
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation Guideline

Section 1 - Introduction

(1) A grade point average is the sum of the unit value for each course multiplied by the numerical value of the grades, divided by the sum of the unit values for all grades.

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Section 2 - Audience

(2) University staff and students.

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Section 3 - Guidelines

(3) The GPA may be calculated either as a:

  1. Cumulative GPA, calculated over all units undertaken within the program;
  2. GPA calculated over a specified number of units or all units at or above a specified level; or
  3. GPA calculated over an approved major.

(4) The GPA can be expressed mathematically as:

GPA = Σ(unit value x grade)/Σ unit value

(5) This calculation results in a number (GPA) between 0 and 7, and is usually taken to one decimal place.

Grade HD D C P UP* FF
Numerical value 7 6 5 4 4 0

(6) The determination of units to be included in the calculation of the GPA is as follows:

  1. Where all units have been completed at the University of Newcastle and within the same program, all units will be included in the GPA calculation;
  2. Where all units have been completed at the University of Newcastle but across different programs, all units that have contributed to the relevant degree being awarded will be included in the GPA calculation (including credit);
  3. Where a student has received credit from an external institution (including cross-institutional study) only those units completed at the University of Newcastle will be included in the GPA calculation;
  4. Where a student has completed more than the maximum units, only the approved units will be counted towards the GPA calculation;
  5. The GPA calculation for a:
    1. 240 unit program will use only 240 units of courses where the student has received a pass (or greater) plus all fail grades.
    2. 320 unit program will use only 320 units of courses where the student has received a pass grade (or greater) plus all fail grades.

(7) Courses completed extraneously cannot be counted within the GPA calculation. Students who have successfully completed a course will not be permitted to undertake the same course again (see definition for extraneous enrolment in a course);

(8) Where through an administrative error a student has passed the same course twice, the grade of the first completion, not the highest mark, will be utilised in the GPA calculation; and

(9) Where a student is studying a combined degree, only those units which have contributed to the completion of each single degree will be included in the GPA calculation for each degree, subject to the conditions outlined above.

(10) *Ungraded passes (UP) are not included in the calculation of a GPA except:

  1. Where these advantage the student, ie when the student has a GPA of less than 4. In this instance the GPA is recalculated including the value of the ungraded pass(es); or
  2. When more than 50% of the grades presented are ungraded passes. In this instance, the GPA would be calculated with the ungraded pass included in the calculation.

(11) The GPA will be calculated to one decimal place, that is, a second decimal place of X1-X4 will be rounded down, a second decimal place of X5-X9 will be rounded up. There is a GPA calculator available on the University website. 

(12) Example below:

    A x B = C
Course Grade Numerical value of Grade x Number of units = Total
AHIS2000 HD 7 x 10 = 70
ECON4000 C 5 x 40 = 200
ENGL2200 F 0 x 10 = 0
ENGL2200 P 4 x 10 = 40
STAT3070 D 6 x 20 = 120
EDUC2100 UP excl   (10) excl    
TOTALS       90   430
GPA = total of C/total of B

    = 430/90

    = 4.8 (rounded up from 4.78)

(13) The calculation of GPAs from qualifications awarded by another institution will be based on the transcripts provided. The calculation of GPAs on a scale other than the 7-point scale will be calculated based on the table in GPA Conversion Chart.

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Section 4 - Appendices 

(14) GPA Calculation Tool (Excel)

(15) GPA Conversion Chart