(1) This policy sets out the conditions for conferral of honorary academic titles and the benefits afforded to and obligations of honorary academic title holders and visiting appointments to the University of Newcastle (the (2) This document should be read in conjunction with the Honorary Academic Titles and Visiting Appointments Procedure. (3) The provision of honorary appointments acknowledges the extensive contribution to teaching, (4) The (5) The following categories of honorary appointments are covered by this Policy: (6) This policy does not apply to the: (7) This policy: (8) The award of an honorary academic title is not an appointment to a position and does not establish any employment relationship between the (9) An honorary appointment will be paused when the individual accepts an offer of paid employment with the (10) Honorary title holders will not receive remuneration for the activities associated with the award of their title except where the payment for activities is temporary and in addition to the normal expectations of a title holder as stipulated in their letter of appointment. In such circumstances, the proposed remuneration must be approved by the relevant (11) Associated costs will be met by the (12) Recommendations for the level of an honorary academic title must be consistent with the Criteria for Assessing the Level of Honorary Academic Appointment. (13) The conferral of an honorary academic title or visiting appointment title will be outlined in a letter of appointment to the recipient. The (14) The use of the title cannot commence until the letter of appointment has been issued, signed and returned to the (15) The use of any honorary academic title is contingent upon the individual contributions to (16) The title holder must comply with the (17) The title holder is responsible to the relevant Head of School (or equivalent). (18) (19) An Honorary appointment may be renewed for additional terms on a triennial basis. (20) Honorary academic titles are conferred at the discretion of the (21) The award of honorary academic titles will be based on merit and will recognise an individual’s academic and professional achievements relevant to the type and academic level of the honorary academic title. In awarding honorary academic titles, the (22) The (23) A Conjoint title is awarded to an individual who contributes significantly to teaching and/or (24) An application for a higher Conjoint title may be submitted in accordance with the Academic Promotion Policy and Procedure. (25) The (26) A Clinical title is awarded to a medical or other allied health professional who undertakes clinical work and contributes to the (27) The (28) An application for a higher Clinical title may be submitted in accordance with the Academic Promotion Policy and (29) The (30) An Adjunct title is awarded to an individual who is an expert in an appropriate field from professional practice and is contributing to the (31) The (32) An application for a higher Adjunct title may be submitted in accordance with the Academic Promotion Policy and Procedure. (33) The (34) An Honorary title is awarded to an academic who the University of Newcastle wishes to continue and/or develop a significant academic association and is contributing to the (35) An Honorary title to the same academic level and (36) An application for a higher Honorary title may be submitted in accordance with the Academic Promotions Policy and Procedure. (37) An academic from another university may be awarded a higher title any time if promoted at their home university. (38) Retired title holders are not eligible for promotion or appointment to a title at a higher academic level. (39) The (40) A Visiting Academic title is awarded to an (41) The academic level will be at the same academic level as the individual holds at their employer institution or organisation. Where the academic title differs, the Head of School (or equivalent) will determine the most appropriate honorary title, subject to the (42) The appointment is for a fixed term for the duration of the visit, to be agreed upon prior to appointment. (43) A visiting academic who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, must hold an appropriate visa. (44) A visiting academic may be offered financial assistance with travel and accommodation expenses paid for by the relevant (45) Visiting appointments are not eligible for renewal or promotion. (46) The hosting of international visitors must consider (47) All visiting appointments who are not Australian citizens or permanent residents are required to hold a valid visa. The visiting appointment cannot commence until an appropriate visa is obtained. (48) For International visiting appointments who do not have Australian residence rights, an authorised (49) Advice on visa requirements must be sought from Human Resource Services-Immigration. Human Resource Services will provide up to date information of visa requirements, and any costs the (50) The international visitor/visa applicant will be responsible for lodging their visa application and paying the associated fee. (51) A visiting appointment who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident must maintain appropriate insurances for the duration of their stay in Australia. (52) Failure to comply with visa requirements may result in withdrawal of the visiting appointment. Honorary Academic Titles and Visiting Appointments Policy
Section 1 - Introduction
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy Intent
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Principles
Withdrawal of an Honorary Academic Title
Merit and Equity
Section 4 - Conjoint Appointment
Section 5 - Clinical Appointment
Procedure.Section 6 - Adjunct Appointment
Section 7 - Honorary Appointment
Section 8 - Visiting Academic Appointment
International Visiting Appointments
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