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Travel Policy

Section 1 -  Executive Summary

(1) This Policy and it’s related procedures empower University travellers to use careful judgement and due diligence to achieve an appropriate balance between operational effectiveness, safety, security, and cost when booking and undertaking travel for University business.  

(2) Compliance with this Policy and its related procedures will ensure the University of Newcastle (University) can fulfil its duty of care for approved University travellers

(3) For staff, non-compliance with this policy may constitute a breach of the Staff Code of Conduct and will be managed in accordance with the Managing Misconduct / Serious Misconduct Procedure under the relevant Enterprise Agreement or the staff member’s employment contract. Non-compliance may also result in suspension of University purchasing card and restrictions on further travel. 

(4) For students, non-compliance with this policy may constitute a breach of the Student Code of Conduct and will be managed in accordance with the Student Conduct Rule which may involve the imposing of penalties.

(5) At their discretion and as necessary the Executive Leadership Team may enact restrictions on travel because of financial, national interest, or other risks

(6) Defined terms are provided at the end of this document. 

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Section 2 - Purpose

(7) This Policy establishes the principles for decision making relating to travel for University business and is designed to ensure that the University

  1. fulfils its duty of care to University travellers.  
  2. manages risks including, but not limited to, those in relation to national security; 
  3. makes the most efficient use of University resources in respect of travel management; and 
  4. maintains accurate records for all University travel approvals and travel related expenditure. 
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Section 3 - Scope

(8) This Policy applies to domestic travel and international travel arrangements by University travellers on approved University business, regardless of the source of funds, the duration, or purpose of travel.

(9) Trips longer than 180 days in duration are treated as an exception in the Travel Procedure due to additional considerations required for trips of this length, however, this Policy and the related procedures still apply. 

(10) This Policy does not apply to the following travel activity: 

  1. University staff or students travelling for purposes other than University business;
  2. University guests or affiliates travelling on University business where funding for travel is provided from funds that are not managed or otherwise administered by the University and where the University is not responsible for the health, safety or wellbeing of the traveller; or 
  3. living costs for University staff moving to an alternative designated location of work. For example, a Callaghan employee seconded to the Singapore campus for a 3 month period.

(11) University Council (Council) members must refer to the Reimbursement of Council Members Expenses Policy in the first instance, and if an item is not covered in that policy, then the provisions of this policy applies. 

(12) If a student, who is a University traveller, is also an employee of the University and is not travelling on an approved Outbound Global Experience, they will be considered employees for the purposes of this Policy and the related procedures.

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Section 4 - Audience

(13) This Policy must be read and understood by all University travellers, travel approvers, and travel arrangers. 

(14) This Policy must be read and understood in association with the Travel Procedure by:

  1. staff seeking to undertake University travel;
  2. staff responsible for organising, administering, or approving University travel;
  3. students seeking to undertake University travel who are not undertaking an approved Outbound Global Experience.

(15) This Policy must be read and understood in association with the Outbound Global Experience Procedure by:

  1. staff responsible for organising, administering, or approving outbound global experiences;
  2. undergraduate and postgraduate coursework program students intending to undertake an outbound global experience.

(16) Staff approving any student travel that is otherwise not contended with by either the Travel Procedure or the Outbound Global Experience Procedure must ensure that University travel is reviewed and approved in line with the principles outlined in the Policy.

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Section 5 - Principles

(17) All University travel must comply with the following travel policy principles:

The University traveller and the travel approver must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety, security, health, and wellbeing of all University travellers and the safety and security of University resources while travelling on University business with consideration to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Risk assessment and mitigation must include, but is not limited to, due diligence in relation to: 
- potential for reputational damage, financial loss, and foreign interference, including identifying whether pre-travel registration is required under the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme;
- physical and mental health and wellbeing, and a workplace health and safety risk assessment.
Essential The University traveller is responsible for considering all practical and the most sustainable alternatives before committing to travel for University business. The University traveller must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the travel approver, that the travel is essential to achieving the University objectives as set out in the University Strategic Plan.
The University traveller and the travel approver must take reasonable steps to ensure that all expenses associated with University travel demonstrate value for money and be within the relevant budget. It is not intended that this Policy or the Travel Procedure mandate a lowest price approach but rather that the most practical lowest cost outcome is achieved after consideration of the Safe and Essential principles.
Factors that may influence the economic value of travel may include:
- consideration of potential for loss or damage to University resources that may require specific insurance measures; and
- tax liabilities arising from the inclusion of any private travel component during and appended to University travel.

(18) For staff, the University will pay or reimburse travel expenses incurred while efficiently and economically fulfilling approved University business, including costs associated with: 

  1. maintaining the health and safety of the University traveller;
  2. providing reasonable transport, sustenance, and shelter for the traveller;
  3. facilitating equitable participation in business activities by staff with carer responsibilities;
  4. complying with legislative and regulatory obligations; and 
  5. booking, paying for, and acquitting travel related activity. 

(19) For University travellers who are not employees of the University, the extent of reimbursement for the above costs will depend on the agreement between the University and the University traveller at the time the trip is approved. Any agreement to reimburse expenses must be in writing and signed by an appropriate delegate

(20) All travel must be pre-approved by a travel approver in accordance with the relevant procedure (see Clause 14 and 15). University travellers must not, under any circumstances, authorise their own travel. 

(21) The travel approver must be more senior than the staff member incurring the travel expense.

(22) Staff must ensure that the receipt of third-party funding or benefits for University travel is in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy and Conflict of Interest Procedure, where relevant.

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Section 6 - Related Procedures

(23) The Travel Procedure forms part of this Policy. Where relevant to the individual University traveller and travel circumstances, the Travel Procedure or the Outbound Global Experience Procedure must be read in conjunction with this document (see Clauses 14 and 15).  

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Section 7 - Compliance

(24) Staff, students, and guests failing to comply with the requirements of the Travel Policy and its related procedures may be subject to the following actions: 

  1. reimbursement to the University for costs deemed to not be economical, or essential to achieving the University's objectives;
  2. reimbursement to the University of any fringe benefits tax or other costs including but not limited to penalties, interest, third party advice, or tax charges;
  3. suspension or cancellation of corporate cards in accordance with the Purchasing, Companion Card and Petty Cash Policy;
  4. suspension or cancellation of proposed and/or future University travel
  5. disciplinary action in accordance with the relevant Enterprise Agreement or employment contract for employees, or the Student Conduct Rule for students
  6. significant penalties including imprisonment may be imposed by the relevant authorities on individual travellers where failure to comply with this Policy and its related procedure results in non-compliance with domestic or foreign laws; and/or
  7. disciplinary action and/or revoked insurance where the non-compliance involves failure to declare matters including but not limited to health conditions, medication, other travellers, personal travel components. 
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Section 8 - Definitions

(25) In the context of this document and the procedures: 

Defined Term Meaning
domestic travel travel within Australia. 
due diligence a process undertaken, in this case by the University traveller and the travel approver, to enquire into the operational effectiveness, safety, security and cost of proposed University travel. Due diligence may include, but is not limited to, a considered risk assessment of the intended University travel and associated University business, and enquiries into the collaboration, partnership, institution, or activity proposed by a foreign principal. 
employee a person who is classified as staff that is also remunerated by the University through the payroll system and processes. 
Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme a Scheme established under the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act (2018) (Cwlth). 
guest a person or persons engaged by the University to execute approved University business, who is not an employee or a student of the University
Health and Safety Risk assessment an assessment of the health and safety risks and mitigation strategies.
international travel travel to locations outside of Australia. 
Outbound Global Experience
an international travel experience undertaken by an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program student that is approved by the University. Experiences include but are not limited to:
a. Student Exchange Programs;
b. Study Abroad;
c. Academic Short Courses (Agreement);
d. Academic Short courses (Direct); and
e. Work Integrated Learning (WIL), Placement, Industrial Experience, Hands on Learning, and College led tours.
travel travel is to a destination that is more than 50 kilometres away from the University traveller's designated campus location, where University business is required to be performed by the University traveller.
travel arranger an employee responsible for collecting and booking University travel requirements on behalf of other staff, students, and guests. 
travel approver means a delegate who is authorised to approve travel in accordance with the University's delegations of authority, as amended from time to time.