Section 1 - Purpose
(1) This procedure supports the Governance Rule, the Awards and Graduation Policy, and their associated Schedules. In the event of an inconsistency between lower-level documents and a Rule(s) or Schedule to the Rule(s), the Rule(s) made by the Council prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
(2) This procedure supports the University of Newcastle’s (University's) compliance with its statutory obligations under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011, the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and regulatory instruments associated with these Acts, the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), the University of Newcastle Act, and the University's strategic priorities.
(3) This procedure is designed to provide clear and concise directions for the staff of the University when recommending the discontinuation or suspension of coursework programs, majors or specialisations offered by the University.
(4) The purpose of this procedure is to document the processes through which a program, major or specialisation is:
- temporarily closed to commencing students (suspended); or
- permanently closed to commencing students and no longer offered by the University (discontinued).
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope
(5) This procedure applies to coursework programs and awards created and offered by the University including:
- enabling programs; and
- undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs offered by the University to students studying in Australia and offshore, including those in which students enrol through a partner institution.
(6) This procedure also applies to the majors and specialisations within programs that are proposed for suspension or discontinuation.
(7) This procedure does not apply to individual courses, non-award programs or Higher Degree by Research programs.
(8) This procedure makes references to College structures and positions. Equivalent structures and positions may exist in Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre and are referenced where relevant.
(9) This procedure applies to students at all locations including international offshore students studying with third parties and staff involved in the development and implementation of teach-out or transition arrangements.
Top of PageSection 3 - Definitions
(10) In the context of this procedure:
- “suspension” means the temporary closure of the offering of a program, major or specialisation to commencing students for a specified period of time to allow internal evaluation.
- “transition” is the process initiated by an approved curriculum change which impacts current students.
- “transition plans” are the plans implemented to move students from their current program, major or specialisation to a new or alternative one following a curriculum change.
- “transition period” refers to the anticipated time required to manage, advise or move students to a new or alternate program, major or specialisation following a curriculum change.
- “transitioning students” is the term for current students in a program, major or specialisation identified to be moved to a new or alternate program, major or specialisation following a curriculum change.
- “teach-out” is the term for the process used when the University decides to discontinue a program, major or specialisation that still has active students who will be taught out. No new students are admitted, and existing students will be able to complete their current program, major or specialisation within the teach-out period.
- “teach-out arrangements” are the plans put in place to ensure that current students can finish their program, major or specialisation within the teach-out period.
- “teach-out period” is the duration during which students can finish the discontinued program, major or specialisation. If they cannot finish within this period, they must be provided with a transition plan to complete their studies in a new or alternate program, major or specialisation.
- “teach-out program” is a program that has been discontinued from offer and is in the process of being taught out, also referred to as a discontinued program.
- “teach-out students” are students active in a program that is being taught out.
Top of PageSection 4 - Principles
(11) Continuing students should be transitioned to a replacement offering where one is available to ensure they may benefit from the improved program, major or specialisation.
(12) The number of students remaining in the discontinued program, major or specialisation should be kept to a minimum by the implementation of a transition plan, ensuring that students are not disadvantaged.
(13) In the development of teach-out or transition plans consideration must be given to the:
- resourcing required to implement the plan;
- expected time period for the full- teach-out of the program, major or specialisation;
- academic and non-academic support that will be provided to students;
- academic risk, financial risk, and reputational risk;
- impact on existing pathways and impact on programs, majors or specialisations;
- implications for contractual partners; and
- implications for professional accreditation bodies (as required).
(14) The suspension or discontinuation of a program, major or specialisation must:
- be subject to a transparent process including consultation or external review where appropriate;
- be approved in accordance with the University's delegation of authority;
- comply with any contractual obligations between the University and any third Parties and the Commonwealth, including the Higher Education Standards Framework; and
- ensure that teach-out and/or transition plans can be adequately resourced to meet the learning needs of students impacted by the suspension or discontinuation.
(15) Discontinuation of a program, major or specialisation must not disadvantage current students. Arrangements for the discontinuation of a program should not require students to:
- extend the duration of their studies;
- rescind previously awarded credit;
- change location to complete their studies;
- overload or underload in study terms due to insufficient course offerings; or
- incur additional costs, beyond the standard annual fee increases.
(16) Arrangements for the discontinuation of a program should not disadvantage students with respect to eligibility for professional accreditation, where the program, major or specialisation is promoted as accredited or leading to accreditation.
(17) Where a program, major or specialisation is discontinued and will be replaced, continuing students should be transferred to the new program, major or specialisation to receive the benefits of the improved offering unless the transfer will result in a disadvantage to the student as listed in clauses 15-16.
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedures
Part A - Suspension of a Program, Major or Specialisation
(18) A recommendation for the suspension of a program, major or specialisation may occur following an External Program Review or thematic review where there is an identified need to examine its suitability for continuation against one or more of the following criteria:
- alignment with University resources and strategic needs and priorities;
- viability; and/or
- the program, major or specialisation not meeting expected institutional requirements and standards.
(19) The College Board may recommend and the Program and Course Approval Committee (PCAC) or Academic Senate may approve a proposal for the suspension of a program, major or specialisation. Approval by PCAC will be noted by Academic Senate.
(20) The suspension of a program will be recorded in the Curriculum Management System via an update to the program offerings.
(21) The suspension of a major or specialisation will be recorded in the Curriculum Management System via updates to the program structure to list the major or specialisation as being only available to continuing students.
(22) A program, major or specialisation can only be suspended for a maximum of two years after which it must be made available for offer or a proposal to discontinue the program, major or specialisation must be submitted.
(23) Admission of commencing students into the program will be suspended from the next intake unless a case for delay has been made and approved by the relevant delegate or, there is insufficient time to finalise such arrangements for the next student intake.
(24) Commencing student may only be admitted to a program, major or specialisation that has been suspended where the University is contractually obligated by an approved articulation or other pipeline arrangement.
(25) During the period of suspension, a program, major or specialisation may be subject to a thematic or other curriculum focussed review designed to address the reasons for the suspension.
(26) If a suspended program, major or specialisation is to be discontinued, it will remain in suspension until approval is granted for discontinuation.
Part B - Discontinuation of a Program, Major or Specialisation
(27) The Program Convenor, College Education and Innovation Team, in conjunction with the Program Advice team, will ensure the discontinuation proposal addresses any impact to students regardless of progress through the program, major or specialisation.
(28) Before the proposal for the discontinuation of a program, major or specialisation is considered, the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and Vice President will confirm that the proposal has met all legislative, regulatory, and contractual requirements. The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and Vice President will manage the dissolution or alteration of any program-specific third-party arrangement, or where required under the University's funding agreement, secure permission from the Commonwealth to proceed with the discontinuation of the program, major or specialisation.
(29) The College Board may recommend and the PCAC or Academic Senate may approve a proposal for the discontinuation of a program, major or specialisation. Any approval by PCAC will be noted by Academic Senate.
(30) A recommendation for the discontinuation of a program, major or specialisation may occur following an External Program Review or other thematic review where there is an identified need to replace a program, major or specialisation, or because it is no longer able to meet the University's expectations relating to one or more of the criteria listed in clause 18.
(31) The discontinuation will be recorded in the Curriculum Management System via an update to the program offerings, Last Admit Term and where a major or specialisation is discontinued, via updates to the program structure to list the major or specialisation as being only available to continuing students.
Part C - Planning for Discontinuation
(32) Students in a program, major or specialisation that is discontinued will be either taught out within the existing offering or transitioned to a replacement offering.
(33) Teach-out and transition plans will ensure that where discontinuation of a program, major or specialisation is approved, students will not be disadvantaged and have a pathway to completion of their studies.
(34) Planning for discontinuation must:
- ensure there is sufficient time to communicate the changes to students;
- include planning for any required course availability changes; and
- include planning for the different cohorts within the program, including but not limited to, students commencing as part of an articulation or other pipeline arrangement, part-time students, students on approved leave of absence, international students, and students studying at each of the campuses the program, major or specialisation is offered. Note: Global Engagement and Partnerships Division should be consulted where the University has obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 for applicants who have already accepted an offer into the current program.
Teach-Out Plans
(35) A teach-out plan:
- will set out how all active students will be supported to complete their studies in a program, major or specialisation that is being discontinued;
- must be made available to all active students;
- may reduce or remove student choice as it applies to course options;
- may require students to study a prescribed sequence of courses to ensure students can complete their studies within the prescribed timeframe; and
- may include provisions for recognising course equivalence, where approved.
(36) The length of time a program, major or specialisation remains in teach-out is informed by whether there is a transition plan for students unable to complete their studies in the approved teach-out duration.
(37) The teach-out plan must be appended to the proposal for discontinuation that is considered by the PCAC.
(38) Teach-out plans provided to students will be stored in the program specific folder in the Records Management System.
Transition Plans
(39) A transition plan is required to set out how currently enrolled students can be transferred to another program, major or specialisation to complete their studies.
(40) Where the impact to the student is negligible as the student will be awarded the same degree and, where applicable, complete a major or specialisation of the same or similar name, the transition can be actioned following advice to the student.
(41) Where the impact to the student is more substantive as the student will be awarded a different degree, cannot complete a major or specialisation, or will be required to complete a different major or specialisation the student must be provided the option to transition. If the student elects not to transition, they will be managed under a teach-out plan.
(42) A transition plan may include provisions for recognising course equivalence, where approved.
(43) The transition plan must be appended to the proposal for discontinuation that is considered by the PCAC.
(44) Transition plans provided to students will be stored in the program specific folder in the Records Management System.
Student Cohorts
(45) Teach-out and transition plans will be designed for groups of students at similar stages of progression through the program being discontinued. The plans will usually be based on the student's progression within the program. Other means by which a unique cohort of students can be identified to facilitate either teach-out or transition by the cohort may be utilised and approved as part of the provisions proposed in the teach-out or transition plan.
(46) When a cohort-based solution cannot be applied, for example, due to specific individual student enrolment patterns or circumstances that make certain students atypical, individual arrangements may be proposed in the teach-out or transition plan.
Commencing and Transferred Students
(47) Students will not be permitted to commence or enter a program that has been approved to be discontinued unless:
- they are an internally transferring student whose prior program was an associated combined program and they wish to transfer to the associated single program and their prior study places them in an approved teach-out cohort; or
- there is no replacement program available and there is an existing articulation or other contractual arrangement in place.
(48) Students who have accepted an offer but not yet enrolled in a program, including students who have deferred their commencement, will be offered a place in an alternative program following any relevant transition plan.
(49) Students who are completing a University program where there is an approved articulation pathway to a higher-level program that is being discontinued, will not be permitted entry unless their prior study places them in an approved teach-out cohort. They will be offered a place in an alternative program in accordance with any relevant transition plan.
(50) Students are to be advised about teach-out or transition via an email. This communication should be individualised, including details of the courses required for completion and/or the courses they have received credit for in the new program or new program structure. General communications may also occur to cohorts through email, student portal, forums, or via the Learning Management System. The type of communication will depend on the extent of the changes. All communication is to be approved by the Program Convenor, and facilitated by the Office of the Academic Division General Manager and Academic Registrar or the Program Advice Team.
Part D - Responsibilities
(51) The Program Convenor, College Education and Innovation Team, in conjunction with the Program Advice team will:
- propose the case for course discontinuation; and
- design the teach-out and/or transition plans.
(52) The College Board will endorse the program, major or specialisation suspension or discontinuation.
(53) The PCAC will approve:
- the program, major or specialisation suspension or discontinuation;
- any teach-out or transition plans; and
- any amendment to approved teach-out or transition plans.
(54) The Academic Division General Manager and Academic Registrar will:
- oversee communication plan for a discontinued program, major or specialisation;
- communicate with all impacted students;
- oversee the implementation of teach-out and/or transition plans with College input;
- liaise with the Universities Admission Centre in the case where existing offers to commencing students need to be rescinded;
- ensure proposed teach-out and transition plans do not provoke a liability for tuition and relocation as per the University's obligations under the Tuition Assurance Scheme;
- advise the PCAC on the process and timing requirements as they apply to international students;
- advise the PCAC on international offers for students who have accepted an offer for a program, major or specialisation that is to be discontinued;
- liaise with responsible authorities in the case where existing offers to commencing international students have been approved to be rescinded; and
- take appropriate action when a student is being migrated to a program with a different CRICOS code.
(55) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and Vice President will:
- liaise with the Commonwealth where the program, major or specialisation in question:
- is in a category listed under Closure of Courses in the University's funding agreement;
- enrols international students who are protected under the provider default obligations of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 legislative framework;
- has an Austudy entitlement; and
- manage the dissolution or alteration of any program-specific third-party agreements.
Top of PageSection 6 - Relaxation Provisions
(56) To provide for exceptional circumstances arising in any particular case (for an individual student or student cohort), the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President and President Academic Senate in a joint capacity and on the recommendation of a College Pro Vice-Chancellor, may relax a provision of this procedure.
Top of PageSection 7 - Supporting Documents
(57) Program Discontinuation Sample Scenarios
(58) Teach-out plan template
(59) Transition plan template
(60) Program Discontinuation and Replacements Checklist