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Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degrees and Dual Award Doctoral Degrees Policy

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Section 1 - Introduction 

(1) Joint doctoral degree programmes, involving the joint supervision of PhD candidates across institutions, are internationally recognised as a means of establishing and enhancing strong and enduring relationships with international research universities and researchers.

(2) This policy supports the commitment of the University and acknowledges the critical importance of global partnerships and student mobility.

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Section 2 - Audience

(3) This policy applies to all doctoral candidates and supervisors associated with a Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD) or Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD) program.

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Section 3 - Policy 

Establishing a JADD or DADD

(4)  A JADD or DADD program should only be established if:

  1. the partner institution (or discipline) is ranked within the top 3% of QS ranked universities; and
  2. there is demonstrable research collaboration between the two institutions and where a joint PhD program would enhance those links; and
  3. adequate resources are available at each institution.

(5) Where the conditions specified in clause 4 are not met by a proposed partner institution, an application for the establishment of a JADD or DADD can be made to the Dean of Graduate Research for consideration.

(6) A JADD program may be established for multiple candidates.

(7) The Procedure for Establishing a JADD and DADD outlined below must be adhered to.


(8) The academic standards of JADDs and DADDs must be at least equivalent to those of PhDs offered solely by the University.

(9) The partner institution should have:

  1. the academic standing to deliver JADD and DADD programs and guarantee that the candidate learning experience is equivalent to that of candidates in University programs and therefore enables candidates to achieve the required academic standards;
  2. academic quality acceptable to the University, including, but not limited to:
    1. quality assurance procedures for monitoring research education standards; and
    2. PhD program structure and duration consistent with Australian Government standards; and
    3. supervision and supervisor training; and
    4. responsible conduct of research consistent with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and the University's Work Health and Safety policies.

Program structure

(10) To establish a JADD and DADD program, an initial analysis is undertaken and summarised in the Proposal to Establish a Jointly Awarded or Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD) Program form.

(11) The proposal is submitted for Dean of Graduate Research's consideration and where appropriate, endorsed.

(12) For JADD programs, an Institutional Agreement between the collaborating institutions must be signed and an individual Candidate Agreement developed for each candidate. The individual Candidate Agreement must specify the Details pertaining to that candidate.

(13) For DADD programs, an individual Candidate Agreement must be developed for each candidate. The individual Candidate Agreement must specify the details pertaining to that candidate. 

(14) The JADD and DADD Candidate Agreement must be signed within 3 months of commencement of candidature by the candidate at either of the partner institutions, unless otherwise approved by the Dean of Graduate Research.

(15) JADD and DADD programs are normally available only to full-time PhD candidates; however, part-time candidature may be considered by the Dean of Graduate Research.

(16) The candidate is required to spend a minimum of 12 months full-time equivalent candidature at each of the institutions during the candidature.

(17) The candidate will complete the requirements for the PhD within 4 years full-time equivalent study. A minimum 2 years full-time equivalent candidature is required.

(18) Only one thesis is submitted for examination to both the University and the partner institution for both the JADD and DADD.

(19) JADD programs may require CRICOS registration for the specific joint degree program.


(20) The candidate must satisfy the usual entry and admission requirements for admission to the PhD program at both institutions.

(21) The candidate will be enrolled concurrently at both institutions for the duration of the candidature.

Supervision and the appointment of supervisors

(22) At least one supervisor from each institution will be appointed.

(23) University supervisors shall carry out the duties and responsibilities as set out in the Code of Practice for Higher Degree by Research Candidature and Rules Governing Higher Degree by Research.


(24) Confirmation of candidature must be approved by both institutions, as stipulated in the Details of the Candidate Agreement

(25) Progress reporting will be completed as stipulated in the Details of the Candidate Agreement.

(26) Any application regarding a change in an aspect of the candidature is considered and approved by both institutions, including but not limited to:

  1. Applications for leave
  2. Requests for extension
  3. change to study intensity
  4. scholarship variations
  5. other changes to program status

(27) JADD and DADD candidates are liable for the University Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) for the tenure of their program.

(28) JADD and DADD candidates are liable for any other fees that may be associated with their candidature, such as Overseas Student Health Cover and visa costs, unless otherwise stipulated in the Details of the Candidate Agreement.


(29) All candidates on JADD and DADD programs must meet University English Language proficiency requirements and any language proficiency requirements of the partner institution.

(30) Where the candidate is not fluent in the language of the partner institution support mechanisms must be in place as stipulated in the Details of the Candidate Agreement.

(31) The thesis submitted for examination must be written in English, unless otherwise approved by the Dean of Graduate Research at the time of setting up the candidate agreement.


(32) The award of a centrally funded scholarship is at Dean of Graduate Research's discretion.

(33) Where an international candidate is identified, it is at the relevant Head of School and Dean of Graduate Research's discretion whether a tuition fee scholarship will be offered.


(34) The examination process will be conducted as specified in the Details of the Candidate Agreement.

(35) Unless a variation is approved by the Dean of Graduate Research each candidate will undergo a single examination process.

(36) The thesis shall be examined by a minimum of two external, independent and internationally recognised examiners, agreeable to the supervisors from both institutions.

(37) A single mutually agreed outcome will be determined for the examination. Unless a variation is approved, in advance, by the Dean of Graduate Research there is no possibility of only one institution awarding a PhD after the single examination process.

(38) JADD and DADD candidates are unable to be invited to revise and re-submit their thesis more than once.

(39) Where a University supervisor is required to attend an oral examination at the partner institution, the relevant School/College will be responsible for all associated costs.

(40) If either institution requires the candidate to participate in an oral examination, the associated costs are at the expense of that institution.

(41) A copy of the final thesis will be submitted to each institution.

 10 Withdrawal from candidature

(42) A candidate may withdraw from a JADD or DADD program at any time prior to thesis submission.

(43) Withdrawal from the JADD or DADD program results in the termination of enrolment at both institutions.

(44) After withdrawal from a JADD or DADD program a candidate may request to enrol solely at one or other of the partner institutions. Such an application would be considered as a new application for admission.

Termination of Candidature

(45) Termination of candidature from the JADD or DADD may occur, and is not limited to reasons of unsatisfactory progress, supervision availability and/or misconduct.

(46) Termination of candidature from the JADD or DADD will terminate candidature at both institutions.

(47) After termination from a JADD or DADD program a candidate may request to enrol solely at one or other of the partner institutions. Such an application would be considered as a new application for admission.


(48) In the case of a JADD:

  1. The candidate will receive one award of the PhD, made jointly by the University and the partner institution, which will be evidenced by one testamur.
  2. The testamur will bear the coat of arms, equally placed, and delegated signatures of both institutions.
  3. All documentation related to the award will state that it is a single PhD award.

(49) In the case of a DADD:

  1. The candidate will receive one award of the PhD, which will be evidenced by a testamur from each Institution.
  2. The University testamur will contain the following expression: "conferred as a single degree under a Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD) program between the University and xxxxxxx [partner institution]". The other institution's testamur will be required to contain similar information.
  3. All documentation related to the award will state that it is a single PhD.
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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities 

(50) All Staff Members are required to obtain the approval from the Dean of Graduate Research prior to the establishment of a JADD and DADD with potential partner institutions.

(51) JADD and DADD Candidates must accept the terms and conditions of enrolment, including compliance with both institutions rules, policies and procedures at both the University and the partner institution.

(52) The Dean of Graduate Research or nominee under delegated authority, may act to resolve urgent matters relating to JADD and DADD programs. In exceptional circumstances arising in a particular matter, the Dean of Graduate Research may relax any provision of this Policy.

(53) Graduate Research will be responsible for preparing all agreements for execution.