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Talent, Recruitment and Appointment Policy

Section 1 - Introduction

(1) The University of Newcastle (University) aims to source, recruit and retain outstanding academic, teaching and professional staff to achieve its Strategic Plan and operational priorities. The University is committed to assessing, selecting and appointing the most appropriate candidates for all roles in a timely and cost-effective manner, and strives to create a learning and working environment that reflects and celebrates equity, diversity and inclusiveness.

(2) This Policy establishes the principles of recruitment, assessment, selection, appointment and onboarding.

(3) This policy should be read in conjunction with Talent, Recruitment and Appointment Procedure.

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Section 2 - Scope

(4) This Policy applies to the recruitment, assessment, selection, appointment, and onboarding of all staff across the University's domestic campuses and centres, including continuing, fixed term, casual, contingent and senior executive staff appointments.

(5) This Policy does not apply to the recruitment, assessment, selection, appointment and onboarding of staff for:

  1. the University's controlled entities;
  2. off shore campuses;
  3. academic staff seeking promotion to a higher academic level in their current role (please see Academic Promotion Policy and Academic Promotion Procedure);
  4. honorary academic appointments (please see Honorary Academic Titles and Visiting Appointments Policy); 
  5. Laureate Professor appointments (please see Appointment as Laureate Professor Policy); or
  6. volunteers (please see Volunteer (including Volunteer Researcher Policy).
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Section 3 - Definitions

(6) In the context of this document the following definitions apply:

Term Definition
Academic staff Means individuals appointed to an academic position in accordance with the University of Newcstle Academic Staff and Teachers Enterprise Agreement. This definition specifically excludes honorary academic or conjoint title holders.
Centre Means University centres as defined by the Guideline to define Units, Centres, and University Institutes
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Section 4 - Principles


(7) The University will ensure that recruitment, assessment, selection, appointment, allocation of market loadings and onboarding decision-making is aligned with the University's Strategic Plan and operational priorities. 

(8) The Chief People and Culture Officer will ensure the talent strategy aligns with the University's strategic goals and plans.

Workforce Planning

(9) Workforce planning is a continual process used to align the workforce to the needs and priorities of the University. Workforce planning will support the recruitment, assessment, selection, and appointment processes.

(10) The talent requirements of individual divisions, units, colleges, Schools and centres and University Institutes will be determined in consultation with Human Resource Services, taking into consideration:

  1. current and future workforce requirements;
  2. current and future budgets, including research grants and other government funding;
  3. strategic workforce planning and workforce planning strategies including succession planning, secondments and career development; and
  4. any current organisational change processes and redeployed staff.

(11) The University will not employ a former staff member who has been provided with a redundancy package by the University within the two years following their last date of employment, unless approved by the Chief People and Culture Officer. Approval may be granted where there has been a significant change in circumstances, and the position applied for by the former staff member entails duties different to that of the position that was made redundant, and the appointment is for a limited period (such as a casual or fixed term appointment).

Selection Committees and Panels

(12) The Hiring Manager is responsible for establishing the selection committee or panel, where required for particular roles, in accordance with the principles defined within this Policy. 

Merit, Fairness and Transparency

(13) Successful candidates will be selected via a transparent process that is informed by an assessment of skills, knowledge, competencies, qualifications, previous experience, leadership capabilities and demonstrated potential, in consideration of the requirements of the role and relevancy to opportunity.

(14) Appointment to continuing roles at Level HEW 6 and above for professional staff, and Level B and above for academic staff will be advertised University-wide and external, and competitively recruited based on merit.

(15) Recruitment to Level B and above academic roles should include a global recruitment campaign to attract academics who are world-leading in their field.

(16) A PhD qualification or professional equivalent is required for academic roles Level B and above, including sessional academic appointments that are responsible for course coordination. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President may approve an exception to this requirement in individual circumstances.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

(17) Recruitment and appointment processes across the University will aim to build and retain an inclusive, diverse and capable workforce and aspire to attract and recruit from under-represented groups.

(18) Each recruitment and selection process must include:

  1. representation of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person(s), where a position is identified or targeted, to ensure alignment with the Cultural Capability Framework;
  2. gender inclusive representation in accordance with the Gender Inclusive Membership of University Committee’s Policy; and
  3. appropriate support or adjustments for candidates who identify as having a disability or require cultural considerations.

(19) Relevant state and Commonwealth legislation must be complied with during recruitment, assessment, selection, and appointment processes. 

Wellbeing, Health and Safety

(20) The wellbeing, health and safety of all stakeholders involved in the recruitment process must be a key consideration, in alignment with the Wellbeing Health and Safety Strategy.

Pre-employment Checks

(21) The University will conduct any necessary pre-employment checks prior to the successful candidates commencement, including but not limited to an identity check and right to work in Australia.

(22) All appointments will be conditional upon the satisfactory outcome of any pre-employment checks.


(23) The University will provide development opportunities to existing staff to enhance career prospects and build cross-functional capabilities.

(24) A secondment may be offered for a period of up to twelve (12) months. 

(25) Where a secondment is to replace a staff member on parental leave, an extension to this period of up to twelve (12) months may be offered, subject to approval by the Chief People and Culture Officer.

(26) A seconded staff member may be required to relinquish their substantive position if a secondment period exceeds twelve (12) months in duration unless a right of return, in accordance with the relevant Enterprise Agreement, exists.

Candidate Experience

(27) Positive engagement with candidates will be fostered throughout the recruitment, assessment, selection, appointment, and onboarding stages to ensure the University is an employer of choice. This may include, but is not limited to timely communication and consideration of the candidate’s personal circumstances.

(28) The University will provide constructive and timely feedback to candidates throughout the recruitment, assessment, selection, appointment and onboarding stages.

(29) All stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide feedback throughout the recruitment, assessment, selection, appointment and onboarding stages.

Market/Role Loading

(30) The University may use market loadings to recruit and retain highly qualified and sought after staff to address external market forces. 

(31) The use of a market loading will generally be associated with a senior appointment, emerging or current discipline in high demand, professional staff in a high demand profession generally at HEW 8 or above, and historically hard-to-fill positions.

(32) A market loading will be subject to review, initially after two (2) years from commencement, and then annually. A one-off extension of up to 12 months from the initial review may be approved by the Head of Division or College. Continuation of the loading will be subject to the review demonstrating performance as assessed against clearly defined performance measures expressed within Performance Review and Development, or that the market forces that initiated the loading continue to exist.

(33) In exceptional circumstances, a market loading may be approved as an ongoing commitment entered into as part of the offer negotiation process.

(34) A market loading is fully superannuable; regardless of duration. 

(35) A market loading is a College or Divisional commitment and will be budgeted and paid for by the College/Division.

Relocation Assistance

(36) The University may offer a candidate relocation assistance subject to consultation between the hiring unit and Human Resource Services.