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JMP - Award of Bachelor of Medicine with Distinction Guideline

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Both universities are committed to supporting their communities and reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Due to public health orders and restrictions on clinical placements, JMP students studying Year 5 of the Bachelor of Medicine in 2020 were not required to complete the assessment tasks described in this Guideline in Section 4. To remove the potential for disadvantage for students completing the program in 2020, the calculation for awarding with distinction, will be based only on Year 4 results.

Section 1 - Context

(1) These Guidelines support the provision within the Bachelor of Medicine – Joint Medical Program (JMP) Schedule / Rule to allow the awarding of the degree “with Distinction.”

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Section 2 - Guidelines

(2) Based upon results in Year 4 and 5 of the JMP students may be awarded the Bachelor of Medicine degree with Distinction. Year 4 and 5 results are weighted equally.

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Section 3 - Year 4 “Distinction” Assessment Instruments

MEDI4015 (Women’s Adolescents’ and Children’s Health)
Assessment Instrument: OSCE Assessment 25%
Assessment Instrument: Written Paper 25%
MEDI4016 (Medicine and Surgery)
Assessment Instrument:
Medicine Log Cases and Surgery Vivas
(equally weighted)
Assessment Instrument:
Medicine and Surgery Written Papers
(equally weighted)

Calculation of Year 4 Mark

(3) Each of the four Assessment Instruments are weighted equally and added to obtain a Year 4 Percentage.

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Section 4 - Year 5 “Distinction” Assessment Instruments

MEDI5015 (Medicine / Psychiatry/ Palliative Care / PHCS)
Assessment Instrument: Longitudinal Task 15%
Assessment Instrument: Medicine Long Case 20%
Assessment Instrument: Medicine 48 Hr Task 10%
Assessment Instrument: Psychiatry OSCEs 15%
Assessment Instrument: PHCS Journal 10%
MEDI5016 (Critical Care)
Assessment Instrument: Quality in Health Care Assignment 15%
Assessment Instrument: Critical Care OSCEs 15%

Calculation of Year 5 Mark

(4) Marks from each of the contributing assessment instruments are weighted and added appropriately to obtain a Year 5 percentage. Year 5 assessments are not weighted equally as the assessment instruments vary greatly across the courses, for example, the MEDI5015 Course has a heavier assessment content than the MEDI5016 Course. The weightings on the assessment instruments reflect the amount of time and input required by the student, with larger more arduous tasks carrying a higher weighting.

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Section 5 - Compilation of Results

(5) Any student who fails any Course in Years 4 or 5 of the Program (including courses undertaken as part of an exchange program) will be ineligible to be awarded the Bachelor of Medicine degree with Distinction.

(6) The Year 4 and Year 5 percentages will be weighted equally to obtain one combined percentage.

(7) Students who achieve a percentage of seventy-five or more will be awarded the Bachelor of Medicine degree with Distinction.

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Section 6 - Award of Distinction – Exchange Program Students

(8) In Year 4 of the Program, students may elect to complete the Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology components of the program (MEDI4015 Women and Children's Health) as an overseas exchange.

(9) Students undertaking such an exchange will be considered on an individual basis regarding graduation with Distinction, i.e. if a student has achieved the required 75% based on other Year 4 and Year 5 results and is a candidate for graduation with Distinction, the results from the Exchange will be considered by the JMP Assessment Committee. 

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Section 7 - Award of Distinction – Mid-Year Graduates

(10) Students graduating mid-year will be eligible to graduate with Distinction if they have not failed any course in Years 4 or 5 of the Program and meet the required standard of a combined Year 4 and Year 5 percentage of seventy-five or higher.

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Section 8 - Professional Behaviour

(11) Any student who has been notified to the Year 4/5 Committee for unprofessional behaviour by the JMP Student Welfare and Fitness to Practice Committee will be deemed ineligible to graduate with Distinction.

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Section 9 - Essential Supporting Documents

(12) Bachelor of Medicine – JMP Schedule

(13) Bachelor of Medicine – JMP Rules Governing Administration of Assessment Items

(14) Rules Governing Awards and Programs