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Work Integrated Learning and Career-ready Placement Management Procedure

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the enquiries contact - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure defines the responsibilities and processes associated with Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and Career-Ready placements (placements) for University of Newcastle (University) staff, students, host organisations and third-party providers.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This procedure applies to:

  1. students undertaking approved WIL experiences in undergraduate and postgraduate programs and courses, both paid and unpaid, including placements;
  2. WIL and placements activities undertaken in Australia or overseas; and
  3. staff of the University, host organisations and third-party providers involved in the design, assessment, facilitation, delivery, hosting and supervision of WIL and placements.

(3) This procedure does not apply to:

  1. work activities undertaken by students that are outside the requirements of a program or course;
  2. Work Experience in Industry (WEI) units;
  3. placements undertaken as part of an exchange program, Study Abroad opportunity, cross-institutional study with a partner university; or
  4. experiences undertaken by Higher Degree by Research candidates.

(4) Each College or School within the University will staff and manage WIL and placement processes differently depending on their requirements. This procedure details the minimum requirements set by the University. Where the procedure assigns responsibility to a College/School it is the responsibility of the College Pro Vice-Chancellor to ensure that these responsibilities are assigned to a specific role within the College or School.

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Section 3 - Definitions

(5) For the purposes of this Procedure:

  1. Career-ready Placements (placement) is the University's flagship WIL initiative. Career-ready placements include student experiences of work within the curriculum that are undertaken in partnership with and for industry, business, or community partners, through engagement with authentic and genuine activities, and which are credit-bearing and assessed.
  2. Host Agreement means a written and signed agreement between the University and the host organisation in relation to the provision of a WIL or placement. Unless otherwise agreed by the authorised University delegate, the University's Host Agreement template must be used for all WIL and career-ready placements and is available via the Legal and Compliance Support Portal.
  3. Host Registration Form means the form the University uses to collect information from potential host organisations to inform decision making prior to entering into a Host Agreement.
  4. Host supervisor is a generic term to mean the profession-based or industry representative appointed by the host organisation to supervise University students undertaking placement with a host organisation. The title of the position may vary and may include, but is not limited to site educator, clinical facilitator, clinical supervisor, clinical mentor, mentor, teacher, preceptor, industry supervisor, placement/practicum supervisor, project supervisor.
  5. Student Sourced Placement Request Form means the form students use to identify a potential placement opportunity.
  6. Student Undertaking means the form students sign to confirm awareness and acceptance of the conditions of the placement.
  7. Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is an umbrella term that refers to a range of practical experiences designed to give students valuable exposure to work-related activities during and relevant to their study.
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Section 4 - Preparing for WIL/Placement

(6) Careers and Employability will:

  1. act as the first point of contact for potential host organisations, except for Education and Health based placements where there are existing arrangements;
  2. assess the suitability of each potential host organisation;
  3. coordinate the execution of the host agreement by the University and the host organisation; and
  4. maintain a Register of Host Agreements, which will include the term of currency for each agreement.

Part A - Identifying / Engaging Potential Host Organisations

(7) Host organisations may be identified by students or University staff, or a host organisation may self-identify to the University through the online host registration form or by contacting the Careers and Employability (

(8) Students seeking to source their own placement must verify with the Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) that the placement may be student-sourced before they approach a potential host organisation. Where a placement is self-sourced, the student must complete the Student Sourced Placement Request Form within a reasonable timeframe in accordance with course and term dates, so that the vetting of the potential host organisation(s) and placement experience(s) can be undertaken in accordance with this Procedure.

(9) Where a potential host organisation has been identified by any source, Careers and Employability must be notified. Careers and Employability will facilitate the completion of the Host Registration Form by the host organisation and assess the suitability of the host organisation.

(10) The Host Registration Form as a minimum will collect:

  1. host organisation details;
  2. placement site and location details;
  3. student requirements including, but not limited to, any certifications, licences, vaccinations, or PPE requirements;
  4. areas appropriate for placement opportunities e.g. Marketing, Journalism, Environmental Science;
  5. confirmation and/or acknowledgement of work, health and safety compliance e.g. host organisation policies, procedures or
  6. processes including but not limited to emergency response and management procedures, and incident and injury reporting;
  7. the nature and level of relevant insurance held by the potential host organisation, including but not limited to workers compensation, general and public liability, professional indemnity; and
  8. potential risk exposures arising from the placement.

(11) The assessment of the information obtained via the Host Registration Form will enable Careers and Employability to determine that:

  1. sufficient information has been provided to determine the suitability of the host organisation; or
  2. further information is required to make a determination about the suitability of the host organisation.

(12) If the host organisation is deemed suitable, Careers and Employability will facilitate the execution of the Host Agreement by an appropriate University delegate (see clause 17) and the host organisation.

(13) Information in the Host Registration Form will indicate the appropriate approval authority for the Host Agreement.

Part B - Host Agreements

(14) Where a placement will be delivered and supervised by an external host organisation, including controlled entities of the University, the University will ensure there is a Host Agreement in place before students commence the placement.

(15) In all offshore jurisdictions, University approval of a Host Agreement intended to facilitate unpaid placement is subject to:

  1. the assurance of the safety and wellbeing of the student; and
  2. compliance with local laws regulating employment.

(16) Host Agreements must be made using the approved University template available through the Legal and Compliance  ServiceNow Portal, except where:

  1. the placement is undertaken with the University as the host (not including its controlled entities). In such cases, no agreement is required, the University's internal policies and procedures will apply;
  2. the University enters into an agreement with a government agency or public sector organisation, and the agreement is made using the agreement provided by the government agency or public sector organisation; or
  3. approval of alternate agreements is granted by the relevant University delegate, provided there are legitimate reasons for using an alternate agreement, following consultation with Legal and Compliance. Legitimate reasons may include, but are not limited to, specific requirements of the external party or unique circumstances of the placement that are not adequately addressed by the approved University template.

(17) The signatory for the agreement will be the Head of School, except where the:

  1. College Pro Vice-Chancellor (CPVC) is the signatory as the:
    1. host organisation does not hold the minimum insurance requirements of the University;
    2. host organisation has less than 5 full-time employees;
    3. placement will be education, health, science or lab-based, or will include a mix of different activities including fieldwork and other activities undertaken in a variety of environments; or
  2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President is the signatory as the agreement is for the facilitation of domestic placement by a third-party provider; or
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global is the signatory as the agreement is for the facilitation of international placement by a third-party provider.

Part C - Activity Risk Assessment

(18) Risks associated with activities to be undertaken by a student during placement must be assessed by the College / School in accordance with the University's Risk Management Framework and Health Safety Management System Framework.

Part D - Insurance for Placement

(19) The University maintains the following insurance protections which may apply to students undertaking a placement:

  1. General and Product Liability Protection;
  2. Professional Indemnity Protection;
  3. Medical Malpractice Insurance;
  4. Group Personal Accident Insurance;
  5. Travel Insurance.

(20) The insurance cover will apply differently, based on the nature and location of the placement. Students undertaking an approved placement will be covered subject to the conditions, limits, and exclusions of each insurance policy. Note, there is no University property insurance for loss or damage to any personal property (vehicles, equipment, clothing etc). See the WIL Insurance Summary for more information.

(21) Where a student is a paid employee of the host organisation, the host organisation must hold workers’ compensation insurance. The University General Insurance Program will not apply where the student is an employee of the host organisation.

Part E - Pre-placement Preparation for Hosts

(22) Before the commencement of the placement the College/School will:

  1. conduct a risk assessment of the placement, including but not limited to health and safety, in consultation with the student and host organisation in accordance with the with the University's Risk Management Framework and Health Safety Management System Framework;
  2. provide the host organisation with information on the placement requirements, including:
    1. the learning outcomes of the placement and related assessment tasks;
    2. access to this procedure and the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Policy;
    3. a copy of the signed Student Undertaking, where required;
    4. reasonable adjustments required by the student, where relevant; and
    5. for all onshore placements, the Host Organisation WHS Information Sheet outlining the responsibilities of host organisations.
    6. for all offshore placements, relevant equivalent information on WHS arrangements in that location.

(23) Before the commencement of the placement the Course Co-ordinator or nominee must ensure that the host organisation is issued with a Host Information Pack which covers:

  1. responsibilities held by each party under the Host Agreement and this procedure;
  2. circumstances under which the placement may be terminated and any related process;
  3. requirement to report work, health and safety concerns and incidents or near misses to the University; and
  4. need to evaluate the student and the host experience during the placement and after it concludes.

(24) Before the commencement of the placement the host organisation is required to:

  1. appoint an appropriately qualified and experienced host supervisor to support and liaise with students and the University during the placement;
  2. ensure the appointed host supervisor completes any required training as identified by the relevant School;
  3. advise relevant staff of the host organisation about the placement;
  4. provide the University with a brief of the activities that the student(s) may undertake during the placement;
  5. advise the University and the student of any inherent requirements, preconditions, or other requirements to undertake the placement (e.g. working with children check, police checks, vaccinations, first aid or compliance certificates);
  6. provide the student with relevant organisation specific information regarding travel, parking, access to facilities, health and safety, contact information, and organisational procedures; and
  7. consider, consult, and implement where practicable, any reasonable workplace adjustments to accommodate identified student needs in consultation with the University and the student.

Part F - Placing Students

(25) The University will place, allocate or select students using methods appropriate to the course, placement, and host organisation.

(26) The College / School will facilitate suitable WIL and placement experiences for students in consultation with host organisations and students.

(27) The relevant School staff will work with students and host organisations to accommodate reasonable adjustments for students with a reasonable adjustment letter issued by AccessAbility and where safe and reasonably practicable for the host organisation.

Part G - Pre-Placement Preparation for Students

(28) Before the commencement of the placement the College/School will:

  1. where relevant, consult with the student and with AccessAbility Support Services regarding any reasonable adjustments required by a student registered with AccessAbility Services;
  2. advise the student of all preconditions imposed by the host organisation or any registration or accreditation body or by legislation (including Police Checks, Prohibited Persons Checks, Certificate, Medical Checks and vaccinations, and any related costs), as well as any inherent requirements;
  3. provide the student with all relevant information on the host organisation and placement requirements, including but not limited to:
    1. the learning outcomes of the placement and related assessment tasks; and
    2. access to this procedure and the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Policy.
  4. if a student placement is being undertaken offshore, advise the student of available Government services such as DFAT Smart Traveller and International SOS (refer to University Travel Policy and Procedure and Outbound Global Experience  Procedure);
  5. ensure the student has completed the agreed Student Undertaking in the Placement Management System, where required; and
  6. ensure emergency response and contact information is confirmed.

(29) The Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) must monitor and support students to complete any mandatory preparation modules or may grant an exemption if they have determined that the student is adequately prepared to proceed with the placement and/or has completed the modules within the last 12 months.

(30) Before the commencement of the placement the students must:

  1. complete the Student Sourced Placement Request form (if self-sourced);
  2. understand and accept the responsibilities outlined in relevant program and course documentation and, where required by acceptance of the Student Undertaking;
  3. understand that inherent requirements may apply to a program or course that includes a placement including fitness to travel and participate;
  4. comply with reasonable requests for information made by the University and/or the host organisation;
  5. be familiar with competencies and complete pre-requisites;
  6. identify and provide personal emergency contact information;
  7. understand the incident and emergency response procedures associated with the placement;
  8. comply with any specific requirements, including obtaining and providing any pre-placement checks, clearances, immunisations or other evidence of health and performance assessment;
  9. submit all placement documentation required by the University and/or the host organisation within identified timeframes;
  10. complete the mandatory preparation modules, unless the Course Co-ordinator (see Clause 29) has granted an exemption;
  11. ensure any registration and/or legal requirements relevant to their placement have been met; and
  12. understand that host organisations may collect their personal information on behalf of the University, in addition to collecting and storing it for their purposes.
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Section 5 - Delivery of WIL/Placement

Part H - Supporting Students During Placement

(31) During the placement the College/School will:

  1. facilitate ongoing communication between the University, the student and the host organisation including all placement locations;
  2. engage with students and host supervisors and negotiate on aspects of student progress and/or assessment;
  3. be accessible by appropriate means of communication and during office hours to assist resolve issues relating to the placement with students and/or host organisations;
  4. ensure that an incident report is completed following notification of any incident involving a student while undertaking placement and, where relevant, implement the Student Critical Incident Procedure. If the incident involves a serious injury or illness involving the student, the Campus Care Coordinator is to be notified by the Course Co-ordinator or nominee; and
  5. ensure accurate placement records are kept in accordance with the Records Governance Policy.

(32) The Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) must ensure that students have:

  1. opportunities to engage in activities relevant to the program or course learning outcomes that enable them to build practical skills and knowledge;
  2. structured opportunities for critical reflection;
  3. sufficient engagement with relevant University staff during their experience; and
  4. access to support resources to manage obstacles or challenges they may experience during the placement.

(33) The Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) must:

  1. promptly respond to any concerns or grievances raised by a student or host organisation during a placement including but not limited to work, health and safety concerns, or concerns about student conduct;
  2. be aware of any identified work, health and safety issues; and
  3. be aware of the Complaint Management Policy and the Complaint Management Procedure or resolve issues students may have with the placement.

(34) During the placement the host organisation must:

  1. comply with the terms of the relevant Host Agreement;
  2. provide a safe and respectful environment that is free from sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination;
  3. comply with the responsibilities of a person undertaking or conducting a business as outlined in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and associated legislation, or other relevant state or international legislation, specifically in relation to the health, safety, and welfare of students on placement;
  4. implement reasonable adjustments for students, where required and as agreed with the University;
  5. report, as soon as practicable, any work, health and safety concerns, incidents and near misses to the University;
  6. advise the University of the intention to enter a paid employment relationship with any student during the period of their University arranged placement;
  7. provide University staff reasonable access to the host organisation premises to facilitate assessment and monitoring of student progress;
  8. report promptly to the Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) should it become apparent that the student is having difficulty meeting the objectives of the placement or is otherwise unable to continue with the placement;
  9. support timely communication between the host supervisor and the University; and
  10. report to the University in a timely manner any circumstances that alter, change, or delay the provision or completion of the placement.

(35) Host organisations must provide students with:

  1. orientation that at a minimum includes:
    1. expectations in relation to behaviour;
    2. work, health and safety induction and information on any work health and safety policies;
    3. information on any other relevant organisation workplace rules, policies, and procedures;
    4. student's obligations relating to confidentiality, intellectual property, and personal information; and
    5. introduction to the host supervisor and immediate colleagues; and
    6. details of supervision arrangements.
  2. adaptive technology or workspaces where appropriate and available, other equipment, resources, and/or training required to undertake assigned tasks and activities;
  3. regular feedback about their performance; and
  4. acknowledgement, where agreed, of the student's role in authoring or contributing to any materials or intellectual property produced during the placement.

Part I - Student Role During Placement

(36) During a placement students must:

  1. comply with all relevant policies and procedures of the host organisation;
  2. comply with relevant University policies and procedures including the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Conduct Rule, behave professionally, and follow reasonable directions and instruction from the host organisation;
  3. carry their University identification at all times;
  4. participate in training, tasks, and activities requested by the host organisation;
  5. take all necessary precautions to ensure their health, safety and welfare, as well as the health, safety and welfare of others;
  6. undertake the placement in accordance with the host organisation's nominated business hours;
  7. uphold professional standards, adhere to safety guidelines, and communicate effectively with the Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) and host supervisor;
  8. promptly inform the University and the host supervisor of any absences;
  9. notify the University and the host organisation of any accident, incident or near miss as soon as practicable;
  10. in the case of an accident or incident, immediately seek emergency help (call 000). Contact the University as soon as practicable after the incident;
  11. communicate any concerns about the placement to the University as soon as practicable;
  12. advise the University of requests from the host organisation that are beyond what is expected for the placement;
  13. complete the required time commitment, assessment tasks, and all other requirements of the placement; and
  14. meet all expenses associated with the placement including any expenses related to travel and/or relocation.

(37) Where it has been agreed by the host organisation that they will accommodate specific reasonable adjustments, the student will provide the host organisation with an adjustment letter produced by AccessAbility.

Part J - Assessment Relating to Placement

(38) The College/School will:

  1. liaise with the host organisation and the student to complete a comprehensive assessment of each student's progress against the learning outcomes of the placement;
  2. seek feedback and consult with the host organisation and students to evaluate the overall operation of the College placement processes;
  3. use information provided by students and host organisations as part of its responsibilities in reviewing programs, courses and curricula in which the experience is a part.

(39) For each placement, the Head of School must ensure that student progress is monitored by the Course Co-ordinator and feedback is provided to the student (both formative and summative) in respect of their learning while undertaking the placement, see the Course Management and Assessment Manual.

(40) The host organisation will contribute to monitoring and evaluating each student's performance during the placement. This includes making observations and providing feedback.

Part K - Student Evaluation

(41) The College/School will:

  1. ensure the assessment of students undertaking placement:
    1. complies with the relevant clauses outlined in the Course Management and Assessment Manual;
    2. is consistent with program or course documentation provided by the University;
    3. meets the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework; and
    4. includes input from the Course Co-ordinator and/or host supervisor.

(42) Student performance during a placement must be evaluated by the Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) and the host organisation to ensure the student is meeting or working towards the learning outcomes, meeting the professional and academic expectations of the placement, and that the experience is safe and effective.

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Section 6 - Post-Placement

Part L - Host Evaluation

(43) A post placement evaluation must be undertaken:

  1. where a student raises concerns or grievances about a host organisation or placement, or where a report has been received about work, health and safety matters including accidents, incidents and near misses, or the University otherwise becomes aware of concerns relating to the placement environment; or
  2. in conjunction with the renewal of the Host Agreement.

(44) Evaluation of the placement experience may include consideration of feedback, survey data, student success and, where deemed appropriate, a site visit.

(45) The evaluation aim is to ensure placement safety, quality, and effectiveness considering industry type and learning outcomes, and the legal obligations of the host organisation and the University. Key evaluation components may include:

  1. Alignment of the placement experience with the course learning outcomes.
  2. Evaluation of the level of support and guidance provided by the host supervisor.
  3. The relevance and complexity of the tasks and projects assigned to the student.
  4. The overall environment, including the culture, facilities, and resources available to the student.
  5. The implementation and success of any control measures.
  6. The opportunities the student has for networking with professionals within the host organisation.
  7. The communication and collaboration between the host organisation and the University.
  8. The host organisation's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  9. The host organisation's adherence to relevant legislation, including but not limited to work health and safety laws.
  10. How promptly the host organisation addresses any issues or concerns raised by the student.

Part M - Agreement Renewal and Relationship Management

(46) Careers and Employability will ensure that:

  1. a register of agreements is maintained; and
  2. renewal of agreements is undertaken on time with existing agreements tracked and renewal processes, including evaluation, are commenced before the expiration of the existing agreement.

(47) Renewal of agreements must be in accordance with relevant delegations of authority (see Clause 17).

(48) The University will ensure:

  1. outreach activities are undertaken to foster and maintain positive relationships with host organisations;
  2. regular communication occurs with host organisations to assess their experience and gather feedback for continuous improvement.
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Section 7 - Circumstances Impacting Placement

(49) The Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items Policy provides for consideration of the impact of allowable adverse circumstances that may affect student preparation, attendance or performance in activities including placement.

(50) Should a host organisation, for reasons unrelated to the student, be unable to commence or continue the placement, the University will assist the student in finding an alternative that meets the requirements of the relevant program or course and the student.

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Section 8 - Unsatisfactory Performance

(51) It may be determined that the student is not adequately progressing within the placement where they fail to:

  1. maintain satisfactory attendance as specified in the program or course documentation;
  2. complete a specified component(s) of the placement;
  3. maintain an appropriate standard of professional conduct; or
  4. comply with their obligations as set out in this Procedure or any agreement relating to their placement.

(52) The University may determine a student is at risk of failing to maintain adequate progress during a placement and will review the student's performance under the:

  1. Course Management and Assessment Manual;
  2. Program Management Manual - Coursework;
  3. Academic Integrity and Ethical Academic Conduct Policy;
  4. Student Academic Progress Procedure;
  5. JMP - Student Support for Professional Practice (SSPP) Program Procedure; or
  6. other requirements outlined in relevant program and course documentation.

(53) Where a student undertaking a placement demonstrates conduct or behaviour which could comprise any of the following, the circumstances will be managed under the Student Conduct Rule:

  1. academic misconduct; or
  2. non-academic misconduct; or
  3. concerning behaviour.

(54) A student cannot withdraw from a placement course after the census date without academic penalty other than as advised in the relevant program and course documentation.

(55) There may be circumstances where a placement may need to be paused, relocated, or discontinued, see table 1.

Table 1 – Arrangements for breakdown, relocation, or discontinuation of placement

Circumstances Outcome(s)
The placement experience has been impacted by unforeseen circumstances or other similar factors affecting the student. Pause the placement for a specified period and reschedule the remaining placement activities at the same location.

Discontinue the placement and schedule the remaining placement hours or activities at an alternative location.
There has been a breakdown of placement due to the student's performance. Provide the student with advice and the opportunity to improve their performance within the existing placement.

Pause the placement for a specified period and reschedule the remaining placement activities at the same location.

Discontinue the placement and schedule the remaining placement hours or activities at an alternative location.

Deem that attendance at this or further placements be subject to special conditions (which may be in conjunction with any of the above).
There has been a breakdown of a placement due to the behaviour of a person(s) at the host organisation, other than the student, or arising from other circumstances at the host organisation. Discontinue the placement and relocate the student to an alternate placement.

Where the circumstances warrant, the University may revoke the Host Agreement with the host organisation.
Following a breakdown of placement due to the student's performance, where the student has been given advice and further opportunity and has not remediated their performance. Discontinue the placement and advise the student in writing.
The student poses an unacceptable risk to the host organisation, its clients and staff, the public, other students, or themselves. Discontinue the placement and advise the student in writing.

Where relevant, make any necessary reporting as per the AHPRA Mandatory Notification Reporting Procedure.
After the appropriate processes have been undertaken, the student is found to have breached the Student Conduct Rule. Discontinue the placement and advise the student in writing.
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Section 9 - Governance and Records Management

(56) Placements will be appropriately documented including a Host Agreement (see clauses 14-17) and Student Undertaking (if relevant), with records retained and stored as per the Records Governance Policy.

(57) Placements and their associated agreements must be approved by an authorised delegate before the placement commences.

(58) Incidents, injuries or near misses are recorded in the University Safety Management System (AIMS).

(59) Each College Pro Vice-Chancellor will monitor:

  1. resources and staffing for delivery, monitoring, and reporting of experiences in line with the Employability Strategy, Employability Framework, and course review; and
  2. agreements with external agencies and accrediting bodies.