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Academic Promotion Policy

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) This policy supports the commitment of the University’s NeW Futures Strategic Plan and acknowledges the critical importance of career progression for the effective and efficient operation of the University and for the recognition of its staff. This policy recognises that academic staff may have different career stages and seeks to ensure that promotion recognises the priorities of teaching, research, scholarship of teaching and learning, and service.

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Section 2 - Policy Intent

(2) This policy provides the principles that will underpin a fair and equitable academic promotions process.

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Section 3 - Policy Principles

Academic Standards

(3) The University’s promotion process will offer recognition and reward for sustained excellence.

(4) Applicants for promotion will demonstrate they have maintained active and effective scholarship in their disciplines by contributions to teaching, research, and service to their discipline/profession, the University, and the community.

(5) Academic promotion will reflect the expectation that as academic staff progress through the levels of academic appointment:

  1. there is an increase in the quality and effectiveness of their teaching and their contribution to all aspects of teaching and learning;
  2. there is an increase in the quality and impact of their research output, including research related to the scholarship of teaching and learning;
  3. their role in the promotion of scholarship expands;
  4. their qualitative contribution to their discipline/profession increases; and
  5. they demonstrate increasing leadership in their discipline/profession, the University and the community.


(6) Promotion to all levels will be on the basis of the merit of the case presented without reference to staffing profiles, quotas or resources.

(7) Consideration will be given to performance relative to opportunity to ensure that the limits imposed on opportunity by additional responsibilities is acknowledged in assessing achievements.

(8) The outcome of previous applications for promotion will have no relevance in a promotion round aside from the “two year wait rule”.

Equal Opportunity

(9) The promotion process will have regard for the principles of equal opportunity, fairness and social justice. These principles require that there be no discrimination against any individual on the basis of personal characteristics such as sex, sexuality, ethnicity, age, disability, cultural background and religion.

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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities

(10) All staff with access to promotion documents will maintain confidentiality at all times.

(11) Applicants for promotion will participate in the process openly and honestly.

(12) Members of the Faculty Promotion Committees and the University Promotion Committee must consider and identify any real or potential conflicts of interest prior to consideration of an application.

(13) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) must develop and maintain a procedure to support this Policy (see Academic Promotion Procedure)

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Section 5 - Relevant Definitions

(14)  In the context of this document:

  1. “Two year wait rule” has the meaning contained in the Procedure.