(1) The University of Newcastle Act (the Act) establishes the (2) The granting of delegated authority ensures that the most appropriate persons or bodies can make informed decisions within the scope of their roles, responsibilities, and allocated resources. As such, delegates are required to exercise delegated authority in a way that will establish trust in the (3) This Framework is an integral part of the (4) This Framework establishes the requirements for: (5) In the event of any inconsistency between the contents of this document and the contents of any Rule, the content of the Rule will prevail. (6) In the event of any inconsistency between the contents of the Delegations Register or a Delegations Schedule and the content of any Policy or Procedure document, the content of the relevant Delegations Register or a Delegations Schedule will prevail. (7) Nothing in this document, or its associated Schedules, has the effect of invalidating past acts validly performed by delegates under previous delegations. (8) The Delegation of Authority Guidelines is a supporting document to this Framework and should be read in conjunction with this document. (9) This Framework applies to the following delegations: (10) This Framework applies to the exercise of delegated authority: (11) This Framework does not apply to (12) This Framework should be read and understood by: (13) This document should be read in conjunction with: (14) In the context of this document: (15) The Governance Rule establishes the levels of delegation of authority within the (16) A delegation of authority permits a delegate to take action, make a decision, incur costs, receive income, or exercise powers. The exercise of a delegation of authority results in making a binding commitment upon the (17) A delegation of authority may be required when: (18) A delegation of authority may not necessarily be required where the sole aim is to assign responsibility to a role for a step within a process. (19) In accordance with the Act, the Governance Rule, and the Conditions of Delegation, sub-delegation by any officer other than the Vice-Chancellor is strictly prohibited. (20) The model of sub-delegation is such that: (21) Positions may be assigned to a position group, and as such incumbents to the position will be entitled to exercise authorities granted to the position group, where: (22) A position title or classification must not be used to interpret that the position will be granted any delegation of authority or assigned to a position group. (23) Any change to the model of sub-delegation must be in accordance with the provisions of higher level documents including the University of Newcastle Act and the Governance Rule and its associated documents, and must be approved as an amendment to this Framework. (24) The Act and the Conditions of Delegation establish limits as to who may be granted a delegation of authority, and these limits must be complied with. (25) The (26) Delegations of authority must be contained within an approved delegation schedule. Delegations expressed in policy documents (as defined by the Policy Framework), but not contained in an approved delegation schedule are not considered to be delegations of authority. (27) Delegation Schedules will, unless otherwise authorised, be published using the (28) The Delegations Register, from the date of its implementation and to the extent possible, will maintain records of persons appointed to or acting in positions that have been delegated authority. (29) The (30) Delegation Schedules may be varied from time to time, or may be rescinded at any time. Any contextual variation to a Delegation Schedule must be authorised by an appropriate approval authority as defined by the Act and Governance Rule. (31) It is the responsibility of the (32) Administration of the Delegations Register is the responsibility of Governance and Assurance Services. (33) Each delegation of authority must be expressed clearly and concisely in a manner that establishes any relevant scope and context, and should: (34) Holder limits may be expressed as: (35) Limits must be in accordance with the Schedule 4 of the Governance Rule – Conditions of Delegation where applicable. (36) Financial limits must be expressed exclusive of GST. (37) Positional and divisional limits must be expressed in accordance with the (38) Conditions of individual authorities must clearly and concisely establish any requirements that must be met when a delegate exercises the delegated authority. Conditions will be placed within the “Administrative Notes” field in the Delegations Register. (39) It is the responsibility of the delegate to ensure that they: (40) The Delegations Register is administered by the Policy and Delegations Officer (Governance and Assurance Services). (41) Where practical, a Delegation Record will be created in the Delegations Register for employees of the (42) An acting appointment will have a delegation record created in the Delegations Register where the appointment is: (43) Positions will be appointed to Position Groups in accordance with the provisions and requirements of this Framework. The University Secretary may, in exceptional circumstances, authorise the assigning of a position to a Position Group where this appointment does not meet the provisions or requirements of this Framework, subject to adequate justification and (44) A Delegation Record within the Delegations Register will be expired upon receipt of written advice from Human Resource Services that the delegate is no longer appointed to or acting in a position. (45) The establishment or amendment of a delegation of authority will be subject to approval in writing (or by minute) by the body or position who is authorised to approve the delegation of authority. (46) All requests for the establishment or amendment of a delegated authority must be submitted to delegations@newcastle.edu.au in the first instance. Governance and Assurance Services are responsible for assessing requests for delegations, including amendments, subject to: (47) A request to amend or establish a delegated authority may require suitable justification by a subject matter expert, as determined by Governance and Assurance Services. In these circumstances, the subject matter expert may be requested to direct their request to establish or amend a delegated authority through their management line to seek approval, subject to endorsement of the request by Governance and Assurance Services. (48) In the event a new or revised policy document, as defined by the Policy Framework, requires an amendment to or establishment of a delegation, this may be noted and requested as part of the approval process for the Policy, subject to endorsement by Governance and Assurance Services. (49) The Policy and Delegations Officer will publish new or amended delegations of authority upon receipt of written confirmation of approval by the appopriate delegate, and will notify all relevant stakeholders. (50) A delegation of authority is exercised at the point of a decision and must be evidenced by any of the following, either alone or in combination: (51) Not taking action may also be regarded as exercising a delegation of authority, where this is made evident to the delegate. (52) Records relating to the exercise of a delegation must comply with the Records & Information Management Policy. (53) All delegations of authority must be read subject to, and exercised in accordance with, the relevant: (54) Unless otherwise stated in this Framework, the granting of a delegation of authority to a position allows the incumbent of that position to exercise that delegated authority, providing it is in accordance with any relevant statute, including this Framework. (55) The granting of a delegation of authority to a committee refers to the committee acting as a whole, not to individual members of that committee. (56) Where a position or committee is re-named, abolished, or detached, the authority granted to such a position or committee should be taken to be a reference to the principal successor to the functions of that position or committee, providing that such a change has been appropriately approved in writing or by minute. Notification of such changes and evidence of approval should be provided to delegations@newcastle.edu.au as soon as possible after approval. (57) The ability to authorise a transaction or document a decision within a (58) A delegation of authority can only be exercised within the scope of the delegate’s responsibilities, regardless of authority limits imposed. (59) The decision to exercise a delegated authority must be: (60) A delegate does not have to exercise a delegated authority if they consider such an act would be inappropriate. In such cases the delegate must refer the matter to their line supervisor, or a more senior delegate. A manager may instruct a delegate who reports directly to them to not exercise a delegated authority. (61) A delegate is not obliged to exercise a delegation of authority and should not exercise it if in their opinion there are circumstances that make it more transparent, equitable, or ethical for the matter to be considered at a more senior level. (62) A delegate may make decisions in either the positive or negative. (63) Where a delegated authority includes a condition to act on the advice or recommendation of another position, body or committee, the delegate remains responsible for seeking such advice, and for determining if this advice is to be acted upon or against. Where advice is acted against the delegate must document their reasons(s) for doing so. (64) Where the limit of a delegated authority is subject to the advice, consultation or recommendation of another position, body or committee, the delegate must act upon this advice, unless clause 60 is invoked. (65) The delegate remains responsible for the proper exercise of a delegated authority, regardless of any advice or recommendation given to inform the exercise of such an authority. (66) An authority to exercise a delegated authority extends to: (67) A delegated authority must not be exercised if the delegate has or may have a potential, perceived or actual conflict of interest in connection with the matter. (Please see Conflict of Interest Policy). (68) A delegation of authority is made to a position at the lowest point in the organisational structure where the decision can be made, and therefore, every higher position in the same line of management accountability can also exercise that delegated authority in accordance with this Framework. (69) No delegate other than the Vice-Chancellor, is authorised to sub-delegate any or all of its delegated authorities to another person or group of persons. (70) Where a delegated authority to exercise an operational function is not sub-delegated, only the Vice-Chancellor may exercise that function, unless the authority is a Matter Reserved by Council. (71) Where a delegate creates a binding commitment on the (72) Delegates must not approve the incurring or reimbursement of their own expenditure, even if it falls within their responsibility levels. Such expenditure must be approved by another appropriate delegate in accordance with this Framework. (73) Any delegation of authority to incur expenditure must be exercised within the limits of any relevant budget or other approved source of funds, and only for authorised cost collectors or other relevant financial codes or classifications. Delegates must also ensure that there are no other costs incurred as a result of exercising a financial delegation. If there are such costs, these should be added to the value of the transaction in consideration of the delegate’s limit. (74) Breaking transactions into smaller components to circumvent limits of authority or financial systems is strictly prohibited and considered a breach of the (75) The expenditure of funds received or designated for a specific purpose (e.g. (76) If the cost of a transaction is not certain at the time of exercising a delegation, the delegation of authority must be exercised based on a reasonable and appropriately informed estimate of the cost of the transaction, including any in-kind elements. The method of making such an estimate must be appropriately documented. (77) The total cost of a transaction to the (78) If a contract payment indicates that the total value of an already approved contract will be exceeded, a delegate with the financial limit to approve the new total value of the contract (original costs plus variation costs) must approve the contract payment. (79) Where the (80) Where the (81) Variations to either a Head Agreement or sub-agreement must be dealt with in accordance with Clauses 77 and 78 of this Framework. (82) Please also refer to Delegation of Authority Guidelines. (83) A delegate may appoint an Authorised Officer to give effect to the exercise of a delegation of authority in the name of the delegate, where: (84) An Authorised Officer must be appointed in writing detailing the following: (85) An Authorised Officer appointment may be wholly or partially withdrawn or restricted (permanently or temporarily) at any time by the delegate or a person holding a higher position in the same line of management accountability. (86) An Authorised Officer appointment must not be made as a substitute to sub-delegation. (87) An Authorised Officer is not permitted to transfer any authorisation granted to them by a delegate. (88) The delegate remains responsible for the actions of their appointed Authorised Officer, and the act of the authorised officer will be taken to be the act of the delegate. (89) Authorised Officers must act in accordance with this Framework and the Delegations of Authority Guidelines. (90) Authorised Officers will not be reflected in the Delegations Register. (91) Delegates who appoint Authorised Officer’s must maintain a Register of Authorised Officers that is to be stored in accordance with the Records Governance Policy. (92) Delegates should not exercise a delegation of authority unless provided with sufficient details about the relevant subject matter and can be satisfied that there is a proper trail of accountability. (93) In accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, where the total value of a contract for the supply of goods or services to the (94) The exercise of any authority must be recorded in accordance with the Records Governance Policy. (95) A review of each Delegation Schedule will occur: (96) The review of Delegation Schedules will be coordinated by Governance and Assurance Services who will invite Executive Leadership Team members and relevant stakeholders to contribute to each review, and prepare the submission to the relevant authority holder for approval of the amendments. (97) Executive Leadership Team members are required to inform proposed changes to any Delegation Schedules from a thorough understanding and assessment of associated (98) Recommendations for amendments to Delegations Schedules will be subject to confirmation by Governance and Assurance Services in accordance with clause 46 of this framework. (99) Approved amendments to Delegations Schedules will be published in a timely manner by Governance and Assurance Services and notified to relevant stakeholders. (100) Non-compliance with the (101) (102) The Public Interest Disclosure Policy outlines the provisions for making a Public Interest Disclosure where breach of the (104) The following schedules are contained in the Delegations Register: (105) Governance and Assurance Services are responsible for: (106) Senior Executives and Executive Leadership Team members are responsible for: (107) (108) Delegates are responsible for:Delegation of Authority Framework
Section 1 - Introduction
Top of PageSection 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Audience
Top of PageSection 5 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 6 - Delegations Structure
When is a Delegation of Authority Required?
Sub-Delegation Model
Delegation Schedules
Elements of a Delegation of Authority
Holder Limits
Delegations Register
Table 1 – Approved Position Groups
Position Group Title
Approved Position Inclusions
Assistant Dean (Research)
Assistant Dean (Research) roles.
Associate Director
Authoriser in Fraedom / Tech One
Delegates appointed to a position with a HEW Classification of HEW8 or above, and approved to be a Fraedom or Tech One authoriser by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
College General Manager
All College General Manager roles.
College Pro Vice-Chancellor
All College Pro Vice-Chancellor roles.
Deputy Director
Deputy Head of College
All Deputy Head of College roles.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
All Deputy Vice-Chancellor roles.
Division / College General Manager
Executive Officer
Head of School
All Head of School roles.
Pro Vice-Chancellor
All Pro Vice-Chancellor roles.
Section 7 - Establishment and Amendment of Delegations
Section 8 - Exercising Delegations of Authorities
General Principles
Exercising Financial Authorities
Contracts and Agreements
Collaborative Agreements – Head and Sub Agreements
Authorised Officers
Record Management and Documentary Requirements
Section 9 - Review of Delegations Schedules
Section 10 - Non-Compliance
Section 11 - Delegations Schedules
Top of Page
Section 12 - Responsibilities
View Current
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All Associate Director roles within the provisions of the Guideline to define Units, Centres, and University Institutes.
All Deputy Director roles within the provisions of the Guideline to define Units, Centres, and University Institutes.
All Director roles within business units of the University , excluding Director roles that are academic roles; and all other Director roles within the provisions of the Guideline to define Units, Centres, and University Institutes.
Chief People and Culture Officer, Dean of Graduate Research, Chief Digital & Information Officer, Executive Director of Advancement, Executive Director, Change and Improvement.
All College General Manager roles.
General Manager Academic Division, General Manager, Research & Innovation Division.
Executive Officer roles, Senior Executive Officer roles, School Executive Officer roles.
Assistant Director roles, as approved by the University Secretary.