorary academic titles must complete the Honorary Appointment Application form and identify their contributions to one or more of the following:

  1. teaching;
  2. research; and/or
  3. engagement and leadership.

(8) The application must include certified copies of qualifications and a current Curriculum Vitae (CV). Incomplete forms will not be accepted. 

(9) In addition to the requirements of clause 8, applications for appointment to Level E categories (Conjoint Professor, Clinical Professor, Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Professor of Practice and Honorary Professor) must also include three written references where at least two of the referees must be from person(s) of international standing who are external to the University and at professorial level or equivalent.

(10) The Head of School, or nominee, will assess the application considering the specific roles and contributions to be undertaken by the applicant.

(11) The Head of School, or equivalent, will make a recommendation to the relevant College Pro Vice-Chancellor.

(12) An honorary appointment will be either approved or not approved in accordance with the University's delegations of authority.

(13) The Head of School, or equivalent, will advise the applicant in writing of the outcome. 

Professorial Appointments

(14) For appointments to Level E Professorial (Conjoint Professor, Clinical Professor, Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Professor of Practice and Honorary Professor appointments), the College Pro Vice-Chancellor will make a recommendation to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Excellence).

(15) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Excellence) will make an independent assessment of each application, for final recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor.

(16) The Vice-Chancellor will either approve the appointment for up to three (3) years and in line with the triennial review cycle, or not approve the appointment.

(17) The Head of School, or equivalent, will advise the applicant in writing of the outcome.

Letter of Appointment

(18) The Head of School, or equivalent, will notify the successful applicant in writing using the letter of appointment template (see here).

(19) The letter of appointment must be signed by the appointee and returned to the University before the honorary academic can commence their duties and/or use their honorary academic title.

(20) The Head of School, or equivalent, will provide the approved application, CV, references (if applicable) and signed letter of appointment to Human Resource Services for processing and record keeping. 

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Section 4 - Periodic Performance Reviews and Renewals 

(21) The Head of School, or nominee, must periodically review honorary appointments to their School to assess each honorary academic title holder’s performance against the agreed contributions, as stipulated in their letter of appointment or as agreed with the Head of School.  

(22) The Head of School, or equivalent, is responsible for implementing a local process for the collection and assessment of performance review data. This data may inform the triennial review and renewal process. 

(23) The Head of School, or equivalent, will ensure records of performance review are maintained in accordance with the Records Governance Policy

Renewal of Honorary Academic Titles

(24) Renewal of an honorary appointment may be undertaken at the conclusion of the triennial period.

(25) Human Resource Services will provide a consolidated master list of honorary appointees who are eligible for renewal to Heads of School. 

(26) The Head of School, or equivalent, will invite honorary title holders to express their interest in continuing their honorary academic appointment and request them to submit a renewal application outlining:

  1. a brief statement confirming their current and future contributions;
  2. an updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) if required; and 
  3. confirmation of their current employer and employment status. 

(27) The honorary academic title holder is responsible for completing and returning required documentation within the specified timeframe. 

(28) The Head of School, or equivalent, will review each renewal application. The Head of School, or equivalent, will provide recommendations to the College Pro Vice-Chancellor.

(29) The College Pro Vice-Chancellor will either approve or not approve the renewal for up to three years in line with the triennial review cycle. 

Reappointment Outcome Letter

(30) The Head of School, or equivalent, will write to the renewal applicants using the appropriate renewal or non-renewal template (see here).

(31) The Head of School, or equivalent, will provide the outcome letters to Human Resource Services for processing and record keeping.

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Section 5 - Onboarding, Induction and Training 

(32) The Head of School, or nominee, should ensure that newly appointed honorary academics and/or visiting appointments complete any required University onboarding and/or local area inductions in a timely manner, as appropriate to their role and work location.  

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Section 6 - Withdrawal of Honorary Academic Titles 

(33) The honorary academic appointee may terminate their association with the University at any time by providing written notice to the Head of School, or equivalent.

(34) The University reserves the right to withdraw the academic title and any associated conditions if the College Pro Vice-Chancellor, Head of School, Chief People and Culture Officer or any role senior to these positions, considers that the honorary academic title holder:

  1. is no longer contributing to the research, teaching and/or service and engagement; 
  2. has failed to comply with the terms in their letter of appointment; 
  3. has acted in a way that is inconsistent with the University's strategic priorities; 
  4. has breached the University of Newcastle’s Code of Conduct or another relevant University policy which, is likely to bring the University or any of its related entities into disrepute or place the University and/or its staff or students at risk; or
  5. has changed or ceased their external employment, justifying the withdrawal of the honorary academic title.

(35) In these circumstances, the Head of School, or equivalent, will consult with the Chief People and Culture Officer to determine the appropriate notice of withdrawal. 

(36) The Head of School, or equivalent, will advise the honorary academic title holder in writing that the honorary academic title has been withdrawn, and will ensure that offboarding is completed.

(37) The notice of withdrawal will be provided to Human Resource Services for processing and record keeping.   

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Section 7 - Visiting Appointment Procedure 

Domestic Visiting Appointments

(38) Domestic visiting appointments must be considered for approval by the relevant College Pro Vice-Chancellor. Recommendations to the College Pro Vice-Chancellor of proposed visits must include the following:

  1. name, curriculum vitae, and current employment / appointment;
  2. details of the academic activities to be carried out by the nominee;
  3. details of the University facilities to be made available to the nominee; and
  4. length of the appointment.

(39) Following the appropriate approval, the College or School Office will advise the nominee of the appointment in writing. The letter will include details of any academic activities to be carried out, the facilities to be made available to the nominee, conditions, and the term of the appointment. 

(40) The Head of School, or equivalent, will ensure that an appropriate induction and onboarding is completed in accordance with Section 5.

International Visiting Appointments

Nomination Process

(41) The University staff member inviting the international visitor must complete the Request to Host International Visitor form and provide all necessary documents/information, including a completed Australian Sanctions risk assessment. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. 

(42) The request must be endorsed by the Head of School and approved by an authorised delegate. The Head of School and/or authorised delegate may request additional information as needed prior to endorsing or approving the request. 

(43) The request and associated attachments must be sent to the Immigration Specialist in Human Resource Services for assessment for eligibility, which may require legal assessment. Costs associated with this assessment will need to be met by the inviting area. 

(44) Human Resource Services will facilitate processing and lodgement with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). A minimum of 4 months should be allowed for processing and approval of the visa by DHA.

(45) Letters of invitation/sponsorship for international visiting appointments will be issued by Human Resource Services - Immigration. 

(46) The Head of School, or equivalent, will ensure that an appropriate induction and onboarding is completed in accordance with Section 5

Visa Process

(47) Once the approved Request for International Visitor Form is received, the Immigration Specialist in Human Resource Services will liaise with the visitor about the visa application lodgment.

(48) A copy of the visa approval from Department of Home Affairs must be provided to the Immigration Specialist by the visitor prior to their commencing with the University

(49) Visiting appointees are responsible for adhering to their visa requirements. 

Insurance for International Visitors

(50) Visiting appointees holding a visa must maintain suitable insurance for the duration of stay in Australia and a copy must be made available to the University

(51) The visiting appointee is responsible for the cost of private insurance. 

Ending an International Visiting Academic Appointment

(52) Human Resource Services will notify the host and the visiting academic at least one month before the anticipated cessation to confirm the appointment will be ceasing. 

(53) If a sponsored visa holder or international visiting academic ceases their visit early, the hosting business unit must notify The Immigration Specialist, Human Resource Services, must notify the Department of Home Affairs within 10 days of the cessation of the visit. 

(54) If an individual fails to undertake the duties for which their visa was granted, the hosting business unit must notify who will make the appropriate notification to the Department of Home Affairs.

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Section 8 - Record Keeping

(55) Heads of School, or equivalent, will ensure that all documentation relating to Honorary Academic Appointments and/or Visiting Appointments is maintained and provided to Human Resource Services in a timely manner.

(56) All records must be maintained in accordance with the Records Governance Policy