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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Course and Programs Performance Procedure

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This document details the steps and responsibilities of the Course and Programs Performance Procedure.

(2) This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Education Quality Assurance Policy.

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Section 2 - Overview

(3) The Course and Programs Performance Procedure has been established by the Education Quality Enhancement Sub-Committee (EQESC) to support quality assurance & enhancement by monitoring course and programs performance, providing triage, support, and evaluation of courses and programs or where education quality may be at risk.

(4) Leveraging data insights from the Course and Program Performance dashboard and other available institutional data, the EQESC will consider the three-year trends for:

  1. program performance across (as a minimum): 
    1. Retention;
    2. Success;
    3. Feedback; and
    4. Equivalent Full Time Study Load (EFTSL).
  2. Course performance across (as a minimum): 
    1. Survey Results;
    2. Pre-census withdrawal rates;
    3. Pass rate; and
    4. Equivalent Full Time Study Load (EFTSL).

(5) The Course and Program Performance dashboard contains an algorithm that analyses each program and courses performance data and places them into benchmarked and ranked categories.

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Section 3 - Audience

(6) This procedure should be read and understood by all Assistant Dean (Education), Program Convenor, Senior Manager Education and Innovation, Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Innovation, and other members of the Education Quality Enhancement Sub-Committee (EQESC). 

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Section 4 - Details

(7) The following steps will be undertaken:

  1. for programs:
Step Action Responsibility
1 Annual review and analysis of reported data wtihin the Program and Course Performance dashboard. Programs in the lower quartile of performance are identified. EQESC
2 Lower quartile programs are triaged for support with the Assistant Dean (Education). EQESC, Assistant Dean (Education)
3 A local heuristic is used within the Colleges to select lower quartile programs that require targeted support and action plans.  Assistant Dean (Education), Program Convenor, Course Co-ordinator.
4 The EQESC will work with the Assistant Dean (Education) and liaise with the Learning Design and Teaching Innovation (LDTI) team to develop the support and action plans for the selected programs. EQESC, Assistant Dean (Education), Program Convenor, Course Co-ordinator, LDTI
5 The selected Programs support and action plans are implemented. Assistant Dean (Education), Senior Manager Education and Innovation, Course Co-ordinator, LDTI
6 The EQESC will monitor, review, and report on the implementation and success of support and action plans within Annual Course and Programs Review that is sent to Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC). EQESC, Assistant Dean (Education)
  1. for Courses:
Step Action Responsibility
1 Regular monitoring and analysis of reported course data within the Program and Course Performance dashboard. Courses in the lower quartile of performance are identified. EQESC
2 Lower quartile courses are triaged for support with the Assistant Dean (Education). EQESC, Assistant Dean (Education)
3 A local heuristic is used within the Colleges to select lower quartile courses that may require a targeted support and action plan. Assistant Dean (Education), Program Convenor, College members
4 The Assistant Dean (Education) will contact the selected courses Course Co-ordinator to discuss the courses performance and may liaise within the Learning Design and Teaching Innovations (LDTI) team to develop the support & action plans. EQESC, Assistant Dean (Education), Program Convenor, Course Co-ordinator, and LDTI.
5 If appropriate, selected programs support and action plans are implemented. Assistant Dean (Education), Senior Manager Education and Innovation, Course Co-ordinator, LDTI
6 The EQESC will monitor, review, and report the implementation and success of selected courses support and action plans within annual Course and Programs Review that is sent to TLC. EQESC, Assistant Dean (Education)
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Section 5 - Related Documents

(8) Education Quality Assurance Policy

(9) Strategy, Planning and Performance provide a variety of reports and learner analytics that are available to staff to support informed decision making around the quality improvements in their courses and programs.