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Section 1 - Context
(1) This procedure supports the University's commitment to maintaining accurate University records and to ensure that unnecessary communications are not dispatched to the families of deceased students.
(2) This procedure allows for the formal registration of the death of a student on all of the University's student data bases, including Alumni records.
(3) This procedure is to be used in conjunction with the University's Critical Incident Management Policy and Procedure should the death occur on-campus.
Top of PageSection 2 - Procedure
(4) The death of a student must be appropriately confirmed. Notification must be confirmed by receipt of a copy of the:
- death/funeral notice in the newspaper; or
- death certificate.
(5) Where a phone call is received notifying of the death of a student, the informant, if in a position to do so, should be requested to send written advice with:
- contact details of the next of kin; and
- a copy of the death certificate; or
- a funeral notice
(6) If the informant cannot provide documentation specified Clause 4, then the contact details of the funeral director should be obtained for phone verification of death. This may require Senior Manager, Student Administration or for Higher Degree by Research students, the Manager, Operations, Research and Innovation Division, contacting police or hospital staff.
(7) Notification must be provided to the Senior Manager, Student Administration or for Higher Degree by Research students, the Executive Officer, Research and Innovation Division, who will make the following adjustments to the student's record on the University's Student System:
- change all postal and mailing addresses to "Do Not Mail (Deceased)";
- append all phone numbers with .invalid;
- amend all email addresses to include invalid. after the @ symbol eg.;
- check customer account, including any Negative Service indicators ;
- drop any active enrolments;
- assess for possible refund or special consideration on tuition fees if after the relevant census date for the term (advice on HECS liability is available from the Australian Taxation Office) - and request action be taken on any outstanding debts or miscellaneous charges;
- re-run tuition calculation;
- mark 'ineligible to enrol' for any future terms; and
- administratively withdraw the student.
(8) Student Processes will then register the deceased status of the student and date of death on the University's Student System.
(9) Copies of the formal notification of the death or the Senior Manager, Student Administration / Graduate Research - Manager Operations - UON Graduate Research file note of phone verified death from funeral director must be retained on the student file including student name, number, program and the program status (eg Active/Completed) at the time of death, and the cause of death (if known).
(10) If the decedent was an enrolled international student there are additional reporting requirements under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act).
- The Senior Manager, Student Administration, Student Central, or for Higher Degree by Research students, the Manager, Operations, Research and Innovation Division, and the Director, International must be advised of the death.
- As soon as practical after the death, the Senior Manager, Student Administration must advise the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) of the circumstances of death.
- It is especially important to contact the DIBP office, prior to reporting on PRISMS, so the DIBP Liaison Officer may prevent a letter being sent to the student's most recent recorded address thus minimising the possibility of further distress for the student's family.
- Using PRISMS to report the student's death, the Senior Manager, Student Administration will enter the student course variation reason/code as below against the student's electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCoE):
- Reason for Student Course Variation - Termination of Student studies prior to completing the course
- Termination Reason - Provider decision to cease student enrolment
- Provider decision to cease student enrolment reasons - Student has died (include full details in the comment field as per death certificate/funeral notice and state that DIBP has been notified by email and provided supporting documentation)
(11) Specific protocols also apply to sponsored students. Details can be obtained from the relevant Third Party Contracts.
(12) The Senior Manager, Student Administration must advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar, Associate Director, Student and Academic Administration, Senior Manager Admissions & Scholarships, Associate Director Marketing and Recruitment, the Alumni office and the relevant Faculty Liaison Coordinator, in writing, of the student's death. For Higher Degree by Research students, the Manager. Operations, Research and Innovation Division must advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar, Associate Director, Student and Academic Business, the Alumni office and the relevant Head of School in writing, of the student's death. The following details must be provided:
- student name;
- student number;
- (program, location and the time the student attended the University;
- date of birth;
- date of death (if known);
- cause of death (if known);
- name of next of kin (if available); and
- contact address for next of kin.
(13) The relevant Faculty Liaison Coordinator will check the student's program progression in case the student may be eligible for a Posthumous award under the University's Posthumous Awards - Policy. The relevant Faculty Liaison Coordinator will provide the information to the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor who will determine whether an application for a Posthumous award should be sent to the President of Academic Senate in accordance with the Governance Rule, Schedule 2. For Higher Degree by Research students, the relevant Head of School and the Graduate Research will check the student's program progression in case the student may be eligible for a Posthumous award under the University's Higher Degrees by Research Posthumous Awards Policy and Higher Degrees by Research Posthumous Awards Procedure.
(14) If the decedent is a current UAC applicant, the Senior Manager, Admissions will inform UAC of the death and include the details outlined in clause 12.
(15) If the decedent is an English Language and Foundation Studies Student, the Senior Manager, Student Administration will inform the Executive Officer Foundation Studies of the death, in writing, including the details outlined in clause 12.
(16) The Associate Director, Student and Academic Administration, will check with the Student Support Service if the student has been a client of any of these services and will inform the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing. The Associate Director, Student Wellbeing will liaise with the relevant Program and Faculty Liaison Coordinator about whether any counselling/support for family and/or other students is required.
(17) The Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar will report the student's death to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President/Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and/or the Vice-Chancellor, as appropriate.
(18) If the decedent is an international student studying on campus, the Director, International will negotiate arrangements with the next of kin and/or sponsor for handling the deceased person's body and personal affects. A memorial service will be organised for fellow students, staff and family.
(19) If the student was currently enrolled, the Senior Manager, Student Administration will inform the Team Leader, IT Service Desk who will remove access to relevant information technology systems.
(20) To ensure that no additional hardship is placed on grieving families, this procedure is to be carried out as quickly as possible after the initial notification and no later than two (2) working days after the formal documentation notification.