(1) To ensure that all externally funded research activity undertaken by the (2) (3) An Indirect Cost recovery charge of 25% will apply on all externally funded research other than the (4) The recovered Indirect Costs will be distributed as follows: (5) Research funding received under the following are exempt from the 25% Indirect Cost charge: (6) External research funding from Not For Profit organisations which have a published policy stating that they do not pay Indirect Costs or at a rate lower that the (7) External research funding from competitive International research schemes which have a published policy stating that they do not pay Indirect Costs or at a rate lower that the (8) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) may agree to a reduced Indirect Cost rate in exceptional circumstances. In these cases the full direct cost of the research must be included in the budget, such as the inclusion of the salary for the researcher's time working on the project. Researchers seeking a reduced Indirect Cost rate may do so by submitting a 'Request for Reduction of Overhead Charge' form (see Grants and Funding Forms and Codes)to Research and Innovation Services. (9) Researchers are expected to price all research projects in accordance with this Guideline. Where this is not possible, researchers should not agree to a lower Indirect Cost rate without previously obtaining the required written approval with the appropriate (10) Researchers are expected to seek all allowable direct costs of a research project including salaries, on-costs, equipment and consumables and, where allowable, the indirect costs of overheads and infrastructure. (11) Faculties are expected to ensure that all new researchers and professional (12) The Research and Innovation Division is responsible for ensuring that this Guideline is applied correctly to all research funding and submitted research applications.Indirect Cost Recovery (Research) Guideline
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Audience
Section 3 - Guidelines
Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities
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