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English Language Proficiency Procedure

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure sets out how applicants to the University can demonstrate they meet the English language proficiency requirement of their relevant program.

(2) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the English Language Proficiency Policy.

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Section 2 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to applicants seeking admission to the University to study undergraduate or postgraduate programs of study, regardless of their citizenship or study location.

(4) This Procedure does not apply to applicants seeking admission to enabling programs or approved preparatory English programs.

(5) It is noted that students also seeking accreditation or registration with professional bodies may be required to demonstrate English language proficiency requirements in addition to the University's requirements. Contact should be made with the relevant professional body in these circumstances.

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Section 3 - Relevant Definitions

(6) Please refer to the English Language Proficiency Policy.

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Section 4 - Demonstrating English language proficiency requirements

(7) Evidence used to demonstrate an applicant's English language proficiency may be:

  1. a completed University recognised English language proficiency test, not more than 2 years old as at the date of application for admission (please refer to Section 5);
  2. a completed University recognised preparatory English or enabling/pathway program (please refer to Section 6);
  3. evidence of prior study that was taught and assessed within a University recognised English speaking country or is a Recognised Qualification (please refer to Section 7); or
  4. evidence of accumulation of English through a combination of qualification(s), work and/or life experiences (please refer to Section 8).

(8) Where an applicant provides evidence that can demonstrate their English language proficiency through multiple pathways, the most recent evidence will be used for the purpose of meeting the English language requirements for a program.

(9) The University reserves the right to request additional evidence of meeting the English language proficiency requirements if the University determines that the evidence provided is insufficient. This applies, amongst others, to cases where a combination of the University of Newcastle and the applicant's country of citizenship assessment level require submission of evidence of English language ability as per the Department of Home Affairs English Language requirements for student visa applications.

(10) The University may accept evidence alternate to that outlined in Clause 7 in exceptional circumstances and in accordance with this Procedure. Such evidence will be considered via a Record of Academic Decision (RAD) by an authorised delegate on a case by case basis. Outcomes of such decisions will not be used to establish any precedent for admission or non-admission into a program.

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Section 5 - English Language Proficiency Tests

(11) Applicants may meet the University's English language proficiency requirement for a program by completing a University recognised English Language test and achieving the overall and minimum section score requirements. English language test scores must be less than 2 years old as at the date of the application for admission to the University.

(12) A consolidated list of programs that require a level of English proficiency that is higher than the English Language Proficiency Standard can be found here.

Table 1 – English language tests and section minimum score requirements

Overall Test Score Equivalences
IELTS 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
TOEFL iBT 60 79 94 102 110
PTE Academic 50 58 65 73 79
Cambridge English Scale Score 169 176 185 191 200
Occupational English Test (OET)* 250 300 350 400 450
Test Section Minimum Equivalences^
IELTS 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
TOEFL iBT R13, L12, S18, W21 R19, L20, S20, W24 R24, L24, S23, W27 R27, L27, S24, W29 R29, L28, S26, W30
PTE Academic 50 58 65 73 79
Cambridge English Scale Score 169 176 185 191 200
Occupational English Test (OET)* Not applicable.
*Not applicable for Higher Degree by Research programs
^ Note, unless indicated by separate section scores, the minimum subtest score must be achieved in all sub-tests.
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Section 6 - Enabling or Pathway Programs

(13) Applicants may meet the English language proficiency requirement for their program by completing a University recognised enabling or pathway program at the University, as specified in Table 2. A full list of recognised University- affiliated ELICOS / EAP programs may be found here.

Table 2 – University of Newcastle enabling and pathway programs

University of Newcastle Managing Unit Program IELTS Equivalence Scores
    6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre English Language Bridging Program (ELBP) Entry Level Pass (EP) Higher Level Pass 4 (HP4) Higher Level Pass 2 (HP2) Higher Level Pass 1 (HP1) N/A
Newstep Completion of program
NUchance Completion of program
Open Foundation Completion of program
Open Foundation Extended Completion of program
Yapug Completion of program
University of Newcastle College of International Education Foundation Studies / Foundation Studies in Medicine 50%* 65%* 75%* 85%* N/A
Degree Transfer Extended Business / Commerce / Engineering / Information Technology Completion of program
Pre Masters Program Business Information Technology Completion of program
*Average Foundation Studies English for Academic Purposes and Introduction to Academic Communication
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Section 7 - Prior Study

(14) Applicants may meet the English language proficiency requirement for their program by providing evidence of prior study that demonstrates they have:

  1. completed at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) study (bridging, tertiary or senior secondary level) towards a recognised qualification wholly conducted and assessed in English from one of the countries specified in Table 3. (Note, senior secondary studies are studies that are comparable to the New South Wales Higher School Certificate); or
  2. completed a recognised qualification within the five years prior to application that was wholly conducted and assessed in English and is of two years full-time equivalent duration and at a senior secondary level or above. Applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of the study completed and the University will assess the evidence provided; or
  3. achieved an IELTS score equivalence for the qualifications and programs listed in Table 4 or Table 5. This evidence must be less than five years old as at the date of the application for admission to the University. Note, these qualifications are not applicable for Higher Degree by Research applicants.

Table 3 – English language proficiency – Country Exemption List

American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Bahamas
Barbados Botswana Belize Canada
Cook Islands Dominica Fiji Gambia
Ghana Gibraltar Grenada Guyana
Ireland Jamaica Kenya Kiribati
Lesotho Liberia Malawi Maldives
Namibia Nauru New Zealand Nigeria
Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore
Solomon Islands South Africa Saint Kitts and Nevis Tanzania
Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Uganda United Kingdom
United States of America Vanuatu Zambia Zimbabwe

Table 4 – Specific qualifications and grade requirements for English proficiency

Country or Region of Study Senior Secondary Level Qualification IELTS Score Equivalence
    6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Various International Baccalaureate (IB) English A Literature or English A Language and Literature at Higher Level or Standard Level 3 4 5 6 7
International Baccalaureate (IB) English B at Higher Level or Standard Level 4 5 6 7 N/A
Denmark Studentereksamen
English A–6 or
English B–9
English A–7 or
English B–10
Finland Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen 7 8 or above N/A N/A N/A
Germany Arbitur 7 10 N/A N/A N/A
Deutscher Akadeimscher Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Minimum top two scores in two sections and a C grade in final section. Minimum top two scores in all sections. N/A N/A N/A
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) – English Language or Literature in English 4 5 5* 5** N/A
Malaysia Malaysia Siji Tinggi Persekolahan (STPM) – English Literature (920) C-, C, C+ B-, B, B+ A-, A N/A N/A
Netherlands Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwii (VWO) 7 8 or above N/A N/A N/A
Norway Vitnemal den Viddergaende Skole 4 5 or above N/A N/A N/A
Sweden Slutbetyg C B or above N/A N/A N/A

Table 5 – Other Internally Recognised Qualifications

Qualification IELTS Score Equivalence
  6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Australian University affiliated Tertiary Preparation / Bridging Program Successful completion of an Australian Tertiary Preparation / Bridging Program as listed in the UAC Tertiary Preparation Schedules.
Incomplete tertiary studies (for study abroad or exchange students only) Successful completion of a minimum 1 year full time equivalent study at AQF7 or above wholly conducted and assessed in English at a recognised institution. N/A N/A N/A N/A
AEMG Academic English for Academic Purposes 3 Direct Entry Program (EAP3DEP) 70% 75% N/A N/A N/A
PSB Certificate in Academic English (PSB CAE) EP – 60% or more in each of the 4 exams. Each exam is equally weighted. HP – Higher Level Pass – 65% or more in 3 of the 4 exams. Only 1 exam may be in 60-64$ range. Each exam is equally weighted. N/A N/A N/A
Kaplan English for Advanced Purposes 2 65% 75% N/A N/A N/A
Navitas English Services Pty Ltd AE3 (Pass 50%) AE3 (Pass 65%) AE3 (Pass 75%) N/A N/A
NCUK International Foundation Year (IFY) C B N/A N/A N/A
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Section 8 - Accumulation of English

(15) Applicants may meet the English language proficiency requirement for their program by providing evidence that they can achieve the required points in the English Proficiency Form for Accumulated English for Coursework Programs (See Accumulation of English Form). Note, this method of demonstrating English language proficiency will only be considered should an applicant be unable to meet their program’s English requirements through another entry pathway and is not applicable for Higher Degree by Research applicants.

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Section 9 - Roles and Responsibilities

(16) The Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar will report to Academic Senate on an annual basis to detail all RADs approved by authorised delegates.

(17) The Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Innovation is responsible for conducting a review of the efficacy of the University's process for meeting English language proficiency requirements every three years and will report outcomes to Academic Senate via the Teaching and Learning Committee.

(18) Relevant Pro Vice-Chancellors are responsible for seeking approval or amendment of a program's English language proficiency requirement via Program and Course Approval Committee.

(19) The relevant Admissions Officer / Advisor is responsible for seeking consideration of Records of Academic Decisions, as permitted under this Procedure to the relevant authorised delegate, on behalf of the applicant.

(20) Applicants are responsible for providing information with their admission application to demonstrate how they meet the English language proficiency requirements for the program they have applied for. International applicants may apply to the University without evidence of English proficiency and receive conditional offers or be offered admission via the University's English Language Bridging Program (ELBP). International applicants must satisfy the Department of Home Affairs English language requirements for visa applications in addition to the University's English language requirement for entry into a program of study.