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Space Management Policy

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) This policy sets out the principles and responsibilities for the management and allocation of University space. This policy is supported by the University of Newcastle Space Management Allocation Guideline and Procedure which is intended to ensure a clear and consistent understanding and implementation of this policy.

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Section 2 - Policy Scope

(2) This policy applies to all space owned, operated, leased or licenced by the University of Newcastle.

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Section 3 - Policy Intent

(3) The intent of this policy is to provide a framework of principles and responsibilities that guides the equitable allocation of University space in support of the University Strategic Plan.

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Section 4 - Policy Principles

(4) The University is seeking to create a flexible, collaborative, comfortable and contemporary work environment for its staff as office space is refurbished or new office space is built.

(5) The University will manage space to maximise benefits to the University as a whole, including staff and students, support strategic objectives and optimise expenditure on facilities.

(6) The University will apply the Space Management and Allocation Guidelines and Procedures when allocating or designing space.

(7) The design of work environments will be undertaken in consultation with staff.

(8) Space allocation will be prioritised to provide support for education, research and the student experience.

(9) Space will be centrally allocated in accordance with the roles and responsibilities as described in this policy.

(10) Periodic reallocations of space will be necessary to meet changing University priorities and variations in user demand.

(11) The allocation of space to any organisational unit will not be regarded as permanent.

(12) The University will seek to share facilities where possible rather than dedicating a facility to a single or small group of users.

(13) Accommodation for all new staff must be identified prior to the commencement of staff recruitment.

(14) The University will seek to provide appropriate space for all students and staff that meets statutory compliance requirements, work health and safety standards, business functions and appropriate environmental standards.

(15) The University encourages multi-purpose work environments that support collaboration, innovation and equity.

(16) The occupancy cost for space will be managed and borne centrally by Infrastructure and Facilities Services.

(17) It is expected under the majority of circumstances, no more than one workspace will be allocated to a member of staff.

(18) Where a staff member spends the majority of their time in a laboratory environment, office workspaces will be allocated where there is a demonstrated need for two workspaces.

(19) Honorary or conjoint staff may be allocated space if there is a demonstrated need based on the conjoint staff member contributing to the University.

(20) A workspace may be retained for up to six months when a staff member is absent on approved leave, however the space may be reallocated on a temporary basis following consultation with the head of an organisational unit.

(21) Space that is shared with other organisations will be managed in accordance with relevant and applicable formal agreements.

(22) All space vacated due to the provision of alternative or new space will revert back to Infrastructure and Facilities Services for re-allocation.

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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities

Strategic Asset Management Committee

(23) The Strategic Asset Management Committee (SAMC) will be responsible for determining the optimal allocation of space across all campuses and may direct organisational units to be relocated to meet approved strategic planning outcomes. The SAMC will be responsible for reviewing the outcomes of consultation with staff.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

(24) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (DVCA) will be responsible for providing recommendations to SAMC on the allocation of teaching space. Where required, the DVCA will also be responsible for determining the optimal allocation of teaching space. The DVCA will be responsible for consulting with affected staff where appropriate.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

(25) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) (DVCRI) will be responsible for providing recommendations to SAMC on the allocation of research space. Where required, the DVCRI will also be responsible for determining the optimal allocation of research space. The DVCRI will be responsible for consulting with affected staff where appropriate. For the purpose of this Policy, office space used for research activities will considered an office space.

Chief Operating Officer

(26) The Chief Operating Officer (COO) will be responsible for providing recommendations to SAMC on the allocation of all other space not addressed in clauses 23 to 25 of this policy. Where required, the COO will also be responsible for determining the optimal allocation of office, external and other space. The COO will be responsible for consulting with affected staff where appropriate. The COO will manage the allocation of all space to external parties through leases, licences or other formal access agreements. This does not apply to short term venue hiring or short term storage agreements (less than 12 months).

Pro Vice-Chancellor

(27) Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellors will nominate a member of staff to manage space for that Faculty. The member of staff is responsible for:

  1. ensuring that organisational unit’s space is used efficiently according to functional needs.
  2. meeting periodically with the Director, Infrastructure and Facilities Services to review user demand for space.
  3. consultation with Faculty staff on space needs and requirements.

Director, Infrastructure and Facilities Services

(28) The Director, Infrastructure and Facilities Services (DIFS) will be responsible for:

  1. the operational allocation of vacant or impending vacant office space
  2. the allocation and management of all outdoor space
  3. approving changes to the functionality of all space
  4. an annual review of the Space Management Allocation Guideline and Procedure.

Summary of Responsibility for Space Types

(29) The table below summaries the responsibility for University space types as identified within clauses 23 to 28 of this policy.

Summary Table - Responsibility for Space Types

  Teaching Research Office External Other Outdoor
DVCA x          
DVCRI   x        
COO     x x x  
SAMC x x x x x  
DIFS     x