
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Support for Students Policy

Section 1 - Introduction

(1) The University affirms its dedication to ensuring all students are provided with support and resources that assist them to complete their studies.

(2) This policy is published in accordance with the obligations of a self-accrediting organisation, under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth).

(3) In the event of any inconsistency between this policy and any University Rule, the Rule made by the Council prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(4) This policy outlines the:

  1. support services available to students to assist them with completing their studies at the University;
  2. University's mechanisms for ensuring that students are aware of relevant support services.

(5) This policy is designed to provide clear guidance to University staff on the support services available to students. The policy is also available as an information source for students and community members.

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Section 3 - Scope

(6) This policy applies to all enabling, coursework and higher degree research (HDR) students of the University.

(7) This policy applies to the Joint Medical Program (JMP) delivered in conjunction with the University of New England, and the Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine delivered in conjunction with Western Sydney University. In the event of an inconsistency between this policy and the policies and procedures specific to the JMP or the Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine, then the policies and procedures relating to these specific offerings prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(8) The University is committed to providing ongoing support to students to contribute to the successful completion of their studies and making them aware of the support services available to them.

(9) The University actively monitors student progress and identifies those students at risk of not successfully completing their studies, and will contact students based on the following data:

  1. students who have not logged in to the course site for two weeks;
  2. students who have not submitted an assessment item;
  3. students who have not scored 50% or higher in an assessment.

(10) The University communicates with students identified as at risk of not successfully completing their studies to ensure they are informed about and have access to the support services made available.

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Section 5 - Supporting Instruments

(11) This policy should be read in conjunction with the guidelines, procedures, and other relevant University policies, including:

  1. Academic Appeals Policy
  2. Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items Policy and Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items Procedure
  3. Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
  4. Complaint Management Policy and Complaint Management Procedure
  5. Course and Programs Performance Procedure
  6. Course Management and Assessment Manual
  7. Enrolment Manual
  8. Health and Safety Guidelines
  9. Higher Degree by Research Policy, Higher Degree by Research Procedure and Confirmation Guidelines for HDR Candidates.
  10. JMP – Student Support for Professional Practice Procedure
  11. Program Management Manual - Coursework
  12. Promoting a Respectful and collaborative University: Diversity and Inclusiveness Policy
  13. Prevention and Response to Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy and Prevention and Response to Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Procedure
  14. Student Academic Progress Procedure
  15. Student Critical Incident Procedure
  16. Student Conduct Rule
  17. Supporting Students with Disability Policy
  18. Work, Health and Safety Policy
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Section 6 - Support Services

(12) The University provides a variety of support services for students to assist in the successful completion of their studies.

(13) Academic Support Services include:

  1. Academic Learning Advisors
  2. Academic English Screening Test (AEST)
  3. e-Learning Courses – Academic Success
  4. English Language Support (via CareerHub)
  5. Indigenous Tutoring Program (ITP)
  6. Library Classes and Workshops
  7. Maths and Stats Support (via CareerHub)
  8. Math Placement Test
  9. NuPrep Preparation and Bridging Courses
  10. Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
  11. Research Training Calendar (via HDR HQ SharePoint site)
  12. Studiosity
  13. Writing and Study Skills Consultations

(14) Student Wellbeing Support Services and initiatives target areas such as:

  1. Alcohol and other drugs
  2. Campus Care
  3. Chaplaincy
  4. Counselling
  5. e-Learning Courses 
    1. Consent Matters
    2. Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
    3. Cultural Competence Program
  6. Financial Wellbeing
  7. Gender and sexuality support
  8. Health and lifestyle 
  9. Indigenous students
  10. Sexual Assault, Harassment and Crisis Support
  11. Staff Supporting Students Mental Health Toolkit 
  12. Student Advocacy
  13. Students with a disability (AccessAbility) 
  14. TalkCampus

(15) The University provides information on support services to:

  1. commencing students as part of their orientation; and
  2. commencing and continuing students via the University webpages, published resources such as AskUON, via email and other communication media.