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Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander - Establishing Status within the University Policy

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) This policy reflects the University's commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Reconciliation as outlined in the University's Strategic Plan and Reconciliation Action Plan.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples do not need documentary evidence of their heritage to identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person. However, documentary evidence must be provided when accessing specific identified services or opportunities at the University of Newcastle.

(3) This policy applies to all individuals seeking to access specific programs of study, student services or study opportunities available to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons within the University, and provides a uniform means of establishing Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander status within the University.

(4) This policy supports the Wollotuka Cultural Standards which guide our operations and provides a set of principles and standards against which our cultural integrity can be measured. Guided by the Cultural Standards, this policy is structured to ensure accountability to our communities.

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Section 3 - Audience

(5) All applicants seeking access to specific programs of study, student services or study opportunities available to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons within the University.

(6) University staff administering specific programs of study, student services or study opportunities available to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons within the University.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(7) For the purposes of this policy, an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Person means (as adopted by the Commonwealth of Australia for administrative purposes) any person who:

  1. is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent;
  2. identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Person; and
  3. is accepted by the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community in which he or she lives or has lived as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
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Section 5 - Policy

Policy Provisions

(8) Persons seeking to gain access to specific programs of study, student services or study opportunities available to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons will be required to establish Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander status within the University.

(9)  Where uncertainty remains, the onus shall be on the applicant to prove their Australian Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander status.

(10) The process for establishing Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander Status is outlined in the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander - Establishing Status within the University Procedure.

(11) Once Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander Status is established, individuals will not be required to re-produce documentation to access specific programs, services or opportunities available to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons within the University, unless an audit of the information is requested.

(12) All documentation provided will be managed in accordance with the Records Governance Policy. Personal information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Management Plan.

(13) Any decision to establish Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Status is not subject to formal appeal, however, the University will take further information into consideration if and when provided.

(14) The University reserves the right to revoke Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Status in the event that the University confirms that any information provided is false. Persons who are found to be in breach of this policy including providing false information may be subject to the provisions of the Student Conduct Rule.

(15) The University may provide evidence of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status to a partner University where a third party provider arrangement is in place.