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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Pro Vice-Chancellors, Associate Deans and Other College Officers Policy

Section 1 - Interpretation

(1) In this Policy, unless the context or subject matter otherwise indicates or requires "College Board" means the Board constituted under the College Board Terms of Reference, as determined by the Academic Senate from time to time.

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Section 2 - Deans 

(2) The title "Dean" is a courtesy title conferred by the Vice-Chancellor.

(3) Use of the title "Dean" is restricted to external academic, professional and other purposes approved by the Vice-Chancellor. The title shall not be included in formal University academic organisational and administrative structures.

(4) Where a Pro Vice-Chancellor or Head of School has the courtesy title "Dean", Clause 3 also applies.

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Section 3 - Functions of Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC)

(5) There shall be a College Pro Vice-Chancellor who shall be the Executive Head of the College and shall preside at all meetings of the College Board.

(6) The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for academic leadership, and the efficient and effective operation of the College.

(7) The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall also have a University-wide portfolio, assigned by the Vice-Chancellor.

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Section 4 - Deputy Head of College

(8) In each College there shall be a Deputy Head of College.

(9) The Deputy Head of College is the standing Deputy to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, and shall act as Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor in absences of the Pro Vice-Chancellor. The Deputy Head of College shall also assist the Pro Vice-Chancellor in such matters as the Pro Vice-Chancellor may from time to time determine.

(10) The Vice-Chancellor shall, in consultation with the Pro Vice-Chancellor, appoint a member of the College as Deputy Head of College in accordance with Clause 11 to hold office for such period within the term of office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor as the Vice-Chancellor may determine.

Deputy Head of College

(11) A Deputy Head of College is appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College.

(12) The Vice-Chancellor shall report the appointment to the Council.

(13) Before proceeding to consultation with the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro Vice-Chancellor shall:

  1. consider first Professors or Associate Professors in the College for appointment as Deputy Head of College;
  2. consult with staff in the College; and
  3. consult with relevant staff outside the College.
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Section 5 - Associate Dean

(14) The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall appoint members of the College as Associate Deans to hold office for such period within the term of office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor as the Pro Vice-Chancellor may determine. The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall consult members of the College prior to making the appointment.

(15) The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall first consider the Professors and Associate Professors of the College for appointments as Associate Deans and must obtain the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President in the event that a proposed appointment of an Associate Dean is other than a Professor or Associate Professor.

(16) An Associate Dean shall be appointed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor to each University-wide Portfolio, the portfolio being determined by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.

(17) An Associate Dean shall be a member of a University-wide Portfolio Committee as determined by the Pro Vice-Chancellor or prescribed by the Terms of Reference of such a Committee.

(18) An Associate Dean shall act for and assist the Pro Vice-Chancellor in such matters as the Pro Vice-Chancellor may from time to time determine.

(19) In the event of absence of an Associate Dean for a period exceeding five consecutive working days the Pro Vice-Chancellor shall appoint an Acting Associate Dean.

(20) The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall determine the workload for an Associate Dean in consultation with the Associate Dean, taking account of the requirements of the appointment.

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Section 6 - Acting College Positions

Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor

(21) In the event of absence of the Pro Vice-Chancellor for a period exceeding five consecutive working days, the Deputy Head of College shall become "Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor" of the College and shall assume the responsibilities of the Pro Vice-Chancellor in relation to the management and operations of the College.

Acting Deputy Head of College

(22) In the event of absence of the Deputy Head of College for a period exceeding five consecutive working days, the Pro Vice-Chancellor shall appoint an Associate Dean of the College as Acting Deputy Head of College, with an Acting Deputy Head of College allowance as determined by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.

Acting Associate Dean

(23) In the event of absence of an Associate Dean for a period exceeding five consecutive working days, the Pro Vice-Chancellor shall appoint an Acting Associate Dean normally from amongst the Professors or Associate Professors of the College with an Acting Associate Dean allowance as determined by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time. 

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Section 7 - Presiding Member and Voting Rights

(24) The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall be an ex-officio member of any committee of the College Board and may choose to preside at any meeting of any such committee subject to the Terms of Reference and the rights of the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.

(25) The Pro Vice-Chancellor, presiding at any meeting of the College Board or of any of its committees, shall be entitled to vote and, in the case of an equality of votes, shall have a casting vote.

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Section 8 - Supervisor Training

(26) Appointments as Deputy Head of Colleges and Associate Deans are conditional on the supervisor training being successfully completed, as determined by the Vice-Chancellor.