
The Policy Library Glossary

This is a list of terms and their standard definitions for policy documents. Unless separately defined or the context of the document requires otherwise then the following definitions apply to each policy document.

Click on a letter from A to Z below to view terms that begin with the selected letter, or use the scroll bar located on the right hand side of this page to browse the entire list.

Return to TopA

  • Academic fraud

    Is a form of student academic misconduct that involves making a false representation to gain an unjust advantage. Without limiting the generality of this definition, it can include:
    i.        falsification of data;              
    ii.        using a substitute person to undertake, in full or part, an examination or other assessment item;             
    iii.       reusing one's own work, or part thereof, that has been submitted previously and counted towards another course without permission from the relevant course coordinator;                  iv.       making contact or colluding with another person, contrary to instructions, during an examination or other assessment item;
    v.        bringing material or device(s) into an examination or other assessment item other than such as may be specified for that assessment item;                   
    vi.       making use of computer software or other material and device(s) during an examination or other assessment item other than such as may be specified for that assessment item; or 
    vii.      contract cheating or having another writer compete for tender to produce an essay or assignment and then submitting the work as one’s own.

  • Academic Integrity Module (AIM)

    A short course undertaken to develop skills and understanding of the norms and conventions that underpin scholarly work.  Academic Integrity Modules may vary from School to School but must cover those details listed in the current Student Academic Integrity Policy (academic fraud, research misconduct, plagiarism etc).

  • Academic misconduct

    Means conduct by a student that is defined as academic misconduct in the Student Conduct Rule.

  • Academic Planning and Performance Process

    The process set by the University and undertaken between employees and their manager or supervisor where an open dialogue takes place about performance, goal setting, and development planning.

  • Academic Senate

    The Academic Senate of the University as described in the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • Academic staff

    An academic employee holding a substantive academic position of 0.5 full-time equivalent or above where the contract length is twelve months or longer.

  • Academic transcript

    An official record of studies at the University.

  • Academic year

    The period 1 January to 31 December in a given year.

  • Accepted health professional

    Medical practitioners including hospital-based medical practitioners; general practitioners; specialist medical practitioners such as psychiatrists, ophthalmologists and surgeons dentists; clinical psychologists; pharmacists; social workers; accredited counsellors or members of the counselling service from Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education (Singapore).

  • Acquit

    To substantiate expenses and reconcile these against cash used.

  • Activity owner

    The activity owner is the person who is promoting the proposed commercial activity and who will be responsible for the preparation of the proposal documentation.

  • Adjustment factors

    Additional points that can be applied to an applicant’s raw rank on the basis of an admission scheme.

  • Administrative withdrawal

    Occurs when a student’s place in a program is cancelled due to a period of non-enrolment.

  • Admission applicant

    An applicant for admission to the University of Newcastle and/or its partner organisation/s OR a person in the process of making a formal application for admission to the University of Newcastle and/or its partner organisation/s.

  • Advanced standing

    A form of credit for any previous learning as defined by the Australian Qualifications Framework.

  • Adverse circumstances approval authorisation

    The email issued to the student’s University of Newcastle student email account, approving an adverse circumstances request.

  • Affiliate

    A person or organisation legally obligated to, or informally associated with the University.  Categories of affiliates are outlined on the University website.

  • Applicant

    Where referring to a student, an applicant is an individual seeking entry to a program or course offered by the University or its partner organisation/s.  For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Approved program of study

    A program that has been approved by the University which gives a staff member access to study leave and/or examination leave.

  • Area of expertise

    An area in which a staff member or a student have been peer-reviewed or published.

  • Articulation agreements

    An agreement between the University and another education provider that enables students to progress from a completed qualification to another with admission and/or credit in a defined pathway.

  • Assessment item

    Any form of work used to measure student learning outcomes and to determine the final result for a student in a course.

  • Asset

    Any tangible or intangible item (or group of items) that the University owns or has a legal or other right to control and exploit to obtain financial or other economic benefits. 

  • Associated entity

    A separate legal entity which is controlled and operated by a separate governing body, but over which the University maintains significant influence but not control.

  • Assumed knowledge

    The knowledge base upon which a course builds and which is deemed necessary at the commencement of that course to succeed in that course.

  • Automatic periodic debit authorities

    Where the merchant automatically debits a purchase card on a set date ie monthly, annually, until advised to cease.

  • Award

    When referring to a University qualification, this term means an academic qualification approved by Academic Senate that is conferred when a student has met the relevant program requirements. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

Return to TopB

  • Bachelor Honours

    Refers to AQF level 8 Bachelor Honours programs. These may be a one year ‘end-on’ and following a level 7 (240 unit) Bachelor program or be embedded in a 320 unit, level 8, program.

  • Base timetable data

    The data from the University Timetabling System that is retained from year to year.  This data does not include variable data such as the time or location of classes but does include set up data such as student sets and activity templates.

  • Benchmark indices

    Performance measures, over the appropriate time frame, used to assess the performance of either or both an investment manager or investment portfolio. 

  • Bid shopping

    The practice of playing one potential supplier or bidder against another to obtain a lower price, either before or after the submission of a quotation or tender. 

Return to TopC

  • Calendar days

    All days in a month including weekends and public holidays.

  • Campus

    means any place or premises owned or controlled by the University, but may also specifically refer to a designated operating location such as the Callaghan Campus.

  • Campus Care

    The program which has been set up as a central point of enquiry for information, advice and support in managing inappropriate, concerning or threatening behaviours.

  • Candidate

    With regard to Higher Degree by Research it has the same meaning as student. For all other instances it is a person considered for appointment to a position.  

  • Candidature

    The period of time between acceptance of offer and termination, withdrawal from, or completion of a higher degree by research program, including periods when a candidate is not enrolled.

  • Capital expenditure

    Expenditure relating to the purchase, creation or subsequent improvement of an asset controlled or owned by the University. Capital expenditure may relate to tangible assets (such as land, buildings, or equipment) or intangible assets (such as intellectual property or long term software licences) that have a useful life beyond 12 months. Expenditure that simply maintains an asset in its current state is an operating expense (repairs and maintenance) and is not capital expenditure.

  • Capstone Course

    Provides the opportunity for a student to integrate and consolidate knowledge and skills learned throughout the program, enabling a mature reflection upon and cogent analysis of a problem so that the student may develop and demonstrate the capacity and attributes expected of a professional discipline graduate.

  • Carbon footprint

    A measurement of the weighted average carbon intensity (WACI) of the portfolio. The WACI represents the Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions for each portfolio company, normalised by sales in US dollars, as a proportion of the portfolio. WACI is the preferred carbon footprint metric recommended by the Financial Stability Board Taskforce or Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).

  • Casual employment

    Employment by the hour and paid on an hourly basis that includes a loading in lieu of benefits. Casual employment may be on an hourly or sessional basis.

  • Census date

    The date in each term on which a student / candidate enrolled in a course is deemed to be financially liable for the course.


    The TAFE NSW’s class management system.

  • Class

    When referring to a class attended by Students, a class is any teaching and learning activity of a course. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Closed book examination

    An examination where students are not allowed to take notes, books, or other reference material into the examination room, relying entirely on their memory to answer the set questions.

  • Co-mingled investment vehicle

    Investment vehicle with an External investment manager in which the investment amounts of multiple parties are pooled, and parties share in the investment returns of the pool of assets owned by the vehicle. 

  • College

    An organisational unit established within the University by the Council.

  • College Board

    The principal governance committee of the College.

  • Commercial activities

    As defined in the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • Commercial function

    As defined in the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • Companion Card

    A debit card provided by the University for use by international travellers to access cash withdrawals only.

  • Competitive recruitment

    A process which requires that the role be advertised and/or various search strategies used to attract an appropriate pool of candidates. This may be an internal process.

  • Complainant

    As defined in Australian/New Zealand Standard  - Guidelines for complaint management in organisations.

  • Complaint

    As defined in Australian/New Zealand Standard  - Guidelines for complaint management in organisations.

  • Compulsory Course

    A course within a major or specialisation, which is essential and must be satisfactorily completed to fulfill the requirements of that major or specialisation.

  • Compulsory program requirement

    Means a course within a program that is monitored for academic progress under the Student Academic Progress Procedure. It’s status as a compulsory program requirement will be clearly stated in the course handbook. This course may be graded or ungraded and must be successfully completed to progress in the program or fulfill program requirements.

  • Concerning behaviour

    Inappropriate, concerning or threatening behaviour exhibited by a student.

  • Concurrent enrolment

    Enrolment in two programs at the same time.

  • Confer

    The process of officially validating an award following the completion of program requirements.

  • Confidential information

    All information which is disclosed to a party by, or on behalf of, the other party, or which is otherwise acquired by a party from the other party, or any adviser engaged by the other party, which:
    (a)   is by its nature confidential;
    (b)   is designated by the other party as being confidential; or
    (c)   the party knows or ought to know is confidential,
    but does not include information which:
    (d)   is or becomes public knowledge other than through a breach of confidentiality;
    (e)   was already in the possession of a party and not subject to an obligation of confidentiality;
    (f)    is lawfully received from a third party; or
    (g)   is independently developed by a party.

  • Confirmation Committee

    A panel convened by the School of the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program in which the candidate is enrolled, for the purpose of confirmation of candidature.

  • Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)

    Means the document issued through the Australian Government’s relevant department and associated systems, by authorised officers of the University that confirms that an international student is eligible to enrol in a course. The CoE is required under Commonwealth Legislation for the student visa. 

  • Connected systems

    Systems or computers connected to the University’s ICT resources (including through non-University equipment).

  • Continuing professional development (CPD)

    Means formal learning activities which are required to be undertaken by professionals to maintain their ongoing industry accreditation or registration.

  • Continuing students

    Students who have completed at least 10 units of study in their program at the University of Newcastle.

  • Controlled entity

    Has the same meaning as in section 16A of the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • Convocation

    The convocation of the University established under section 14 of the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • Core course

    A course within a program which is necessary to fulfil the requirements of that program.

  • Core teaching times

    Are between the hours of 8am – 9pm.

  • Council

    The governing authority of the University established under section 8A of the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • Council member

    A person who is a member of the University Council as described in Section 8B of the University of Newcastle Act, 1989.

  • Course

    When referring to a course offered by the University, a course is a set of learning activities or learning opportunities with defined, assessed and recorded learning outcomes. A course will be identified by an alphanumeric course code and course title. Course types include core courses, compulsory courses, directed courses, capstone courses and electives. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Course Availability List (CAL)

    The list of courses approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellors of the Colleges, and under some circumstances by the President of Academic Senate, for offer in a particular term.

  • Courtesy title

    An academic title conferred by the University on a distinguished academic outside the normal appointment/promotion process and either subsequent to their service to the University, or for the term of their appointment as a visiting or conjoint appointee.

  • Credit

    When referring to course credit, credit is the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications. Credit can reduce the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Credit risk framework

    The credit limits approved by Finance Committee based upon rating agency credit ratings for different categories of defensive investments.

  • Credit transfer

    Is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications. Credit transfer involves mapping, comparing and evaluation the extent to which the learning outcome, discipline content and assessment requirements of the individual components of one qualification to another qualification.

  • Cumulative GPA

    The Grade Point Average calculated over all units undertaken within the program as per the Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation Guideline.

  • Current school leaver

    A domestic applicant seeking admission to the University who is currently undertaking a secondary qualification (e.g. Higher School Certificate (HSC), International Baccalaureate (IB), or interstate equivalent).

Return to TopD

  • Defensive investments

    Investments in cash and fixed interest securities. 

  • Delegate

    (noun) refers to a person occupying a position that has been granted or sub-delegated a delegation of authority, or a committee or body that has been granted or sub-delegated a delegation of authority.

  • Delegated authority

    refers to the specific description of the authority that is delegated or sub-delegated to a holder.

  • Deselection

    The process of maintaining value and relevance of Library collections by continually assessing material, and by removing access if necessary.

  • Digital asset

    Means all or any information, technology solution(s) (regardless of whether they are physical or software-based), and the facility(ies) that house them.

  • Direct appointment

    An appointment which is created without going through the Competitive Recruitment Process. Research staff appointed to these roles will be appointed on merit.

  • Directed Course

    A course chosen from within a list or group of courses.  A directed course list may be attached to a program, or a major within an undergraduate program, or a specialisation within a postgraduate program.

  • Disability

    As defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (as amended from time to time, or as per any replacing legislation).

  • Disciplinary action

    When used in relation to staff of the University, this is as defined in the applicable and current Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, or the staff member’s employment contract.  When used in relation to students of the University, this is as defined in the Student Conduct Rule.

  • Discontinuation

    When used in relation to a program, this refers to a program for which no new intakes are to be accepted. For all other uses the generic definition applies.

  • Discontinued

    When used in relation to a program, this refers to a program for which no new intakes are to be accepted. For all other uses the generic definition applies.

  • Discretionary capital

    The University’s non-restricted assets and includes endowment assets and real property assets not allocated to a specific purpose, accumulated reserves, and provisions. 

  • Disestablished awards

    Awards previously offered by the University which Academic Senate have determined will no longer be offered by the University.

  • Dispute

    Any dispute, difference or issue between the parties concerning or arising out of or in connection with or relating to an agreement or the subject matter of an agreement or the breach, validity, rectification, frustration, operation or interpretation of an agreement.

  • Domestic applicant

    An applicant (as defined by the University) who is an Australian citizen, Australian Permanent Humanitarian visa holder, Australian Permanent Resident, or New Zealand citizen (or dual citizenship holders of either Australia or New Zealand).

  • Domestic student

    A student (as defined by the University) who is an Australian citizen, Australian Permanent Humanitarian visa holder, Australian Permanent Resident or New Zealand citizen (or dual citizenship holders of either Australia or New Zealand).

  • Donation

    A gift of money or property made voluntarily to the University with no material benefit to the donor.

  • Donor funded

    Includes any named benefactor or philanthropic scholarship.

  • Draft timetable

    The timetable that is a work in progress available to staff only on the University website.

  • Driver

    Has the same meaning as section 4 of the Road Transport Act 2013.

  • Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD)

    Is an arrangement whereby a doctoral degree candidate is jointly supervised by the University and another institution, is enrolled at both institutions, and receives two testamurs, each acknowledging the dual award. Each DADD candidature is governed by an individual Candidate Agreement.

  • Due date

    The date specified in the course outline when an assessment item is to be submitted for marking or another date that may be set by the Course Coordinator.

Return to TopE

  • Early stage start-up

    Where one or more persons come together with the common goal of developing and commercialising an innovative idea into a commercially viable product or service.

  • Elective

    Any non compulsory course which may be undertaken within a program of study.

  • Electronic records

    Records communicated and maintained by means of electronic equipment. This is including, but not limited to, emails and electronic documents and spreadsheets.

  • ELICOS Programs

    English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students.

  • Enabling program

    A tertiary preparation program offered to domestic students.

  • Endowment capital

    A sum of money where the principal is managed in a way that seeks to preserve or grow its value in perpetuity.

  • Enforced leave

    A period of leave imposed on a Student by the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President, or Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) due to concern that the student may be a threat to property and/or a threat to self or others in terms of safety and/or welfare.

  • ESG framework

    The system of incorporating ESG considerations into the evaluation of investment manager selection or the determination of investment strategy.

  • ESG rating

    A rating of each investment manager’s capability in considering and integrating ESG factors as both investment risks and opportunities into their investment decision-making processes. ESG ratings are provided by the investment portfolio manager and are typically available for most asset classes other than cash.

  • Establishment

    When referring to an Award offered by the University, establishment means the process of approving an award that the University has decided to offer. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Examination

    An assessment item that contributes to a learning outcome or learning outcomes of a course. An examination may be undertaken during the teaching period of a course or during the formal examination period.

  • Exemption

    When referring to a student’s learning pathway, exemption means being excused from undertaking preparatory subjects, units, modules or competencies in a course or program, while still being required to undertake the same number of subjects, units, modules or competencies as would be completed if an exemption had not been granted. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Exit award

    An academic qualification that is conferred when a student has met the program requirements of a linked program within the same field of study as listed in the relevant Awards and Programs Schedule.

  • External Investment Manager

    A party external to the University appointed to manage investments under an investment management agreement, managed investment schemes or partnerships.

  • External parties

    Any individual or organisation external to the University.

  • External person

    Has the same meaning as set out in section 8 of the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • Extraneous enrolment

    In a course, means a student has:

    a) enrolled in a course which is not required for their program; or

    b) already successfully completed the course and been awarded a pass mark, or greater; or

    c) enrolled in a course, and that enrolment will result in the student completing units in excess of that required for their program.

Return to TopF

  • Financial hardship

    An inability to meet basic living needs. 

  • Financial year

    The University’s annual accounting period, ending 31 December.

  • Foreign influence

    All governments, including Australia’s, try to influence deliberations on issues of importance to them.  These activities, when conducted in an open and transparent manner, are a normal aspect of international relations and diplomacy and can contribute positively to public debate.

  • Foreign interference

    Foreign interference occurs when activities are carried out by, or on behalf of, a foreign actor that are coercive, clandestine, deceptive or corrupting and are contrary to Australia’s sovereignty, values and national interests.

  • Formal complaint

    A concern which has not been resolved informally, and which is then set out in writing, and forwarded to the University’s Complaints team.

  • Formal examination period

    The period at the end of each teaching term set aside in the University’s calendar for assessment by way of examination.

  • formal learning

    Learning that takes place through a structured program of learning that leads to full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification, course, or program.

  • fully graded date

    The approved date for the term at which official course results are released and published.

Return to TopG

  • Global Innovation Chair

    Is an acknowledged leader working in a field of global significance, engaging with the first tier of international research and/or industry collaborators, building high-performing research teams, and driving or directly supporting the translation of research outcomes through engagement and productive collaboration with partners.

  • Global Innovation Professorial Fellow

    Will have equivalent scholarly credentials to a Global Innovation Chair, but will normally be attached to the University for a temporary, time-limited period, generally not less than three weeks and may receive an allowance to support their travel and accommodation costs. A contribution to salary expenses may also be paid at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor. A Fellowship is generally offered if a world-leading researcher is unable to take up a full-time appointment as a Global Innovation Chair or the University is establishing a relationship with a globally-significant academic/ industry researcher.

  • GPA

    The Grade Point Average calculated over a set of courses or specified number of courses at a particular level as per the Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation Guideline. 

  • Graduate

    (Noun) Has the same meaning as in section 3(2) of the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • Growth investments

    All investment asset classes except defensive investments, fixed interest, and cash.

Return to TopH

  • Health and performance assessment

    An assessment undertaken by a relevant health or occupational professional regarding whether a student has the capacity to meet conduct, performance, and/or compliance requirements of a professional experience.

  • Health information

    As defined in the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002, or any replacing legislation.

  • Higher Degree by Research (HDR)

    Is a postgraduate university degree involving a unique supervised research project. These degrees are either a Masters of Philosophy, or a Doctoral degree (either Professional Doctorate or a PhD).

  • Higher Degree by Research supervisor

    The person appointed by the Head of School or Deputy Head of School, or where more than one such person is appointed, the person assigned the responsibility as principal supervisor.

  • Hiring Manager

    The staff member who is facilitating the recruitment on behalf of the School/Unit/Division/College. This is typically the supervisor of the vacant position. For sessional academic staff, this is typically the Head of School or their nominee.

  • Honorary award

    An honorary degree conferred by the University, without examination, as a mark of esteem.

  • Host organisation

    Any individual, organisation, institution, employer, agency, workplace, or body with whom a student is undertaking professional experience. 

  • HR Business Partner

    The member of Human Resource Services (HRS) appointed as the business partner for the relevant Unit or College.

Return to TopI

  • ICT resources

    All information and communication technology resources and facilities.

  • Impairment

    Has the same meaning as in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW). 

  • In-class examination

    A quiz, test, laboratory assignment, tutorial exercise, or any other work that is undertaken in a classroom during the term and is used to measure student learning outcomes and determine the student’s final result of a student in a course.

  • Independent entity

    A separate legal entity that is controlled and operated by a separate governing body independent of the University.

  • Individual investment mandate

    An investment with the Investment portfolio manager or an External investment manager in which the University’s investments are held directly for the benefit of the University and are not co-mingled with investment amounts of other parties.

  • informal learning

    Learning gained through work, social, family, hobby or leisure activities and experiences. It is not organised or structured in terms of objectives, time, or learning support.

  • Information asset

    A body of information, knowledge or data that is organised as a single entity and has value to the University.

  • Information Owner

    A senior business, college or unit manager whom the University has authorised to collect, create, retain and maintain information within their assigned area of control.

  • Intellectual property

    Intellectual property (IP), as defined by the World Intellectual Property Organisation, refers to creations of the mind:  inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories:

    1. Industrial property includes patents for inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications; and
    2. Copyright covers literary works (such as novels, poems and plays), films, music, artistic works (e.g. drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures) and architectural design. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and broadcasters in their radio and television programs.
  • Intellectual property rights

     All present and future rights to intellectual property including any inventions and improvements, trademarks (whether registered or common law trade marks), designs, copyright, any corresponding property rights under the Laws of any jurisdiction and any rights in respect of an invention, discovery, trade secret, secret process, know-how, concept, idea, information, process, data, or formula.

  • International applicant

    An applicant (as defined by the University) who is not an Australian citizen, Australian Permanent Resident or New Zealand citizen (or dual citizenship holders of either Australia or New Zealand).  See also International Student.

  • International student

    A student (as defined by the University) who is not an Australian citizen, Australian Permanent Resident or New Zealand citizen (or dual citizenship holders of either Australia or New Zealand). This includes students who will be studying offshore and those who will be studying onshore and have a student visa, provisional residency, temporary residency, bridging visa, or any other category of non-permanent visa for Australia.

  • Investment grade

    A rating assigned by the Investment portfolio manager to an external investment fund of B+ or higher.

  • Investment Portfolio Custodian

    An external entity responsible for safekeeping securities, and collections and disbursements of related payments and receipts attaching to the securities. Additional services may include investment performance reporting.

  • Investment Portfolio Manager

    A consultant approved by Finance Committee and appointed under an investment advice and management agreement to advise on and manage the University’s investment portfolio.

Return to TopJ

  • Joint Arrangement

    An arrangement for which two or more parties have joint control and are bound by a contractual arrangement.

  • Joint Medical Program (JMP)

    the Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine as delivered in partnership by University of Newcastle and University of New England.

  • Joint Operation

    A Joint Arrangement where parties (which includes the University and another entity or entities, whether incorporated or not) share joint control and have rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities relating to the arrangement.

  • Joint Venture

    A Joint Arrangement (which includes the University and another entity or entities, whether incorporated or not) where control is equally shared and each party has joint rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

  • Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD)

    Is an arrangement whereby a doctoral degree candidate is jointly supervised by the University and another institution, is enrolled at both institutions and receives one award bearing the seals of both institutions. Each JADD candidature is governed by an individual Candidate Agreement and a JADD Agreement between the collaborating institutions.

Return to TopL

  • Law

    All applicable statutes, regulations, by-laws, ordinances or subordinate legislation in force from time to time anywhere in Australia, whether made by the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory or a local government and, where the context permits, includes the common law and equity.

  • Learning Management System

    The web-based system used to help facilitate online interactions between staff and students in their learning and teaching activities.

  • Learning outcome

    In accordance with the AQF definitions, the expression of a set of knowledge, skills and the application of the knowledge and skills a person has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of learning.

  • Lecture

    Any timetabled activity labelled ‘lecture’ in the University’s timetabling and room booking system.

  • Lecturer

    All teaching academics including lecturers (of all levels), sessional academics and conjoint academics.

  • Level A academic

    Associate Lecturer

  • Level B academic


  • Level C academic

    Senior Lecturer.

  • Level D academic

    Associate Professor.

  • Level E academic


  • Level of risk

    Magnitude of a risk or combination of risks, expressed in terms of the combination of their consequence and likelihood.

  • Library client

    A user/s of the Library, including members of the public and visitors.

  • Library member

    A registered Library user including staff, students, members of University Council and honorary title holders.

  • Library user

    A user(s) of the Library services or facilities, including members of the public and visitors.

  • LTP

    Stands for long term pool, which holds an amount equal to total discretionary capital not allocated to the Short Term Pool (STP), with investments held for a period in excess of 3 years, or in perpetuity.

Return to TopM

  • Major

    When referring to a program major, this is a sequence of courses approved by the Program and Course Approval Committee, which students may be required to complete as part of their undergraduate program (except undergraduate Diplomas). Each major will contain at least 80 units with at least 60 unique units. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Minor amendment

    Is a change to a current policy document, as defined by the Policy Framework, that is of an insubstantial nature, not affecting the intent of the document. 

Return to TopN

  • National Board

    The Board responsible for registering practitioners and students, as well as other functions, for their particular profession. An example is the Psychology Board of Australia.

  • Nomenclature

    The system of naming awards and programs offered by the University.

  • Nominated executive

    In relation to an entity, the executive within the University that has oversight for the governance and business activities of the entity.

  • Non-academic misconduct

    Means conduct by a student that is defined as non-academic misconduct in the Student Conduct Rule.

  • Non-academic misconduct (student accommodation)

    Non-academic misconduct by a student who has entered into a Student Occupancy Agreement with the University and is related to the student’s tenancy.

  • non-formal learning

    Learning that takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification.

  • Non-recent school leaver

    A domestic applicant seeking admission to the University who has started or completed additional studies since completion of their secondary qualification.

  • Non-staff

    Visitors, students, or conjoint appointees who are not salaried appointments in the Human Resources system.

  • Normal duties

    As directed or approved by a staff member who has relevant delegated authority.

Return to TopO

  • Officer

     Has the meaning given in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), or any replacing legislation.

  • Open book examination

    An examination where students are allowed to take notes, books, or other reference material into the examination room.

  • Outbound secondment

    An arrangement where an existing University staff member is seconded to an external organisation for a fixed term duration.

  • Overall mark

    A mark that is determined by combining the percentage results awarded in an end-on Honours degree for each Honours course including the final honours research component (total 80 units) and taking into account the unit weighting of each course/component.

Return to TopP

  • Packaged program

    Two or more programs bundled together and offered to and/or accepted by an international student.

  • Passing grade

    A mark of P rather than a percentage mark where P/NP is the grading basis.

  • Pathways

    A mechanism to allow students to move through qualification levels with full or partial recognition for the qualifications and/or learning outcomes they already have.

  • Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Board

    The principal governance committee for the Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre.

  • Performance Review and Development Process

    The process set by the University that is undertaken between employees and their manager or supervisor where an open dialogue takes place about performance, goal setting, and development planning.

  • Personal information

    Has the same meaning as in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).

  • Personnel

     In relation to a party, any employee, officer, agent, contractor, sub-contractor, student or volunteer of that party.

  • PhD

     Is a Doctor of Philosophy degree, referred to as a Doctoral Degree (Research) by the Australian Qualifications Framework.

  • Philanthropic Pool

    Is the non-current investment pool for Philanthropic funds held by the University and used to support philanthropic activities, including trusts. Philanthropic funds include those with specific or general philanthropic spending requirements which may be held for distribution in one or more years or in perpetuity.

  • Plagiarism

    is the presentation of the thoughts or works of another as one's own. Without limiting the generality of this definition, it may include:
                                     i.        copying or paraphrasing material from any source without due acknowledgment
                                   ii.        using another person's ideas without due acknowledgment
                                  iii.        collusion or working with others without permission, and presenting the resulting work as though it was completed independently.

  • Policy library

    The repository of policy documents published on the University website.

  • Political donation

    Includes a gift or payment made to, or for the benefit of:
    (a) a political party;
    (b) an elected member of Parliament or of a local council; or
    (c) a candidate or group of candidates in a federal, state or local council election.
    Examples of political donations include:
    (a) a donation of money;
    (b) a contribution, entry fee or other payment to participate in a fundraising event or function which is primarily a political fundraiser and payment forms part of the proceeds of the event;
    (c) gifts or prizes for a political fundraiser or purchasing items at a political fundraiser; and
    (d) use of University facilities at no cost or at a reduced fee to political parties or political candidates for the purpose of political fundraising.

  • Postgraduate

    Any qualification being at the level of Graduate Certificate or above.

  • Posthumous award

    An award granted after the death of the recipient.

  • Preferred name

    An anglicised name, abbreviated name or acceptable nickname by which a student wishes to be referred.

  • Prerequisite

    A condition or requirement which must be fulfilled for enrolment to a course.

  • Prescribed date

    The date that is after the census date, and is set by the University in each term for each course as the last date for withdrawal from that course. Such withdrawals will not appear on academic transcripts but financial obligations will apply and the course withdrawn from will count towards the students’ academic progress.

  • Primary identifier

    The surname/last name/only name/family name, as identified on a passport or birth certificate.

  • Principal program

    The highest qualification, usually the main or last program, in a packaged program. 

  • Procurement

    The overarching activities, processes and systems undertaken to acquire goods and services for the University.

  • Procurement strategy

    The defined and structured way in which the University will approach the market and conduct the tender process for any given procurement, taking into account risk and the nature of the goods or services. 

  • Professional experience

    Has the same meaning as vocational placement in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).

  • Program

    When referring to learning, a program is a sequence of approved learning, usually leading to an Award.  For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Program Convenor

    The academic staff member with overall responsibility for the management and quality of a program.

  • Progressive marks, or feedback

    Students will be provided progressive results on their progress throughout the program by their Course Coordinator, supervisor or program convenor.

  • Published timetable

    The timetable that is published on the University’s website as at the re-enrolment date.

Return to TopR

  • Reasonable Adjustment Plan

    A document developed by a student with disability and the University’s AccessAbility Team which records reasonable adjustments.

  • Recent school leaver

    A domestic applicant seeking admission to the University who holds an assessable secondary qualification, completed within the 2 years prior to admission, and who has not completed additional studies since completion of their secondary qualification.

  • Recognised qualification

    A formal qualification which has been assessed in English and where successful completion indicates a person has met the standard for admission at the University.

  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

    Means an assessment of an individual’s prior learning to determine where credit will be granted. RPL includes formal, informal, and non-formal learning.

  • Registered Provider

    An Australian educational institution listed in the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and therefore having a current CRICOS provider number/code.

  • Removable media

    Any type of storage device that can be removed from an ICT resource while the system is running.

  • Research

    As defined in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, or any replacing Code or document. 

  • Research collaboration

    Means demonstrating one or more of the following: jointly supervised PhDs, jointly published papers, doctoral candidate exchange, academic visitor programs and joint ongoing research projects.

  • Research misconduct

    Means conduct by a student that is defined as research misconduct in the Student Conduct Rule.

  • Researcher

    As defined by the Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research, or any replacing Code or document.

  • RFQ

    Request for Quotation - the procurement method used by the University when detailed specifications of a good or service are known and competitive bids are to be evaluated mainly on price.

  • Risk

    Effect of uncertainty on objectives. Note: An effect is a deviation from the expected, whether it is positive and/or negative.

  • Risk appetite

    An organisation’s approach to assess and eventually pursue, retain, take or turn away from risk.

  • Risk assessment

    The overall process of risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation.

  • Risk management

    The co-ordination of activities to optimise the management of potential opportunities and reduce the consequence or impact of adverse effects or events.

  • Risk management process

    Systematic application of management policies, procedures, and practices to the activities of communicating, consulting, establishing the context, and identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring, and reviewing risk.

  • Risk profile

    Description of any set of risks.

Return to TopS

  • Salary packaging

    An arrangement between a staff member and the University where the staff member agrees to forgo part of their salary on a pre-tax basis in return for benefits of a similar value provided by the University (or someone associated with the University). Salary packaging is also commonly referred to as salary sacrificing.

  • School

    An organisational unit forming part of a College or Division, responsible for offering a particular course.

  • Secondary identifier

    The first/other/ given name(s), as identified on a passport or birth certificate.

  • Secondment

    The temporary transfer of an individual to another School/ Unit or employer, to enhance staff development and build organisational knowledge and relationships.

  • Selection Committee

    A committee convened to assess candidates under consideration through competitive recruitment.

  • Selection rank

    The applicant’s rank determined for the purpose of undergraduate admission, inclusive of any adjustment factors.

  • Senior staff

    Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Global Innovation Chair, Global Innovation Professorial Fellow, Head of School, Director or equivalent.

  • Service indicators

    A system mechanism for flagging a student’s service status. A negative service indicator indicates that the student has outstanding tuition fees or library fines. A positive service indicator, indicates that the student has a surplus balance due to an overpayment.

  • Significant influence

    Has the same meaning as defined in AASB 128(5). The University Annual Report further defines this as 20% to 50% or more of the voting power.

  • SIP

    Stands for Strategic Investment Pool, which holds an amount equal to the total discretionary capital not allocated to the IMFI or Philanthropic Pool, with investments held for a period in excess of 3 years.

  • Social media channels

    The University of Newcastle operates a number of social media channels including blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and an official YouTube channel. The University's official social media channels refer to all channels established by a University staff member/business owner that supports University matters.

  • Specialisation

    When referring to a program, a specialisation is a sequence of courses, approved by the Program and Course Approval Committee, which students may be required to complete as part of their postgraduate coursework program. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Specialist proxy voting firm

    An entity that provides specialist shareholder voting services and exercises shareholders’ voting rights on behalf of the University in accordance with an agreed voting mandate.

  • Specified credit

    Is credit granted towards specific courses of a program of study.

  • Staff

    Means a person who was at the relevant time employed by the University and includes professional and academic staff of the University, by contract or ongoing, as well as conjoint staff but does not include visitors to the University.

  • Start-up company

    An incorporated entity which possesses one or more of the following characteristics:
    • It is incorporated as a separate legal entity;
    • It has a valid constitution and shareholders agreement, to which the University is a party;
    • The University’s investment in the Start-up is considered material, in terms of its relative size and/or strategic importance, as determined by the Start-up Investment Group (SIG); and
    • It is required to prepare audited general purpose financial statements.

  • Start-up Investment Group

    The group that has oversight of early stage investment in start-ups, comprising representation from University staff and external experts.

  • Stewardship

    The process whereby an institution cares for and protects its philanthropic support – its gifts and those who give them - in a way that responds to the donor’s expectations and respects the act of giving.

  • STP

    Stands for short term pool, which holds an amount sufficient for working capital and short term cash flow requirements, with investments generally held for a period of up to 3 years. 

  • Student

    A person formally enrolled in a course or active in a program offered by the University or affiliated entity.

  • Student Academic Conduct Officer (SACO)

    An academic staff member appointed by the University to receive and manage reports of academic misconduct.

  • Student Academic Conduct Officer Coordinator

    Is a senior Student Academic Conduct Officer (SACO) appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President. The SACO Coordinator works closely with SACOs to develop relevant training materials and resources, and to provide training and support for SACOs through workshops and consultations. The SACO Coordinator draws relevant issues to the attention of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President and provides advice to SACOs, Heads of School, and Pro Vice-Chancellors on issues of concern.

  • Student hub

    Is located at Callaghan, Ourimbah, Newcastle and Port Macquarie or the administrative units for students enrolled at Sydney or Singapore.

  • Student misconduct

    Academic misconduct, non-academic misconduct and/or research misconduct.

  • Student Misconduct Register (SMR)

    Is the confidential register used by the University of Newcastle to record incidents of student misconduct, whether academic, non-academic or research. Only authorised officers have access to the SMR. 

  • Student placement

    Student placement provides opportunity for a student to apply theory and skills learned at university in a professional workplace.  Student placements include Work Integrated Learning (WIL), professional placements, practicum, internship, clinical placements, and any other form of professional, industrial or vocational experience in a real work environment that requires non-paid participation. Student placement will usually be arranged by the University and will form part of a course and/or a program requirement.

  • Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

    Is a fee collected by the University to fund non-academic student services and amenities.

  • Student set

    A set of activities within a standard program of study which must be scheduled to avoid clashes. This set of activities may involve more than one College or School and more than one Campus.

  • Supervisor

    Staff members with direct supervisory responsibility for other staff within the workplace (a Supervisor may also be member of Senior Management, with duties as an Officer as defined in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, or any replacing legislation).

  • Suspension

    The temporary termination of a student’s rights and privileges for a specified period of time, which may include:
    (a) suspension from attendance at lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical classes, supervisor meetings or similar periods of instruction
    (b) withdrawal of the right to use, enter or to be within the Premises and/or
    (c) suspension from representing the University.

  • System Administrator

    An individual responsible for the installation and maintenance of an information system, providing effective information system utilisation, adequate security parameters, and sound implementation of established Information Security policy and procedures.

  • System Owner

    An authorised individual who has been allocated responsibility by the University and is held accountable for an ICT resource.

Return to TopT

  • Term

    When referring to an academic period, term means a period of time aligned to an academic year for the delivery of a course in which students enrol and for which they are usually charged fees for example semesters, trimesters, summer, winter or full-year term. The academic year for a term is determined by the academic year in which the course commences, not concludes. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Testamur

    A ceremonial document presented to a graduate upon the successful completion of their program.

  • Thesis

    A dissertation involving research by a candidate for the award of a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) qualification.

  • Third party

    A person or group other than the University or any of the University’s partner institutions.

  • Timetable data collection form

    The form used for the collection of data to inform the timetable, specifically regarding staff availability for the upcoming year.

  • Total Financial Investment Portfolio

    The total amount of funds invested within the Strategic Investment Pool, Philanthropic Pool and the Internally Managed Fixed Interest portfolio. It does not include listed or unlisted shareholdings of the University.

  • Traditional investments

    Investment assets limited to fixed interest, cash, listed equities, and real property.

Return to TopU

  • Unavoidable commitments

    Includes caring responsibilities, cultural or religious commitments, commitments within the Australian Defence Forces or similar international bodies, commitments as an elite athlete to attend an event, obligations to jury duty, or another commitment that cannot by its nature be rescheduled.

  • Undergraduate

    Refers to any qualification up to and including the level of a Bachelor Honours degree.

  • Unit

    When referring to an academic unit, unit means the proportional amount of academic credit allotted to a course. This term is used to define the requirements for a program award of the University and indicate a student’s enrolment load. For all other uses of this term, the generic definition applies.

  • Unit value

    The unit value for the course: 5,10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 units.

  • University

    The University of Newcastle, a body corporate established under sections 4 and 5 of the University of Newcastle Act 1989.

  • University business

    Work that the University has directed to be undertaken which is required, essential, and beneficial for the functions of the University. This includes, but is not limited to, attending meetings, conferences or fieldwork, but does not include activity that is not location specific, e.g. email management, writing papers. University business may be undertaken by staff and non-staff.

  • University facility

    Infrastructure owned, maintained or supported by the University.

  • University resources

    Any resources of the University including the staff member’s work time or duties, facilities, equipment, systems, IT networks, other staff resources and the University’s name, logo or any other identifying mark or brand of the University.

  • University travel

    Travel on pre-approved University business, away from the University traveller’s primary workplace or place of enrolment. Travel to and from the University to begin or end employment or study is excluded.

  • University traveller

    Persons travelling on pre-approved University business.  Spouses, partners and dependants of the traveller are excluded.

  • University website
    • the registered domain and all incorporated websites;
    • the websites of all University Divisions, Units and Faculties and University –owned and/or controlled entities, all of which should be hosted on the registered domain: ;
    • websites hosted by the University including Research Centres and non-controlled entities;
    • other websites that have approved University-branding or are considered to represent the University; and
    • all resources accessible from within the above websites, except where these resources are not provided directly by the University (e.g. Turnitin).                                                  It does not include:
    • linked websites and resources that are not owned or controlled by the University.
  • Unspecified credit

    Is credit granted towards directed or elective courses of a program of study.

Return to TopV

  • Vehicle

    Has the same meaning as section 4 of the Road Transport Act 2013.

  • Visiting appointment

    Appointment of an academic who is invited from an interstate or overseas institution to contribute to the academic activities of the University without remuneration in the form of salary.

  • Volume of learning

    Identifies the notional duration of all activities required for the achievement of the learning outcomes specified for a particular AQF qualification type. It is expressed in equivalent full-time years.

  • Volunteer researcher

    Means an individual, other than a visiting or conjoint appointment, Higher Degree by Research candidate or participant in a formal student exchange program, who is invited to participate in research activities without being employed or remunerated by the University.  This includes international placements and a University of Newcastle student with approval to participate in research activities outside of their assessable course or program requirements. An international volunteer researcher would normally:

                   i.               be at least eighteen years of age;

                  ii.               have been studying or engaged in their field of expertise for at least the last twelve months prior to the visit;

                 iii.               have sufficient English proficiency to undertake a research program;

                 iv.               have adequate health insurance;

                  v.               not be enrolled at post-graduate level at another Australian institution; and

                 vi.               hold an appropriate visa for the purpose and duration of stay.

  • Vulnerability Management

    A capability that identifies, mitigates and remediates vulnerabilities in devices or software that are likely to be used by attackers to compromise the confidentiality, integrity and/or availability of systems or data.

Return to TopW

  • Weighted Average Mark (WAM)

    The average mark in the units of study completed by a student, weighted according to the unit value and academic level of the particular course.

  • Withdrawal

    The disposal of unused duplicates, damaged and/or mutilated material, superseded, and duplicated editions.

  • Work experience volunteer

    Means an individual who is approved to undertake vocational work experience at a University facility without remuneration in the form of salary.

  • Work integrated learning

    In the context of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HES Framework), work-integrated learning (WIL) encompasses any arrangement where students undertake learning in a work context as part of their course requirements. WIL can be undertaken as part of coursework or research training.

  • Working day

    Any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a public holiday in Newcastle, on which business may be conducted.