Associated Information

Associated Information

This page contains links to legislation, Rules, Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and other material identified as having a direct association with this document. The list is not intended to be exhaustive and individuals should seek out other related references relevant to their circumstances.

Responsible Conduct of Research Policy

( View Historic Versions )

Animal Research Act 1985 No 123
Animal Research Regulation 2021 (NSW)
Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020
Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011
Defence Trade Controls Act 2012
Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act 2018
Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Amendment Act 2019
Gene Technology Act 2000
Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 No 71
Modern Slavery Act 2018
National Health Security Act 2007
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 No 40
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 No 133
Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022
State Records Act 1998
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017
Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes 8th edition (2013)
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007)
  Academic Integrity and Ethical Academic Conduct Policy
  Animal Research Regulatory Manual
  Code of Practice for Higher Degree by Research Candidature
  Collaborative Research Procedure
  Complaint Management Policy
  Complaint Management Procedure
  Conflict of Interest Policy
  Conflict of Interest Procedure
  Data Classification and Handling Policy and Standard
  Ethical Human Research Procedure Manual
  Higher Degree by Research Policy
  Information Security Policy
  Intellectual Property Policy
  Intellectual Property Procedure
  Marketing, Communications and Reputation Policy
  Privacy Management Plan
  Records Governance Policy
  Research Authorship Procedure
  Research Breach Investigation Procedure
  Research Data and Primary Materials Management Procedure
  Research Peer Review Procedure for Ethics Applications
  Research Publication Responsibility Guideline
  Staff Code of Conduct
  Student Conduct Rule
  Temperature Controlled Environments Policy
  Volunteer Management (Including Volunteer Researcher) Policy
  Volunteer Management (Including Volunteer Researcher) Procedure
  Workplace Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Policy
Website Links
  Animal Ethics - Concerns About Research Animals
  Community Guide: Protecting your Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property
  Disclosure of interests and management of conflicts of interest: A guide supporting the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
  Ethical Conduct in Research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and Communities
  Graduate Research Induction
  Guidance to support the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
  Guide to Managing & Investigating Potential Breaches of Aust. Code for Resp. Conduct of Research 2018
  Guidelines for Non Traditional Research Outputs
  Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector
  Human Ethics - Policies and Guidelines
  Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Protocol
  National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research
  ReSearch Hub