Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this version of the document. It also contains information contact details for the subject matter expert.  To the right, a brief summary of the changes between this and the previous version is provided.

Program Management Procedure Manual - Coursework

Show Field Notes
Status Historic Indicates if this version of the document is in effect (Current), yet to come into effect (Future), or expired (Historic).
Effective Date 13th January 2021 This is the date on which this version of the document came into effect.
Review Date 13th January 2023 The next review of this document is scheduled to commence on this date.
Approval Authority Academic Senate The noted authority approved this is version of the document.
Approval Date 11th November 2020 This is the date on which this version of the document was approved by the authorised authority.
Expiry Date 7th November 2022 This is the date on which this version expires. It may still apply, conditionally, after this date.
Responsible Executive Mark Hoffman
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President
This is the senior officer with responsibility for the document.
Enquiries Contact John Radvan
Senior Manager, Academic Governance & Compliance

Student Central
General enquiries should be directed to the officer/area listed.

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

13 October 2022: Amendments to clauses 20, 23, 90, 142 and 147 to align with amended academic delegations. Approved by President Academic Senate.

9 August 2022:  New clause 241 and 244 added. Approved by President Academic Senate (urgent business).

27 June 2022:  Removal of Clause 59, and amendment to clauses 204, 207, 217, 219, 269, 270, 275, 297 and 315 to align with current academic delegations. Approved as an administrative amendment, President Academic Senate.

24 January 2022:  References to Quality Assurance, Teaching and Learning Officer amended to Education and Innovation Officer.  References to College Liaison Coordinator amended to Strategic Program Manager. Approved as administrative amendment, University Secretary.

3 December 2021:  College Credit Variances appendix updated.  Approved by Academic Senate 10 November 2021.

25 November 2021: Reference to Council and Records Management amended to Governance and Assurance Services.  Approved as administrative amendment, University Secretary.

8 November 2021:  Position title Director, Student Experience and Administration and Academic Registrar updated to Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Experience and Academic Registrar, in accordance with Academic Division organisational change endorsed by the Vice-Chancellor on 8 June, 2021. Administrative amendment.

21 September 2021:  Reference to Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching amended to Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Innovation. Administrative amendment.

24 August 2021:  Amendment to clause 304 to change reference to Blackboard to Learning Management system.  Approved as administrative amendment by University Secretary.

27 July 2021:  References to Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching amended to Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Innovation. Administrative amendment, approved by University Secretary.

29 March 2021: Definition of “Course Availability List” updated to reflect College rather than Faculty. Administrative amendment, approved by University Secretary.

25 March 2021: Definition of School updated to reflect College rather than Faculty. Faculty changed to College throughout.  College definition applied. Administrative amendment, approved by University Secretary. 

4 March 2021:  Clause 320 (Appendice) removed. Administrative amendment.

Full review conducted with minor amendments to remove duplicated content, clarify clauses, correct errors, re-order content and improve readability. Significant amendments made to: - clarify responsibilities and limitations; - establish arrangements for CRICOS registration for new programs versus new award and programs; - remove duplicated content captured in Award and Program Schedules; - clarify authority to approve exceptions to maximum time for completion; - provide capacity for DVCAVP, Academic Senate or relevant PVC to initiate an out of cycle review; - clarify approval authority for cancellation of a review; - remove requirement for Faculty Response and Action Plans to be considered by TLC; - amend student progress provisions; - clarify authority to approve discontinuation of programs; - remove requirement for Faculty Boards to report to PCAC; - provide authority for Program Convenors to approve substitution of courses within a directed course list; - clarify involvement of Faculty QATL and/or Faculty Liaison Coordinator in dissemination of outcomes; - include limitation within the relaxing provision.

Clauses Amended:Manual: 25,27,37,39-40,44-48,51,57,64-66,71,84,S5,107,111,129,149,203,210,219,220,222,S8,269-270,275,276,280,305,310-312,315, Appendices


27/07/2021: Division name changed from Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching (OPVCLT) to Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Innovation (OPVCEI)



25/11/2021: Division Council and Records Management (CRM) replaced with Governance and Assurance Services (GAS)