
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Cabcharge Procedure

Section 1 - Context

(1) Official travel is an important element in the delivery of University of Newcastle (University) services. The costs associated with travel are therefore to be managed well and accounted for.

(2) The University has endorsed the use of Cabcharge Taxi eTickets for taxi travel by non-staff only. These Procedures support the management and use of Cabcharge Taxi eTickets.

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Section 2 - Procedure

Use of Cabcharge Taxi eTickets

(3) Cabcharge can only be used for official University travel by guests and conjoint appointees.

(4) Cabcharge Taxi eTickets are the only Cabcharge issued media to be used for University travel by approved visitors, students or conjoint appointees. 

(5) Cabcharge can only be used in taxis that display the Cabcharge logo.

University Custodians

(6) Cabcharge Taxi eTickets can only be ordered from Cabcharge Australia by the University Custodian.

(7) The University Custodians are nominated by the Chief Financial Officer.

(8) The University will provide Cabcharge Australia with the names, details, and signatures of authorised University Custodians.

(9) Only the Chief Financial Officer may amend the list of authorised officers held by Cabcharge.

(10) University Custodians may issue no more than a block of 10 (ten) Cabcharge Taxi eTickets to any College/Divisional Custodian, other than Human Resource Services, at any given time. Human Resource Services may be issued with a maximum of 50 (fifty).

College/Divisional Custodians

(11) No more than 15 (fifteen) Cabcharge Taxi eTickets are to be held by a College/Division - except Human Resource Services (HRS) - at any given time. Human Resource Services may hold up to 60 (sixty).

(12) Cabcharge eTickets must be kept by the custodians in a secure location at all times.

(13) College/Divisional Custodians are to advise the University Custodian immediately of any damaged, lost, or stolen eTickets.

(14) College/Divisional Custodians issuing Cabcharge Taxi eTickets must be able to account for all eTickets currently held or issued at all times.

(15) For consistency in reporting, the on-line Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition & Allocation Form is to be the only form used. It is an attachment to this procedure.

(16) The Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition & Allocation Form must be kept up to date and completed in full and be available for audit purposes at any time requested.

(17) College/Divisional Custodians issuing Cabcharge Taxi eTickets must satisfy themselves that due economy will be shown by the Cabcharge user before issuing, by ensuring that:

  1. Cabcharge Taxi eTickets are not issued or used as a form of gift voucher or for out of pocket travel reimbursement;
  2. travellers are advised before the Cabcharge Taxi eTickets are issued that tips or gratuities are not to be added to the eTicket fare; and
  3. Cabcharge Taxi eTickets are not issued for recurring travel arrangements; College/Divisional Custodians are to advise travellers that public transport is preferable whenever possible and practicable.

(18) Disciplinary procedures as per the Enterprise Agreement may be imposed for staff misconduct in relation to this procedure.

(19) Standard procedures for the ordering, issuing, distribution, recording, storage, disposal, and auditing of Cabcharge Taxi eTickets must be followed strictly. They are detailed in the following section.

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Section 3 - Ordering and Issuing

Ordering New eTicket Stocks from Cabcharge Australia - University Custodian Only

(20) The University Custodian will order new Cabcharge Taxi eTickets by completing the online Cabcharge Australia form, detailing the volume required.

(21) Cabcharge Australia may limit the stocks the University can hold at any one time. Cabcharge may require the University to use eTickets already held before issuing new eTickets. This may require the University Custodian to request the College/Divisional Custodians to return surplus, unused eTicket stocks to the University Custodian at Callaghan for redistribution. Returned eTickets must be accompanied with a copy of the Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition & Allocation Form.

(22) The University Secretary or the Chief Financial Officer will notify Cabcharge in writing when the name of the University Custodian changes.

Ordering and Issuing to the College/Divisional Custodian of New eTicket Stocks

(23) The College/Divisional Custodian will complete a Service Now ticket to order for a block of eTickets. The University Custodian will advise when the eTickets are available for collection.

(24) When the University Custodian issues a new block of eTickets, the College/Divisional Custodian will be required to sign for these eTickets in the Cabcharge Register. Photo identification (e.g. staff card) will be required.

(25) Where it is not possible for the eTickets to be collected from Financial Services, because of location, the approval email from the College/Divisional Custodian must contain a mailing address. The University Custodian will advise the mailing date of the eTickets. Five (5) days should be allowed for postage.

(26) College/Divisional Custodians who receive their eTickets by post must send an email to advising that the eTickets have arrived safely.

(27) On receipt of the eTickets, the College/Divisional Custodian is the responsible custodian of these.

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Section 4 - Distribution and Recording

Distribution and Recording of eTickets by the College/Divisional Custodian

(28) The College/Divisional Custodian will record all details on the Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition and Allocation Form for each eTicket.

(29) The eTickets should be personally collected from the College/Divisional Custodian where possible by the end user. If this is not practicable and the eTickets are forwarded to the user, the end user should advise the College/Divisional Custodian that they have received the eTicket.

(30) Any time an eTicket is issued, damaged, reported lost/ stolen, or sent back into stock all details related to the eTicket issued must be recorded on the Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition & Allocation Form.

(31)  Once all the eTicket sequence numbers on a requisition form have been recorded as used, damaged, lost/stolen, or sent back into stock, the original form and any tax invoices/receipts are to be kept by the College/Division in order for transactions to be reviewed.

(32) All original Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition and Allocation Forms are to be scanned and saved in TRIM by the College/Divisional Custodian, in accordance with the Records Governance Policy

(33) eTicket transactions may be subject to internal/external audit at any time.

Recording of eTickets by the University Custodian

(34) The University Custodian will:

  1. record in the Cabcharge Register all eTickets received from Cabcharge Australia;
  2. complete the Cabcharge Register for all eTickets issued to College/Divisional Custodians;
  3. record all details in the Cabcharge Register of any eTickets returned to stock, damaged, destroyed, or reported as lost/stolen.
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Section 5 - Storage and Disposal

eTicket Storage/Disposal

(35) eTickets held by Custodians should be treated like cash. All unused eTickets must be locked in a drawer, cash box, or other secure location that has restricted access by the custodian(s) only.

(36) If an eTicket is damaged, lost, or stolen the eTicket sequence number must be reported to the University Custodian so the eTicket can be cancelled.

(37) If a College/Divisional Custodian wishes to return unused eTickets (this may be due to damage or the eTickets expiring), they must contact the University Custodian.  When returning unused eTickets College/Divisional Custodians must ensure a copy of the related eTicket requisition(s) is attached. eTickets must not be destroyed unless Custodians are instructed in writing by the University Custodian.

(38) Where a College/Divisional Custodian uses eTickets infrequently, any eTickets due to expire should be returned to the University Custodian/Cashier.


(39) On a monthly basis the University Custodian will prepare a Journal using the data from Cabcharge and the cost collector supplied in the Cabcharge Register to allocate the charges for the use of eTickets.

(40) The Journal will be sent to Financial Management Accounting for processing.

Record Keeping and Audit

(41) The University Custodian is responsible for:

  1. filing all correspondence received from Cabcharge;
  2. maintaining the active Cabcharge Register;
  3. archiving all inactive Cabcharge Registers with Records Governance Services;
  4. archiving all documents on an annual basis by sending them to the Records Governance Services; (Records Governance Services will keep these documents for 7 years in accordance with statutory requirements);
  5. having all relevant documentation available for audit requirements.

(42) The College/Divisional Custodian is responsible for:

  1. keeping and filing an office copy of the Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition & Allocation Form; and
  2. saving the original completed Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition & Allocation Form along with any receipts/tax invoices and approval emails to TRIM.

(43) The hard copy of the Cabcharge Taxi eTicket Requisition & Allocation Form is to be kept for 12 months for audit, review or reference requirements,. 

(44) eTicket transactions may be subject to internal/external audit at any time.

(45) The College/Division should review transactions periodically to ascertain that the procedures are being followed.