This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Section 1 - The Degree
(1) The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Health Psychology shall be an ungraded degree awarded for research that demonstrates that the student has the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. The research should uncover new knowledge either by the discovery of new facts, the formulation of theories or the innovative re-interpretation of known data and established ideas in health psychology.
Top of PageSection 2 - Admission to Candidature
(2) An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree shall:
- have satisfied all of the requirements for admission to an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council accredited four-year Bachelor degree with first class honours or second class honours Division 1 in the University or any other degree approved for this purpose by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) and possess such other qualifications, or professional experience, and/or other relevant attributes as may be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee); or
- have satisfied all of the requirements for admission to an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council accredited four-year Bachelor degree in the University or any other degree approved for this purpose by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee), and have achieved by subsequent work and study a standard recognised by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) as equivalent to at least second class honours Division 1 and possess such other qualifications, or professional experience, and/or other relevant attributes as may be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee).
- have satisfied all of the requirements for a pass grade in the first 8 courses (80 units) of the Master of Health Psychology, or equivalent degree approved for this purpose by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) after considering advice from the Head of School.
(3) An applicant shall not be admitted to candidature unless adequate supervision and resources are available. Whether these are available shall be determined by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) after considering advice from the Head of School.
Top of PageSection 3 - Submission of Thesis for Examination
(4) The candidate shall submit four copies of the thesis in accordance with the provisions of the Rules Governing Higher Degrees by Research and the Thesis Preparation and Submission Guidelines, and in the case of a Jointly Awarded Research Higher Degree Program, the Memorandum of Understanding.
Top of PageSection 4 - Examination of Thesis
(5) The thesis shall be examined in accordance with the provisions of the Rules Governing Higher Degrees by Research. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) shall appoint three examiners, none of whom shall normally be members of the staff of the University.
Top of PageSection 5 - Completion of Coursework and Placements
(6) Admission to the degree shall also be conditional upon the satisfactory completion of the prescribed coursework and practical placements.
Top of PageSection 6 - Transfer of Candidature
(7) Except in special circumstances approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee), transferral of candidature to the degree will not be permitted.
Top of PageSection 7 - Time Requirements
(8) The thesis, coursework and clinical placements shall be completed and submitted for examination in not less than two years of full-time and four years of part-time enrolment from admission to candidature and except with the permission of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee), not more than four years of full-time or eight years of part-time enrolment.
Top of PageSection 8 - Qualification for the Degree
(9) To qualify for admission to the degree, Doctor of Philosophy, a candidate shall have been enrolled and satisfied the above requirements and those prescribed in the relevant rules and policies of the University. The candidate will be recommended for admission to the degree by the Dean of Graduate Research on the advice of the Research Training Sub-Committee.