(1) As a higher education provider authorised to self-accredit, the University of Newcastle ( (2) This Schedule supports the implementation of the Awards and Graduation Policy and Governance Rule. The Governance Rule describes each type of qualification offered by the (3) Within the Schedule the general (4) In the event of an inconsistency between subordinate policy documents and any Rule(s) or Schedule to the Rule(s), the Rule(s) made by (5) This table describes an AQF level 8 (6) Other Information about (7) 1. 2N+2 where N is equal to the notional duration identified by the (8) To provide for exceptional circumstances arising in any particular case, the President of Academic Senate, on the recommendation of the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor or relevant College Pro Vice-Chancellor may relax any provision of this Schedule. (9) The President of the Academic Senate will report all applications of the relaxing provision of this Schedule to the Academic Senate. (10) Bachelor Honours Degree (80) - Approved AQF Compliant ProgramsBachelor Honours Degree (80) - Awards and Programs Schedule
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Principles and Program Structures
Model: Bachelor Honours Degree (80)
PART A – Requirements for the Program Structure of
i) can commence at the discretion of the relevant
ii) include a minimum of 30
a) usually at the 4000 level; and
b) includes a minimum 10
iii) is designed so that
iv) does not permit the granting of
PART B – Special Requirements
ii) All distinguishable components within
iii) All component/
PART A – General Admission Criteria
i) be appropriate for this AQF Level and its required
ii) take into account external benchmarks;
iii) ensure that
iv) include special admission procedures to support access and equity targets; and
v) establish English language entry requirements to ensure that
PART B – Additional Admission Criteria
i) qualified for the
ii) completed the requirements of an approved
iii) achieved the approved
iv) met any supplementary criteria listed in the handbook (such as presentation of portfolio, interview, auditions); and
v) had a written application approved by the relevant
i) must have at least 60 unique
ii) be a minimum of 80
i) fundamental skills, such as literacy and numeracy appropriate to the Level 8
ii) people skills, such as working with others and communication skills;
iii) thinking skills, such as learning to learn, decision making and problem solving; and
iv) personal skills such as self direction and acting with integrity.
i) coherent and advanced knowledge of the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines; and
ii) knowledge of
i) cognitive skills to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge to identify and provide solutions to complex problems with intellectual independence;
ii) cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of a body of knowledge and theoretical concepts with advanced understanding in some areas;
iii) cognitive skills to exercise critical thinking and judgement in developing new understanding;
iv) technical skills to design and use research in a project; and v) communication skills to present a clear and coherent exposition of knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences.
i) with initiative and judgement in professional practice and/or scholarship;
ii) to adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts;
iii) with responsibility and accountability for own learning and practice and in collaboration with others within broad parameters; and
iv) to plan and execute project work and/or a piece of
Section 3 - Notes
Section 4 - Relaxing Provision
Section 5 - Reporting
Section 6 - Appendices
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Schedule of the Awards and Graduation Policy.
The volume of learning required for a Bachelor Honours Degree (80) is typically 80 units of study that will be completed in one (1) year of full-time study or equivalent.
The Bachelor Honours Degree qualifies individuals to apply a body of knowledge in a specific context to undertake professional work and as a pathway for research and further learning.
Maximum Time
Maximum time to complete a Level 8 Bachelor Honours Degree (80 units ) will be three years from date of admission, inclusive of periods of leave, exclusion or academic suspension. Approved variations are included in the Bachelor Honours Degree (80) - Approved AQF Compliant Programs covered by this Schedule.
Principles and Structure
i) All distinguishable components of the program are to be identified either as courses or within courses . If they are courses , they must have course codes, unit value , a course outline and assessment criteria.courses or the program must be given a mark and students informed of their progressive mark; andcourse marks must contribute to the class of honours.
Admission and selection criteria
The admission and selection criteria for each program will be determined by the College and approved by Academic Senate in accordance with the criteria listed below:
The College Board will ensure that successful applicants to a Bachelor Honours Degree (80) will have also satisfied the selection criteria prescribed by Academic Senate ensuring that successful applicants have:award of a Bachelor degree (level 7); andmajor in the field of study, to be their focus in the Honours program ; andGPA listed in the handbook for the program with a minimum of:Cumulative GPA of 5.0 or higher in the Bachelor degree; orGPA of 5.0 or higher in the approved major ; orGPA of 5.0 or higher in 60 units of approved courses at the 3000 level; andCollege Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) responsible for the program .
Additional Requirements
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Graduate Learning Outcomes
i Knowledge
ii Skills
iii Application of Knowledge and Skills
Qualification for the Award
Completion of the prescribed courses leading to a Bachelors Honours Degree totalling a volume of learning that is typically equivalent to four (4) years, ensuring that the learning outcomes have been achieved for the level. A class of Honours may be awarded as Class I, II/I, II/II, III.
Grading of the Award
The class of Honours awarded for Bachelor Honours Degrees (80) will be determined in accordance with the Course Management and Assessment Manual.
Qualification Title
Bachelor of (Field of Study/ Discipline) (Honours)
Pathways - General
The University supports student mobility and the elimination of unfair and unnecessary barriers to our qualifications. Approved entry pathways and admission criteria are described in Admission and Selection Criteria, above.
Pathways - Credit and Advanced Standing
Credit will not be granted except in accordance with the AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy (especially clause 2.1.9). No credit permitted for work completed in Level 7 Bachelor Degree (240 or 320 units ).
Pathways – Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Pathways – combined degrees
A combined degree may be formally approved by the Program and Course Approval Committee (PCAC) and listed in Bachelor Honours Degree (80) - Approved AQF Compliant Programs or determined on a case by case application in accordance with the Combined Degree Principles described in the Program Management Manual - Coursework.
Pathways – nested or integrated qualifications
Nested qualifications are qualifications that include articulated arrangements from a lower level qualification to a higher qualification to enable multiple entry and exit points. These are purposely designed qualifications that enable explicit articulation pathways and encompass more than one AQF level and/or qualification type. A Bachelor Honours Degree (80 units ) cannot be nested (or integrated).
Pathways Exit
There are no approved Exit Degrees from Bachelor Honours Degree (80).
Pathways - Graduate
Professional Accreditation
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Additional Information