This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Section 1 - The University and Its Students - Responsibilities and Expectations
(1) Academic honesty, integrity and a respect for knowledge and truth are fundamental to the University. This document is intended to clarify and reinforce the University's obligations and responsibilities at law, and is one of the statements of good practice observed by the University in addressing teaching and learning and the academic behaviour of its staff and students.
University Responsibilities
(2) Within the context of the University's Vision, Mission and Values, the University acknowledges the following responsibilities towards its students:
- To provide a work and study environment free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, nationality, sex, age, political conviction,sexual preference, marital status, religious belief, disability, family responsibilities or carers’ responsibilities. This environment will take account of the different characteristics of students and their varying cultural and educational backgrounds, including those of Indigenous Australian students.
- To maintain a safe, positive, harmonious and cooperative teaching and learning environment by ensuring that students have:
- access by appointment to academic staff to discuss program matters;
- timely, fair and constructive assessment of work;
- the prompt addressing of concerns and complaints, especially where they relate to academic standing and progress; and
- work and study areas in compliance with the relevant principles of occupational health and safety.
- To deal with all students and their academic work with honesty and integrity, to maintain ethical academic standards and to provide helpful and appropriate feedback in a timely manner.
- To encourage a respect for knowledge, excellence and to stimulate students to reach a high level of academic attainment.
- To provide, before enrolment, information on courses in a variety of formats, accessible to all students especially students with disabilities, sufficient to allow an informed decision on the programs and courses to be undertaken.
- To ensure that information on timetables for lectures and tutorials is available on enrolment and confirmed prior to the commencement of term and that detailed and accurate information about all relevant aspects of the courses chosen by students is provided within two weeks of the commencement of the term in which the courses are offered.
- To ensure that, if changes are made to courses or programs, adequate arrangements are made so that students who are undertaking them are not disadvantaged.
- To inform students of the common conventions and requirements in relation to proper referencing and acknowledgement of sources as well as providing information on the specific requirements of the College, School or other teaching area.
- To ensure the availability and appropriate timing of compulsory courses and sufficient optional courses to enable program completion within the specified minimum time, provided that the standard rate of progress in the program is maintained.
- To make information freely available on policies and procedures which affect students in all aspects of their life in the University.
- To address concerns and complaints of students and to provide access to suitable appeal and grievance mechanisms.
- To provide support services which take into consideration the needs of equity group students, including Indigenous Australian students.
- To provide access to special consideration rescheduled examination,alternative assessment, replacement assessment or extension of time for assessment where academic performance has been adversely affected by illness or other serious cause beyond the student's control.
- To ensure that students have the opportunity to provide input into academic staff teaching performance appraisal.
- Where appropriate, to have student members on University committees.
- To acknowledge students’ Intellectual property rights.
- To uphold information privacy principles relevant to personal student information in accordance with applicable legislation.
Student Responsibilities
(3) Within the context of the Preamble and the University's Vision and Mission, students acknowledge the following responsibilities:
- To contribute to a work and study environment free from discrimination or harassment.
- To act at all times in a way that respects the rights and privileges of others and shows commitment to freedom of expression in accordance with the Code for the Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom; and in particular to be sensitive to cultural diversities;
- To respect knowledge, scholarship and truth and act with honesty and integrity at all levels of academic life.
- To be aware that all forms of academic dishonesty or misconduct are unacceptable and that the University may put in place measures to test student compliance with its standards.
- To participate actively and positively in the teaching and learning environment, it is expected that students will:
- attend classes as required;
- maintain steady progress within the unit or course framework;
- comply with workload expectations; and
- submit required work on time.
- To participate in the functioning of the University and to provide constructive feedback on the teaching and learning environment.
- To monitor their own progress in the teaching and learning environment and the academic program, in the context of reasonable access to academic staff for assistance and to the various academic support services.
- To cooperate in suggested remedial options to improve their academic performance and maintain adequate progress in a course or program.
- To be aware of all University rules and regulations pertaining to their rights and responsibilities as students.
- To be aware of their individual rights and responsibilities regarding the proper use of copyright material.
- To be aware of all unit or course information made available to them and to raise any questions or concerns with the appropriate academic staff member in a timely manner.