(1) These Rules are made by Council in accordance with the provisions of the University of Newcastle Act 1989 (NSW) and are part of the legislative framework established by Council to manage, in this instance the awards and programs offered by the University. Related Rules and other policy documents are listed under Essential Supporting Documents and Related Documents. (2) The purpose of these Rules is to prescribe the establishment, quality assurance, revision, discontinuation and disestablishment of awards and programs at the University of Newcastle. These Rules also prescribe the responsibilities of the University in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), including delivery of learning outcomes, volume of learning and compliance monitoring. (3) These Rules: (4) Policies and Procedures supporting these Rules are developed in accordance with the University of Newcastle Policy Framework. (5) In the event of an inconsistency between lower level policy documents and a Rule(s) or Schedule to the Rule(s), the Rule(s) made by Council prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. (6) In the event of an inconsistency between an Academic Senate policy document and a Faculty policy, procedure or guideline, the policy document of Academic Senate prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. (7) These Rules apply to all awards and programs created, established and offered by the University of Newcastle. (8) Specific award qualification requirements, including the volume of learning, are listed in the relevant Award and Program Schedule. (9) Students enrolled in a program of study that they are unable to complete may be eligible to apply for and receive an Exit Award if they have completed the relevant program requirements. (10) Students who have received an Exit Award and seek to undertake further study will be required to re-apply for admission. Re-admission may not be available in all programs. (11) Academic Senate is authorised to: (12) Academic Senate will monitor program completions to ensure that the programs offered by the University continue to align with the strategic directions of the University as determined by the Council. (13) The President of Academic Senate is authorised, on behalf of Academic Senate, to: (14) The Vice-Chancellor is authorised to approve the addition of new programs to the University profile. (15) The Program and Course Approval Committee is authorised, on behalf of Academic Senate, to: (16) The Program and Course Approval Committee is responsible for ensuring that programs comply with the relevant University policies. (17) The Program and Course Approval Committee will only consider proposals for new enabling programs, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs after approval has been granted by the Vice-Chancellor for the program to be included in the University profile. (18) New programs must either be: (19) Programs approved by the Program and Course Approval Committee will be recorded in the: (20) The Academic Senate is responsible for ensuring that programs offered by the University, where appropriate, comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework including the: (21) Academic Senate is authorised to approve policies and procedures to provide appropriate pathways and credit arrangements, ensuring that when credit is granted it: (22) The Program and Course Approval Committee is authorised, on behalf of Academic Senate to: (23) The Program and Course Approval Committee is responsible for establishing a definition for major and minor program revisions. (24) The Program and Course Approval Committee is required to ensure that revisions to programs: (25) The Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty is required to notify relevant Faculty(ies) and the Academic Registrar of any major revisions or variations to a program. (26) Academic Senate is authorised to prescribe the maximum time for completion of a program. (27) The Program and Course Approval Committee is authorised, on behalf of Academic Senate, to approve exceptions to the maximum time for completion of a program, on advice from the relevant Faculty Board. (28) The maximum time for completion of a program will be listed in the Maximum Time for Completion of Programs Schedule. (29) Leave provisions are set out in the Rules Governing Admission and Enrolment and the Rules Governing Research Higher Degrees. (30) Academic Senate is authorised to approve policies and procedures to assist student progression. (31) The Faculty Progress and Appeals Committee is authorised, on behalf of Academic Senate, to apply sanctions for unsatisfactory academic performance by a student in a coursework program, including: (32) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is authorised to consider and determine the outcome of any appeal against sanctions applied for unsatisfactory academic performance by a student in a coursework program. (33) Academic Senate is authorised to discontinue a program deemed no longer viable and will report any such decisions to Council. (34) The Program and Course Approval Committee is authorised, on behalf of Academic Senate, to approve the discontinuation of a program on the recommendation from the appropriate committee: (35) Such decisions will be reported to Council via Academic Senate. (36) Prior to approving the discontinuation of a program, the Program and Course Approval Committee is required to ensure that: (37) To provide for exceptional circumstances arising in any particular case, the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of the President of Academic Senate and a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, may relax any provision of these Rules except for the establishment and disestablishment of awards.Rules Governing Awards and Programs
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Awards – Qualification Types
Section 5 - Program – Qualification
Top of PageSection 6 - Programs – Creation and Approval
Top of PageSection 7 - Programs – Quality Assurance
Top of PageSection 8 - Programs – Pathways and Credit
Top of PageSection 9 - Program – Revision
Section 10 - Programs – Maximum Time for Completion
Section 11 - Programs – Leave
Section 12 - Programs – Student Progression
Section 13 - Programs - Discontinuation
Top of PageSection 14 - Relaxing Provision
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