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University Chaplaincy Appointment and Practice Procedure

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Introduction

(1) The University of Newcastle (University) is a diverse community which reflects the personal, intellectual, social, and spiritual dimensions of life. In this context, the University offers students and staff the opportunity to seek the assistance of Chaplains from a range of faith communities.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This procedure outlines the steps required to appoint Chaplains, and the responsibilities of Chaplains.

(3) For the purposes of this procedure, a Chaplain is a person who has been recognised by their denomination to provide personal, intellectual, social, and spiritual guidance.

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) The provisions of this document relate to the appointment and work of University Chaplains.

(5) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service Policy.

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Section 4 - Instructions


(6) Chaplaincy roles will not be advertised. Suitable applicants may be identified if:

  1. an Expression of Interest is called by the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing because a need has been identified by the University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service Coordinator, the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President; and/or
  2. the University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service, the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing, the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President is approached by religious denomination and/or faith community who wishes to nominate a member of that denomination or faith community for a Chaplaincy appointment.

Recommendations and Approval

(7) A nomination must comprise:

  1. a curriculum vitae outlining the individual’s relevant background, experience, and tertiary qualifications;
  2. letter of support/endorsement from an authorised representative from the governing body of the individual’s faith community establishing the nominee as a member in good standing, with relevant experience and competency to fulfill the role of Chaplain;
  3. a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) number; and
  4. a current Police Check.

(8) The required documentation is to be provided by the nominee to the Coordinator, University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service who will convene a sub-committee consistent with the Gender Inclusive Membership of University Committees Policy comprised of the Coordinator, Deputy Coordinator and two (2) other members of the Chaplaincy Service Committee to initially interview the nominee.

(9) Following the interview, the sub-committee will make a recommendation to the full University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service Committee (CSC) for endorsement. The Coordinator, University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service will then progress this endorsement to the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing who will then make a recommendation to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President for consideration and determination of the appointment. 

Appointment Duration

(10) The initial appointment will be from the date of commencement to the end of the calendar year for appointments commencing between January and June. For those commencing between July and December, the initial appointment will be until the end of the following calendar year.

(11) At the conclusion of the initial appointment period there shall be a review by the Coordinator, University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service, the Deputy Coordinator, University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service and the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing. This review will determine the appropriateness of a subsequent two-year appointment and the availability of ongoing two-year extensions on review.

(12) A Chaplain appointment may be terminated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President on advice from the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing and Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience.

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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities

(13) The role of Chaplains will differ according to the particular traditions and customs of each religious body.

(14) Chaplains are expected to be:

  1. relate their faith to the special needs of the University environment;
  2. exercise initiative in establishing relationships with the members of the University community; and
  3. serve with other University Chaplains on a team that is inclusive and incorporates diverse faith communities;
  4. attend a minimum of eight monthly Chaplaincy team meetings during the calendar year;
  5. attend relevant professional development training each calendar year as required by the faith community and/or attend courses and programs offered by the University;
  6. be present in the University's Chaplaincy Service for a minimum of 3 hours per week; and
  7. be available for specific University functions and activities where appropriate, including commencement functions, graduation ceremonies and institutional committees.

(15) There shall be a University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service Committee (CSC) comprised of all Chaplains officially recognised by the University. Each year the CSC will elect a Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator.

(16) The Coordinator of the University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service will :

  1. coordinate the administrative work of the University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service;
  2. foster a spirit of equity, diversity and inclusiveness;
  3. regularly liaise with and report to the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing; and
  4. convene and Chair the CSC.

(17) The University shall provide an appropriate office and meeting space that will be shared amongst all faiths represented by the University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service.


(18) The Coordinator of the University of Newcastle Chaplaincy Service will report monthly to the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing and provide a formal report on an annual basis to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President via the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience.