This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Section 1 - Application of Schedule
(1) This Schedule supports the implementation of the Higher Doctoral Degrees Policy.
(2) This schedule shall apply to the degrees of Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Letters, and Doctor of Science.
Top of PageSection 2 - The Degree
(3) The degree shall be awarded in recognition of an original, substantial and distinguished contribution to knowledge in any branch of learning of concern to the College in which the candidature is undertaken.
Top of PageSection 3 - Admission to Candidature
(4) An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree shall be:
- a graduate of not less than eight years standing of the University of Newcastle; or
- a full-time member of the staff of the University of Newcastle for at least three consecutive years (or part-time equivalent); or
- a graduate of another university and who has had a close research association with the University of Newcastle for at least three years; and
- since graduating has been engaged in substantial research, study or work which in the opinion of the Research Training Sub-Committee is relevant to the practice of the College.
(5) A written application for admission to candidature setting out full details of the applicant's academic qualifications shall be lodged with the Dean of Graduate Research and shall include:
- a short statement describing the nature of the advanced study which it is proposed will form the basis of the work submitted for examination; and
- a list of published work proposed to be submitted in the event that candidature is approved; and
- the names of three potential examiners.
(6) If the applicant is eligible for consideration for the award of a University Higher Doctoral Degree the application is forwarded to the relevant College for consideration. After consultation with relevant college members, the College is requested to recommend:
- No further consideration – the proposed body of work is not commensurate with that required for the award of the Higher Doctorate and admission is denied.
- Recommend that admission be approved and material be sent out for external examination. In doing so the College is asked to recommend 3 examiners to supplement those nominated by the applicant.
Top of PageSection 4 - Submission for the Degree
(7) The submission shall consist of:
- a selection of published works including monographs and papers from refereed journals describing aspects of the advanced study carried out by the candidate. The number of papers submitted should be sufficient for the body of work to constitute an original, substantial and distinguished contribution to knowledge; and
- a short discourse describing the theme of the published works and how these are related to one another and to the theme; or
- an extended discourse describing aspects of the advanced study carried out by the candidate supported by published works.
(8) The submission shall be presented in the manner prescribed by the Research Training Sub-Committee.
(9) Within one year of admission to candidature, the candidate shall lodge one copy of the submission with the Dean of Graduate Research for examination. Submission is preferred as a PDF document but bound hard-copy is permissible.
Top of PageSection 5 - Examination
(10) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) shall appoint three examiners and nominate one reserve examiner none of whom shall be members of the staff of the University. Examiners should be of international standing.
(11) A candidate may be required to answer further oral or written questions concerning any submitted work.
(12) The Research Training Sub-Committee shall consider the reports of the examiners and determine the outcome of the examination.
(13) Where the examiners' recommendations are not unanimous, before making any recommendation, the Committee may take one or more of the following actions:
- appoint an additional examiner;
- appoint an arbiter;
- invite the examiners to confer with each other and/or with the Committee, with a view to the presentation of a consolidated recommendation;
- direct that the candidate undertakes such further examinations or other work either oral, written or practical as the Committee may specify.
(14) There shall be no provision for a candidate to revise and resubmit the submission for the degree.