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Rules Governing Gladys M Brawn Memorial Gift Committee

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Establishment

(1) The "Gladys M Brawn Memorial Gift Committee" (the Gift Committee) was established by the Council at its 6/95 meeting held on 8 December 1995, to administer the income received from the fund created by the donations to the University from the late Leslie Harold Brawn during his lifetime. The composition of the Committee, and its responsibilities are specified in the Deed of Gift dated 11 February 1993.

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Section 2 - Purpose and Responsibilities of the Committee

(2) In accordance with section 6.5 of the Deed of Gift, the purpose and responsibility of the Gift Committee are to:-

  1. establish and administer "The Gladys M Brawn Memorial Fellowship" to attract researchers in Medicine or disciplines related to Medicine; and
  2. nominate recipients for the Fellowship to the Council.

(3) The Gift Committee will:-

  1. determine the manner in which the availability of the Fellowship will be advertised, including the vehicles for its announcement, and the country or countries in which such availability will be advertised;
  2. determine the criteria to be applied in the selection of the successful candidate for the Fellowship, having regard to the provision in section 3 of the Deed of Gift, that those selected must demonstrate "the potential to become world recognised academics or clinicians in medicine or in disciplines related to medicine in order to promote research and study in that particular field of discipline";
  3. determine the duration of the Fellowship in respect of each candidate recommended to the Council;
  4. determine the conditions under which a Fellowship may be held and, if the Fellowship is to be available to any particular candidate over a specified period subject to the satisfaction of certain criteria, what those criteria are to be/

(4) In making nominations for award of the Fellowship, the Gift Committee will take such expert advice as it can reasonably obtain (including consultation by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health) with the Professors of the Faculty of Health, as to the relative merits of the applicants and of the research projects which each applicant proposes.

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Section 3 - Membership

(5) As provided under section 6.3 of the Deed of Gift, the Gift Committee shall comprise the persons for the time being holding the positions of:-

  1. the Vice-Chancellor, the University of Newcastle;
  2. the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health), the University of Newcastle;
  3. the Mayor of the City of Newcastle;
  4. the Member of Parliament for the State Seat of Newcastle (or such electorate that includes the Central Business District of the City of Newcastle);
  5. the Editor of the leading Newcastle daily newspaper;
  6. the Manager of the leading Newcastle commercial television station;
  7. the Regional Director or the Deputy Regional Director of the Hunter Region of the New South Wales Department of Health.
  8. decide who the persons are, from time to time, who occupy the positions defined in clause 5 above;
  9. select a substitute person of near description, near interest or near background in respect of each vacancy arising from time to time caused by any of the office-holders described in clause 5 above being unable or unwilling to accept appointment to the Gift Committee; and
  10. decide any dispute as to the membership of the Gift Committee.
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Section 4 - Frequency of Meetings

(6) The Gift Committee shall meet as frequently as is necessary for it to fulfil its purpose and responsibilities, but not less than once in each calendar year.

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Section 5 - Quorum

(7) The quorum for meetings of the Gift Committee shall be three.

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Section 6 - Reporting

(8) The Gift Committee shall report to the Council after each meeting.