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Space Management Allocation Guideline and Procedure

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) The Space Management and Allocation Guideline and Procedure (SMAGP) has been developed to support the Space Management Policy.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) The SMAGP will be applied when:

  1. Defining proposals for new space allocation
  2. Defining proposals for refurbished space
  3. Defining proposals for additional space
  4. Reviewing existing space allocations
  5. Evaluating space requests.
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Section 3 - Intent

(3) The intent of the SMAGP is to provide space standards and procedures to be applied in accordance with the scope of this document. The space allocations identified in the SMAGP provide guidance for planning purposes. The SMAGP provides the minimum space standards to be applied in the design and reconfiguration of facilities and seeks to provide the necessary flexibility to meet the needs of the University, staff and students.

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Section 4 - Space Planning Allowances

Workspace Design Criteria

(4) The following criteria are applicable to the design of workspaces:

  1. Consultation: The design of work environments will be undertaken in consultation with affected staff.
  2. Natural light: individual workspaces should be located near the perimeter of the building where possible to promote access to natural light. Private offices should be located within a central core of a building and away from external building windows.
  3. Multiple work modes: a suitable variety of ancillary spaces should be provided to support different modes of work and to encourage collaboration. These spaces should include quiet rooms, meeting rooms, consultation rooms and informal breakout areas. The zoning and interconnectedness of these space should be clearly identified when defining a proposal.
  4. Confidentiality: access to office and research space by students and visitors should be managed through provision of ancillary spaces such as shared and bookable meeting spaces. Where possible these space should be positioned outside of the primary office and research space.
  5. Flexibility: workspace design should facilitate the co-location of teams, research groups and discipline groups where possible.
  6. Adaptation and growth: workspace design should be flexible and allow for cost effective change and adaptation. The use of fixed joinery and the provision of private offices should be minimised.
  7. Access to shared resources: access to ancillary facilities such as lunch rooms, toilets, printing and waste disposal areas should be shared between organisational units.
  8. Access to meeting space: meeting spaces should be shared across the University and should be made bookable by any staff member. This will be necessary to ensure that small teams and units have access to appropriate ancillary spaces.
  9. Proximity to laboratories: the workspace of academic and research staff should be located in proximity to their laboratory workspace where possible.
  10. Access to teaching spaces: access to all teaching spaces is shared. New and refurbished teaching spaces should be centrally timetabled and available for shared access via the University timetable system.
  11. Private offices: the frontage of private offices space should include at least 50% glazing to promote access to natural light and transparency.
  12. Security: academic and research teams should be accommodated in workspaces that are appropriately partitioned at the perimeter to provide a secure environment. Suitable ancillary space and secured printing should be provided to facilitate confidential work.
  13. Storage: lockable storage should be provided in under-desk drawer units and book storage areas provided based on need. Larger storage furniture should be minimised and located in shared collaborative space where possible.
  14. Furniture: a standard suite of furniture should be used to reduce waste and minimise the University's environmental impacts.
  15. Environmental controls: control which allow user adjustment of temperature, ventilation and light are encouraged.
  16. Environmental noise: workspaces should be designed to include noise abatement measures wherever possible.
  17. Technology: appropriate levels of technology should be provided to support the function of each workspace.

Space Allocation Specifications

(5) The following specifications are applicable to the allocation of staff accommodation:

  1. Staff and student numbers are to be based on Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) respectively.
  2. Casual or fractional staff below 0.8 FTE will typically be required to share a workspace and should only be provided with a dedicated individual workspace where the faculty or division can demonstrate an ongoing need.
  3. Space planning allowances identified within Section 4 of the SMGAP may require variation by up to 25% due to physical or structural constraints of existing buildings.
  4. An additional allowance of up to 30% should be made for the purpose of internal circulation where required.

Professional and Teaching Staff Accommodation

(6) The following space allocations provide guidance for planning purposes:

Occupancy type Type of space Allowance Comment
Chief Operating Office or equivalent Private office 20 m2/FTE  
Unit Director or equivalent Workspace or private office 12 m2/FTE Unit Directors will typically be located in a workspace environment however a private office will be available subject to need.
All other professional and teaching staff Workspace 6 m2/FTE*
Workspace desk module 1800 mm x 750 mm.
Allowance includes dedicated solo work zone of approximately 3.15 m2, and contribution of 2.85 m2 to shared collaborative zones.
* The above space allowances incorporate an additional allowance for ancillary space. As such the full space allocation will not to be assigned to each individual workspace.

(7) Refer also to the Indicative Professional Workspace and Ancillary Office Space Diagram.

Academic, Research and Postgraduate Accommodation

(8) The following space allocations provide guidance for planning purposes:

Occupancy Type Type of Space Allowance Comment
Vice-Chancellor Private office 24 m2/FTE  
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Private office 20 m2/FTE  
Pro Vice-Chancellor Private office 15 m2/FTE May elect to be part of the workspace environment.
Head of School or equivalent Private office 15 m2/FTE May elect to be part of the workspace environment.
Level D - E Private office 9 m2/FTE May elect to be part of the workspace environment.
Level A - C Workspace 8 m2/FTE*
2500 mm x 2500 mm workspace module, typically containing a desk, book shelving, privacy screens & acoustic boards.
Refer to solo work zone in Diagram 2.
Allowance includes dedicated solo work zone of 6.25 m2, and contribution of 1.75 m2 to shared collaborative zones.
Post graduate space Workspace 4.5 m2/student*
Workspace desk module 1500 mm x 750 mm
Allowance includes dedicated solo work zone of approximately 2.6 m2, and contribution of approximately 1.4 m2 to shared collaborative zones.
* The above space allowances incorporate an additional allowance for ancillary space. As such the full space allocation is not to be assigned to each individual workspace.

(9) Refer also to the Indicative Academic Workspace and Ancillary Office Space Diagram.

Ancillary Space

(10) The following specifications are applicable to ancillary space:

  1. Access to ancillary spaces is to be shared and guided by the allowances in the table below.
  2. Small units of staff may not always be provided dedicated or allocated ancillary spaces, and access to space will need to be shared.
  3. Reduces rates of ancillary spaces should be applied where an area is primarily comprised of private offices
  4. Space planning allowances for ancillary office space have been incorporated within the square metre allowance for individual workstations. A separate space allowance for ancillary office space should therefore not be required.

(11) The following space allocations provide guidance for planning purposes:

Type of Space Rate of Provision Comment
Quiet room 1 per 10 workspace Typically 4 to 6 m2 for each room. Space provides for private telephone calls or short periods of quiet work. Typically accommodates one or two staff.
Small meeting/interview room 1 per 20 workspace Typically 12 m2 for each room. Typically accommodates six staff.
Touch down desk 1 per 50 FTE Typically 1500 mm x 750 workspace desk included in a shared office. A touchdown design is suitable roving staff.
Large meeting/conference room 1 per 75 FTE Typically 28 m2 for each room and can accommodates fourteen staff.
Informal work spaces, and collaborative spaces not noted above Preferably within every work environment Includes break out spaces and areas for informal collaboration and discussion. The spaces should be located within suitable proximity to teams to promote collaboration.

Teaching Spaces

(12) Teaching space allowances noted below are high level allowances only. Teaching space is affected by pedagogy and technology and requires validation through design development.

(13) The following space allocations provide guidance for planning purposes:

Type of Space Allowance
Flat floor teaching spaces – traditional level of technology 2 m2/student
Flat floor teaching spaces – collaborative learning with enhanced level of technology 3.5 m2/student
Tiered floor teaching spaces – traditional level of technology, with fixed seating 1.5 m2/student
Tiered floor teaching spaces – collaborative learning with enhanced level of technology 2.5 m2/student
Informal learning 0.25 m2/student
Specialised learning spaces
2 m2/student as a nominal minimum.
Space allowances are impacted by the nature of specialised learning and are subject to design development. Specialised learning areas include drawing studios, design studios, workshops and simulation labs.


(14) Laboratory allowances noted below are high level allowances only. Laboratory space allowance is highly variable by discipline and subject to design development.

(15) The following space allocations provide guidance for planning purposes:

Occupancy Type Allowance for Lab Space Only Comment
Research – wet lab 8.4 m2/FTE 1800 mm long x 730 mm deep bench per staff station (excludes ancillary spaces).
Research – dry lab 7 m2/FTE 1800 mm long x 730 mm deep bench per staff station (excludes ancillary spaces) or equivalent.
Teaching – wet lab 5 m2/student Based on flexible student stations arranged around fixed service posts or hangers.
Teaching – dry lab 5 m2/student Based on flexible student stations arranged around fixed service posts or hangers.

(16) Ancillary spaces are not included in the above allowances. The space loading of ancillary spaces is variable by discipline and subject to design development.

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Section 5 - Requests for Space

(17) The ‘Space Management Request Form’ available from the University website should be submitted for all requests relating to:

  1. new or additional space
  2. changing the use or function of an existing space
  3. relinquishing existing allocated space. Infrastructure and Facilities Services will be responsible for assessing space requests and making recommendations to the appropriate approval authority as identified in Section 5 of the Space Management Policy.
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Section 6 - Management of Allocated Space

(18) It is the responsibility of occupants to ensure:

  1. all windows and doors are secure and all appliances are turned off at the completion of each work day
  2. building systems such as air conditioning and lighting are turned of when spaces are not being used
  3. emergency exits are not obstructed and room capacities are not exceeded
  4. all files, records, equipment and belongings are to be removed prior to vacating an allocated space
  5. biological, chemical or radiation hazards are removed by the occupying unit prior to vacating laboratory space
  6. staff are familiar with emergency evacuation plans and procedures.
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Section 7 - Review of Space Management Data

(19) It is the responsibility of Infrastructure and Facilities Services to:

  1. review and update the University's Space Management Policy and Space Management and Allocation Guideline and Procedures as required
  2. maintain accurate data, plans and records on University space using approved space management software
  3. audit University space and assess user demand for space as required; and
  4. undertake consultation and provide guidance on the management and allocation of space as required.