This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Section 1 - Principles
User Pays
(1) The provision of private motor vehicle parking on the Callaghan Campus and the Conservatorium of Music, Newcastle is subject to a user pays principle.
(2) Staff and students use car parking facilities at different rates, given that staff generally attend the campus for 47 weeks of the year and students for 34 weeks.
(3) The level of fees imposed reflect this variation.
(4) Reserved parking spaces attract a higher fee than general parking.
Development of Parking Facilities
(5) Funds generated by the collection of fees will generally be used to contribute to the cost of parking facilities, including management and administration, maintenance of existing facilities, development of new facilities and as opportunities present, under building parking.
(6) It is desirable that the area devoted to ground level parking facilities be reduced over time by the substitution of low rise multi level parking facilities.
(7) The University campuses are open to general public access. It is not intended to restrict access to the campus by such devices as boundary fences, gates, or other physical barriers on main access roads.
(8) Vehicle entry fees apply Monday to Friday between the hours 8.00am and 5.30pm.
Reserved Parking
(9) Reserved parking arrangements will be provided for:
- Senior staff who elect to sacrifice salary in favour of a University motor vehicle or who are allocated 'position' vehicles, in which case it is expected that reserved parking will be elected to reflect the fact that University vehicles must be available for general business use when not otherwise in use;
- Heads of Academic Department and equivalent, subject to justification.
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy Statement
(10) For the purposes of traffic and parking management the Callaghan Campus and Conservatorium of Music, Newcastle, are categorised as Restricted Parking Areas in terms as provided by the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) (Road Rules) Regulation 1999.
(11) Limited private motor vehicle parking is provided on the Callaghan Campus and at the Conservatorium of Music, Newcastle, on a user pays basis.
(12) Staff and students are encouraged to consider alternative modes of transport such as public transport, including bus and train, car pooling, walking, cycling, where alternatives are available and convenient. The University actively supports initiatives to enhance the viability of alternatives and in particular is committed to the provision of convenient public transport infrastructure on the Callaghan Campus.
(13) University Traffic and Parking Rules are in force on the Callaghan Campus and Conservatorium of Music, Newcastle and the NSW Police Force processes parking infringements issued on the University campus on behalf of the University, and penalties applied are those provided for under the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) (Road Rules) Regulation 1999.
(14) Vehicle entry fees apply in order to:
- Provide a 'user pays' arrangement for the provision of private vehicle parking;
- Provide a source of income for the management, administration, maintenance and development of private car parking facilities.
- Encourage the use of alternative transport modes such as bus, train, vehicle pools, cycling and to decrease the demand for car parking on the campus.
Top of PageSection 3 - Exemptions
(15) The following categories of vehicles and persons are exempt from the payment of vehicle entry fees:
- bicycles
- delivery, service and contractor vehicles
- disabled drivers (RTA permit holders - wheelchair users and inability to walk 100 metres category)
- University departmental and fleet vehicles
- Motorcycles.
(16) Official visitors to the University and volunteers may be provided with a day parking permit by the Faculty/Division involved with the visitors/volunteers arrangements.
Top of PageSection 4 - Method of Payment
(17) The following options are available for the payment of entry fees:
- Staff
- single per annum payment, or equivalent
- single half year payment, or equivalent
- fortnightly payroll deduction, or equivalent
- cash purchase of one day vouchers, or
- cash payment by ticket machine (daily)
- Students
- single per annum payment, or equivalent
- single half year payment, or equivalent
- cash purchase of one day vouchers, or
- cash payment by ticket machine (daily)
- Visitors/Casuals
- cash payment by ticket machine (daily)
(18) Half year payments relate to 6 monthly periods from January to June and July to December. In the case of semester 1, the first half year ending date will be extended to include the last day of semester date, where this occurs in July.
Top of PageSection 5 - Refunds and Transferability
(19) Permit fees will be refunded on application and return of the permit, on a pro rata basis for full months remaining before the expiry date.
(20) Permit fees will not normally be refunded under any other circumstances.
(21) In the case of payroll deductions, deductions may be cancelled for any periods of approved leave after the first 8 weeks of absence, or for full periods only, and subject to the return of the permit.
(22) Lost, stolen or damaged parking permits will not be replaced. In the case of a student who has been invoiced for a parking permit the amount outstanding on the invoice must still be paid in full.
(23) A member of staff paying for a parking permit by payroll deductions may apply for a replacement permit by supplying the Associate Director, Asset and Property Services with a signed Statutory Declaration, outlining the circumstances of the loss. A ten dollar ($10.00) replacement fee will apply.
(24) Permit may be transferred between vehicle owner/drivers.
Top of PageSection 6 - Fees and Charges
(25) Fees and charges will be determined and reviewed from time to time by the University Council in accordance with Part 4 Section 16 (1)(j) University of Newcastle Act 1989 No 68.
Top of PageSection 7 - Enforcement/Penalties
(26) The enforcement of the Traffic and Parking Rules and penalties are provided for as follows:
- Parking Patrol Officers employed to assist with traffic and parking management;
- The issue of infringement notices;
- Physical vehicle tow away;
- Adhesive labels indicating vehicle parked contrary to University Rules.
Top of PageSection 8 - Schedule
(27) Motor Vehicle Entry Fees and Infringement Penalties Schedule (under review – please contact Infrastructure and Facilities Services)