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Section 1 - Introduction
(1) This procedure supports the implementation of the Academic Promotion Policy and must be read in conjunction with that document.
Top of PageSection 2 - General Procedural Principles
(2) A promotion round for eligible applicants will take place annually and will be conducted concurrently for all four promotion levels.
(3) Where a promotions round is completed prior to 30 June, promotion will be effective from 1 July of that year. Where a promotions round is completed by 31 December, promotion will be effective from 1 January of the following year.
(4) At the discretion of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), an application may, in exceptional circumstances, be considered at any time. Such a decision must be consistent with the principles of the Academic Promotion Policy and this Procedure (see section 14).
(5) The Director, People and Workforce Strategy, will be responsible for submitting a draft timetable each year for academic promotion to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for consideration and approval.
(6) Once approved, the full schedule of dates, including information and feedback sessions will be announced and communicated on the University’s website during February in each year.
(7) All academic staff will be eligible to apply for promotion to the next level.
(8) In all cases, the applicant's current level on the salary scale will be irrelevant.
(9) Applicants for promotion are required to hold the award of PhD to be considered for promotion to academic Level B and above.
(10) In exceptional circumstances a Pro Vice-Chancellor may present a case to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for submission to, and determination by, the Vice-Chancellor, where the applicant's experience provides a compelling case for exemption from the requirements in clause 9.
Minimum Period of Service Following Appointment or Promotion
(11) Applicants for promotion who are appointed as full time and permanent appointments must have completed two years of service since their appointment at the University of Newcastle, or since their most recent promotion at the University of Newcastle, before they become eligible for promotion.
(12) Other Applicants will be eligible for promotion, including those on part-time appointments and fixed term appointments of no less than three years.
(13) Only in exceptional cases will Associate Professors be successful in an application for promotion to Professor after only two years of service at the level of Associate Professor.
(14) Intending applicants who have not met the minimum service requirement may make a written submission to the Pro Vice-Chancellor requesting an exemption.
(15) If the Pro Vice-Chancellor is satisfied there are compelling reasons to support the case for an exemption, the Pro Vice-Chancellor will forward the applicant's request, and a written recommendation for the application to proceed, to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for determination.
Unsuccessful applications: the "Two Year Wait" Rule
(16) Unsuccessful applicants for promotion will be required to wait two years before submitting a further application.
(17) In exceptional circumstances, an application may be accepted after only one year. Intending applicants who have not met the two year requirement may make a written submission to the Pro Vice-Chancellor requesting an exemption.
(18) If the Pro Vice-Chancellor is satisfied there are compelling reasons to support the case for an exemption the Pro Vice-Chancellor will forward the applicant's request, and a written recommendation for the application to proceed, to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for determination.
Criteria for Promotion
(19) Applicants for promotion are expected to make a contribution in three broad areas:
- Teaching and Learning;
- Research and Innovation; and
- Service and Engagement.
(20) The promotion process will take account of the applicant's contribution to these areas at the School, Faculty, University, and community level, and will note national and international contribution as may be appropriate to the level of promotion sought.
(21) Applicants will be expected to demonstrate their activities and impact in each of the areas of Teaching and Learning, Research and Innovation, and Service and Engagement, except in the application of Research Only academics whose applications will be judged solely on their contribution to Research and Innovation. Research and Innovation includes scholarship related to teaching and learning.
(22) Applicants will be expected to demonstrate that they meet the promotion criteria based on their activities in their current position at the University of Newcastle, or on their activities in the period since their last promotion at the University of Newcastle.
Top of PageSection 3 - The Application
Consultation with the Head of School and Pro Vice-Chancellor
- Members of staff must consult their Head of School and Pro Vice-Chancellor before initiating an application for promotion.
- Heads of School and Pro Vice-Chancellors may not withhold an application. However, they should offer advice as to whether an application should proceed.
General Guidelines for Preparation of Application
(23) The application must follow the format outlined in the Academic Promotions Toolkit.
Additional Support Materials
(24) Applicants may provide supporting evidence in the form of books, course materials or other items relevant to the application.
(25) Any such materials will be made available for inspection by members of the relevant Promotions Committee.
(26) A reference to these items may be included in the application. However, the application should stand alone, and there should be no expectation of reliance on these additional materials.
(27) The application must be presented in the order outlined in the Academic Promotions Toolkit.
(28) Applicants must complete the checklist provided at the end of the Academic Promotion form before submitting their application.
(29) Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Top of PageSection 4 - Head of School Report
(30) Heads of School are required to provide a report, which must be read and signed by the applicant, and which must accompany the application.
(31) In some circumstances (e.g. where the applicant is the Head of School, or the Head of School is a recent appointment), it may be appropriate for the previous Head of School to write the report. In cases such as this, a request for approval for another person to provide the Head of School Report must be made to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) through the Pro Vice-Chancellor.
(32) The Head of School is required to provide comments on:
- the applicant's standing in her/his field;
- the applicant's contributions to the overall effort of the School/Faculty, including any significant changes in duties since appointment or the last promotion;
- the applicant's contributions to teaching and curriculum development activities;
- the impact of the applicant's teaching on student learning;
- the impact of the applicant's teaching on the teaching and learning environment of the School;
- the applicant's research involvement and output;
- the quality of the publications and the standing of journals in which the applicant's publications appear;
- the applicant's service to the School, the Faculty, the University, the discipline/profession and the broader community;
- the applicant's contributions compared with the norms in the School; and
- a comment on the applicant's nominated referees, their standing in the field and their relationship to the applicant.
(33) The Head of School may consult other relevant members of staff about aspects of an application subject to the consent of the applicant.
(34) An applicant who concludes that the Head of School's report requires explanation or qualification, may provide comments in writing. Those comments must be signed by both the applicant and the Head of School and attached to the Head of School's report. The Head may not provide a counter response to the applicant's comments.
(35) The Head of School's report must not be sent to referees.
Top of PageSection 5 - Referees
(36) Applicants will provide to their Head of School a concise list of suggested referees, including a concise list of other individuals the applicant prefers not to be contacted, with a brief explanation as to the reasons for not contacting those individuals.
(37) The Head of School, in consultation with the Head of Discipline and/or relevant staff, provides the Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor with a selection of potential referees who are highly regarded in the area where the applicant claims to demonstrate sustained excellence, and are, preferably, also familiar with the applicant's recent work. The Head of School will provide reasons as to why they are regarded as suitable and the names and contact details of potential referees.
(38) Applicants for promotion to Lecturer and Senior Lecturer must have a minimum of two (2) referee reports, one of which is external to the University.
(39) Applicants for promotion to Associate Professor and Professor must have a minimum of four (4) referee reports. At least two (2) of the referees must be referees of international standing who are external to the University.
Requests for Referee Reports
(40) The Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall write to the nominated referees and invite them to provide a reference, and will attach the University Promotions Referee pro forma to that request.
(41) Referee reports will be provided by the referee directly to Human Resource Services.
(42) Applicants must not request their own referee reports but may approach potential referees to ask them if they will act as referees if nominated.
Viewing of Referee Reports
(43) Reports from referees will be requested in confidence and only those directly concerned with the processing and assessment of applications may view the reports.
(44) Referee reports will not be made available to the applicant.
(45) Referees’ reports together with the application will be provided to members of Faculty Promotion Committee and, in the case of promotion to Professor and Associate Professor, to members of the University Promotion Committee.
(46) The Head of School may view all referee reports prior to attending the Faculty Promotion Committee meeting.
(47) The reports will be provided to Committee members as soon as they are available.
(48) Testimonials and references, aside from those requested by the University with respect to an application, should not be included, and will not be considered in any application.
Top of PageSection 6 - The Application Process
(49) Applicants will be responsible for ensuring their application is submitted by the nominated closing date.
(50) Applications (with Head of School report attached) must be submitted electronically to Human Resource Services by the due date.
Late Applications
(51) Late applications will be accepted only in exceptional circumstances and only with the written approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).
Withdrawal of Application
(52) Applicants may withdraw their application for promotion at any time prior to the convening of the Faculty Promotion Committee.
Top of PageSection 7 - Approval Process
Promotion to Lecturer and Senior Lecturer
(53) All applications for promotion to Lecturer (Level B) and Senior Lecturer (Level C) are considered by the Faculty Promotion Committee.
(54) The Pro Vice-Chancellor is the Chair of the Faculty Promotion Committee.
(55) All applicants are interviewed by the Faculty Promotion Committee, unless the Applicant has indicated otherwise in their application or the Committee does not feel the applicant is promotable.
(56) The Pro Vice-Chancellor will provide the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) with the report of the Faculty Promotion Committee no more than two weeks after the Committee meeting.
(57) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will advise both successful and unsuccessful candidates in writing.
(58) Unsuccessful applicants will be invited to discuss their application with the Pro Vice-Chancellor and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) to gain feedback that may be of assistance to the staff member’s further development.
Promotion to Associate Professor and Professor
(59) All applications for promotion to Associate Professor (Level D) and Professor (Level E) are considered by the University Promotion Committee.
(60) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is the Chair of the University Promotion Committee.
(61) The application, including referee reports, will be forwarded to Human Resource Services for distribution to the University Promotion Committee members.
(62) The University Promotion Committee, chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will meet as many times as the Chair deems necessary to discuss and consider the applications. Applicants may be interviewed by University Promotion Committee should the Committee feel any portion of the candidate's application requires further discussion and/or clarification.
(63) Outstanding candidates may have their application for promotion approved by the University Promotion Committee without being required to attend an interview.
(64) The University Promotion Committee may invite the Head of School to be present for all or part of a meeting to discuss applications. Heads of School may be asked to comment on applications or reports, but they may not introduce new information or material.
(65) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will advise both successful and unsuccessful candidates in writing.
(66) Unsuccessful applicants will be invited to discuss their application with the Pro Vice-Chancellor and/or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) to gain feedback that may be of assistance to the staff member’s further development.
Top of PageSection 8 - Faculty Promotion Committee
(67) There will be one Faculty Promotion Committee established in each Faculty to consider applications for promotion to Lecturer and Senior Lecturer.
Composition of Faculty Promotion Committees
(68) Faculty Promotion Committees will have the following composition:
- Pro Vice-Chancellor (Chair) ex officio;
- five (5) committee members from the Faculty nominated by the Pro Vice-Chancellor after consultation with the Faculty Executive and approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). The term of office of these members is (3) years;
- one (1) member of another Faculty, nominated by the Pro Vice-Chancellor and approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), whose term of office is a maximum of two (2) years; and
(69) The majority of members of the Faculty Promotion Committee must be at least at the same academic level as that for which applicants are being considered.
(70) A Head of School may not be a member of a Faculty Promotion Committee.
(71) The Faculty Promotion Committee must include male and female members and have regard to the policy on Gender Inclusive Membership of University Committees.
(72) The Pro Vice-Chancellor must make every effort to ensure that the applicant's broad discipline/professional area is represented. Where this is not achieved through the normal membership the Chair may, with the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), co-opt one further member to the Committee.
(73) Staff who have a conflict of interest that has the potential to influence the promotion outcome should not accept membership of a Faculty Promotion Committee (refer Section 10 below).
(74) No member of a Faculty Promotion Committee, other than the Pro Vice-Chancellor, may serve consecutive terms.
(75) Academic Promotions training is mandatory for committee members. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will not approve membership of the Faculty Promotion Committee unless training has occurred.
(76) Heads of School are required to undertake Academic Promotions training.
(77) Any newly appointed Head of School and Pro Vice-Chancellor will receive Promotions training in their induction processes.
Process for Faculty Promotion Committee
(78) Feedback from previous applications for promotion will not be considered by the Faculty Promotion Committee. The Faculty Promotion Committee will take into account:
- the application, documents and materials referred to and made available by the applicant;
- the Head of School Report; and
- reports from referees.
(79) All applicants for promotion are interviewed individually by the appropriate Faculty Promotion Committee. If a candidate does not wish to be interviewed they must indicate this in their application form.
(80) Heads of School, or in certain circumstances a nominated delegate if the Head of School is not available due to absence or a potential conflict of interest, should accompany a staff member from their School at their interview and should remain for a brief period following the interview in case clarification is required. Heads of School are not present when the vote on whether to recommend promotion is made.
(81) The Heads of School and the Equity Observer will not advocate for the applicants and must not introduce new material or make personal comments on any application. All Faculty Promotion Committee members must vote either for or against a promotion for each applicant.
(82) The Faculty Promotion Committee will make a recommendation to “promote” or “not promote” and provide reasons for and against the recommendation.
(83) Within two weeks of the Committee’s meeting the Chair will provide the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) with:
- the applications;
- a report of the proceeding;
- a list of the applicants indicating those recommended for promotion and those not recommended; and
- detailed reasons for supporting or not supporting each application using the report template.
(84) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will approve applicants to be promoted and will advise both the successful applicants and unsuccessful applicants in writing. Copies of this advice will be sent to the applicant's Head of School and Pro Vice-Chancellor.
(85) Feedback will be given on the basis of comments made by the Faculty Promotion Committee. Feedback should not be considered as prescriptive advice for future applications.
Faculty Promotion Committee Interviews
(86) The Chair will advise all applicants of the time and date of interview.
(87) The time range within which the interviews will be held will be listed on the Academic Promotions timetable.
(88) Applicants who are away from the University at the indicated time of interview will have the option of:
- agreeing (in writing) to be considered in absentia;
- returning for the interview at their own expense;
- being interviewed by telephone or video conference at the expense of the Faculty; or
- deferring their application until a new round when they are available for interview.
Top of PageSection 9 - University Promotion Committee
(89) The primary role of the University Promotions Committee is:
- to consider and determine applications for promotion to Associate Professor and Professor;
- to ensure there is equity across Faculties; and
- to ensure the standards expected for promotion are applied uniformly across the University.
Composition of University Promotion Committee
(90) University Promotion Committee shall have the following composition:
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (Chair) ex officio
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) ex officio
- President of Academic Senate ex officio
- The Pro Vice-Chancellor from each Faculty ex officio
- Two (2) internal Level E academics, appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
- One (1) external Level E academic, appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
- Director, People and Workforce Strategy, or senior delegate
(91) Except for ex officio and external members, the term of office for members of the University Promotion Committee is two (2) years.
(92) Except for ex officio members, no member of the University Promotion Committee may serve for two (2) consecutive terms.
(93) If ex officio or other committee members are unavailable to serve on the committee, the Chair may nominate a suitable replacement member.
(94) A University Promotion Committee must include male and female members and have regard for the policy on Gender Inclusive Membership of University Committees.
(95) Replacement committee members or additional committee members may be sought at the discretion of the Chair to address issues of gender equity or other relevant equity matters, regardless of the term of members.
(96) Staff who have a conflict of interest that has the potential to influence the promotion outcome should not accept membership of the University Promotion Committee (refer Section 10 below).
(97) Academic Promotions training is mandatory for all committee members.
Process for University Promotion Committee
(98) The University Promotion Committee will take into account:
- the application, documents and materials referred to and made available by the applicant;
- the Head of School Report;
- reports from referees; and
- reports and recommendations of the Faculty Promotion Committee.
(99) The University Promotion Committee will meet to shortlist candidates and decide which candidates will be required for interview. The Committee will then meet to conduct the interview process and make a final determination.
(100) Where the University Promotion Committee considers an applicant is outstanding, the Committee may agree to progress that candidate directly to promotion without requiring an interview process.
(101) Where an outstanding candidate is progressed to promotion without requiring an interview, he or she will be notified directly by the relevant Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor via a telephone call that will remain confidential until all successful promotions are announced.
(102) The purpose of interviews will be to clarify issues and respond to questions from members, and will be on a discretionary basis. Only candidates that require further clarification and discussion will be interviewed by the University Promotion Committee.
(103) The University Promotion Committee may at its discretion invite the Head of School to attend an interview to discuss a candidate's application.
(104) A vote will be taken as to whether or not each applicant should be recommended for promotion.
(105) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will advise both successful and unsuccessful candidates in writing.
(106) Feedback will be given on the basis of comments made by the University Promotion Committee. Feedback should not be considered as prescriptive advice for future applications.
(107) Unsuccessful applicants will be invited to discuss their application with the Pro Vice-Chancellor, and/or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) to gain feedback that may be of assistance to the staff member’s further development.
Top of PageSection 10 - Conflict of Interest
(108) Staff who may have a conflict of interest that has the potential to influence the promotion outcome should not accept membership of a Faculty Promotion Committee or the University Promotion Committee.
(109) If the staff member is in some doubt as to the degree of potential influence, they should approach the Pro Vice-Chancellor in the case of Faculty Promotion Committees or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) in the case of University Promotion Committees, for a decision as to whether membership should be accepted or declined.
Top of PageSection 11 - Equity Observer
(110) An Equity Observer nominated by the Director, People and Workforce Strategy, will attend Faculty Promotion Committee meetings and the University Promotion Committee meetings, and may speak on matters pertinent to equity and diversity.
(111) The Equity Observer will be present throughout the interview and discussion process, will document proceedings and will ensure all promotions processes are strictly in accordance with the Academic Promotion Policy and Procedure.
(112) The Equity Observer will not advocate for an applicant and must not introduce new material or make personal comments on any application.
(113) The Equity Observer may be present when votes are taken but may not vote or participate in the voting.
Top of PageSection 12 - Training
(114) Promotions Committee Training (mandatory for members and the equity observer) will be run through Human Resource Services.
(115) Separate Promotions Preparation Workshops will be run for applicants for Levels B and C, and for Levels D and E.
(116) Separate Promotion Preparation Workshops for women will be offered.
(117) Workshops will be offered at Newcastle and Central Coast campuses.
Top of PageSection 13 - Appeals
(118) An applicant may lodge an appeal against the decision in relation to their application for promotion on the basis of:
- evidence of a breach of the Academic Promotion Policy or the Academic Promotion Procedure which the applicant believes had a material effect on the decision not to promote; and/or
- evidence that the determination was affected by a conflict of interest or personal bias (as defined in the University’s Conflicts of Interest Policy).
(119) An appeal must be lodged with the Director, People and Workforce Strategy within 14 days of notification of the result of the application.
(120) An appeal on the grounds of outcome of application alone will not be considered.
(121) An appeal will be determined by a Promotions Appeals Committee of the Vice-Chancellor comprising:
- Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) as chair;
- a member of Academic Senate;
- a member of academic staff from a pool of staff nominated by staff representatives on the Academic staff Consultative Committee; and
- two members of academic staff appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.
(122) In considering an appeal the Promotions Appeals Committee:
- will obtain and consider a report from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on the alleged breach of procedures;
- may obtain and consider any other material that in its opinion is relevant to the process, including but not limited to notes taken by the Equity Observer; and
- will compare the actual procedures followed in the applicant's case with the University procedures as outlined in the Academic Promotions Procedure and determine whether the University has failed to comply with its own procedures.
(123) Where the Promotions Appeals Committee finds that a breach of procedure has occurred which had a material effect on the decision not to promote they shall direct that such action as is necessary to remedy the breach be taken.
(124) The Promotions Appeals Committee has the authority to direct action in relation to procedural matters only and this must be consistent with University policies and procedures.
(125) The proceedings of an Appeal Panel will be confidential.
Top of PageSection 14 - Exceptional Circumstances
(126) Promotion outside the normal promotions process will be made only in exceptional circumstances.
(127) Promotion will be considered when promotion is judged to be important to the strategic direction of the University, including but not limited to, the retention of an academic staff member who is considered to be critical in the context of the strategic plan of the relevant Faculty or Division.
(128) The process will normally be initiated by the Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor who will make a recommendation to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).
(129) Following a decision by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) to proceed, the Pro Vice-Chancellor will provide the Deputy Vice-Chancellor with relevant material which will normally include:
- a statement by the Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor as to why the staff member is critically important in the context of the strategic plan for their Faculty;
- a Head of School Report;
- the staff member’s CV and a brief statement on teaching and learning, research and innovation and service activities and achievements; and
- reports from referees as determined by the Pro Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).
(130) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will consult with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and President of Academic Senate to determine the outcome.
(131) Staff being considered under the exceptional circumstances promotions process do not have a right of appeal.
Top of PageSection 15 - Roles and Responsibilities
(132) Applicants will:
- discuss with the Head of School and Pro Vice-Chancellor their intention to apply for promotion;
- discuss their suggested referees with the Head of School;
- provide their Head of School with a copy of their application at least two weeks before the closing date for receipt for applications; and
- submit an application on or before the closing date having ensured all the requirements set out in this document have been met.
Head of School
(133) Heads of School will:
- discuss and counsel all academic staff within the School who indicate an intention to apply for promotion;
- discuss with applicants their suggested referees;
- prepare for the Pro Vice-Chancellor, a selection of possible referees;
- write the Head of School Report to accompany each application;
- accompany each applicant at their interview with the Faculty Promotion Committee; and
- attend an interview with the University Promotion Committee where required
Pro Vice-Chancellor
(134) Pro Vice-Chancellors will:
- counsel all academic staff within the Faculty who indicate an intention to apply for promotion;
- select at least two referees, from a list prepared by the Head of School, for applications for promotion to Lecturer and Senior Lecturer;
- select at least four referees, from a list prepared by the Head of School, for applicants for promotion to Associate Professor and Professor;
- submit to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for consideration, the recommended composition of all Faculty Promotion Committees
- chair the Faculty Promotion Committees;
- within three weeks of the interviews, prepare a report that includes:
- comments on the committee’s proceedings;
- a table showing the voting for each candidate;
- a schedule indicating the applicants recommended for promotion, with comprehensive reasons for recommending promotion; and
- a schedule indicating the applicants not recommended for promotion with comprehensive reasons for not recommending promotion;
- ensure all committee members sign the completed report;
- ensure that any member who disagrees with one or more of the recommendations, and wants that disagreement noted, provides a written statement to that effect which is then attached to the report;
- send the report together with the applications and associated documents to Human Resource Services; and
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
(135) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will:
- make any necessary determination on whether applications are accepted within a period of less than two years since:
- appointment
- most recent promotion
- an unsuccessful application for promotion;
- approve the composition of Faculty Promotion Committee;
- chair the University Promotion Committee for applications for promotion to Associate Professor and Professor;
- approve applications for promotion and advise all successful and unsuccessful applicants in writing; and
- undertake any other activities or determinations necessary for the interpretation or implementation of the policy and procedure on academic promotion.
Director, People and Workforce Strategy
(136) The Director, People and Workforce Strategy, or nominee, will:
- prepare an annual academic promotion timetable at the commencement of each calendar year, published on the University’s webpage no later than 1 February each year;
- undertake regular reviews of the academic policy and procedures, and submit recommendations for the consideration of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic);
- acknowledge receipt of all applications for promotion;
- ensure all applicants are eligible for promotion and that all applications meet the essential administrative requirements;
- receive all reports from referees following an invitation from the Pro Vice-Chancellor to the referee;
- advise applicants of the composition of the Faculty Promotion Committee and University Promotion Committee that will consider their application;
- ensure all Faculty Promotion Committee and the University Promotion Committee members receive applications with accompanying reports in a timely fashion;
- nominate a staff member to act as secretary to the University Promotion Committee and, where possible, Faculty Promotion Committees;
- act as a voting member of the University Promotion Committee;
- ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the promotion process; and
- provide advice to applicants, Heads of School, Pro Vice-Chancellors, members of promotion committees, and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on procedural matters as required.