Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
How to make a comment?
1. Use this to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.
2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.
3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.
4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.
Important Information
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DO NOT jump between web pages/applications while logging comments.
DO NOT log comments for more than one document at a time. Complete and submit all comments for one document before commenting on another.
DO NOT leave your submission half way through. If you need to take a break, submit your current set of comments. The system will email you a copy of your comments so you can identify where you were up to and add to them later.
DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.
(1) The University of Newcastle ( (2) This document provides a framework for the development, approval, implementation, review, and ongoing management of (3) This framework documents the required processes for development, review and rescission of (4) This framework applies to all policy documents that are identified in the Hierarchy of University Policy Documents and are required to be published in the (5) The (6) Other types of documents are not permitted to be published as a policy document in the (7) In the context of this document: (8) The (9) Policy documents lower in the hierarchy must be consistent with higher level documents, and associated legislation and regulations. (10) Where an inconsistency between policy documents may exist, the highest level document in the hierarchy will prevail. (11) The need for a policy document should be based on: (12) The greater the (13) A policy document should only be developed where the (14) Table 2 provides examples of when a policy document may be required. (15) The development of a policy document should be based on an assessment of (16) Governance and Assurance Services are responsible for administering the Policy Library and Delegations Register; and for ensuring compliance with this Framework. (17) The Policy and Delegations Officer is the first point of contact when it is determined that a new policy document should be developed. Contact should be made to: (18) The Policy and Delegations Officer must obtain approval from the University Secretary to proceed with the development of a new policy document. Once approved, the Policy and Delegations Officer must obtain confirmation of who will be the Policy Owner, Policy Author, and Enquiry Contact Person and then create a draft document for the commencement of drafting in the software workspace. (19) The Policy and Delegations Officer will provide advice and assistance to the Policy Author to support the development work. (20) Prior to the commencement of drafting, the Policy Owner or Policy Author must identify and become familiar with any relevant or associated legislation, (21) Consultation with key stakeholders during the policy development process is critical for: (22) The Policy Owner or Policy Author must identify all relevant key stakeholders and undertake consultation with these stakeholders as part of the assessment of (23) The Legal and Compliance unit must be consulted where the subject matter relates to legislation, where a Rule is being developed or reviewed, or where any legal (24) The Policy Consultation Guideline provides further information on consultation and how it may be undertaken. (25) Authors must undergo a Policy Library Workspace introduction session prior to commencing drafting in the policy library workspace. The Policy and Delegations Officer will provide this session. (26) Drafting should, wherever possible, occur within the policy library workspace. Where a valid reason for not using the workspace is identified, the Policy and Delegations Officer must be notified. (27) Only one Policy Author is able to work in a policy draft in the policy library workspace at one time. Where a number of Policy Author(s) may be drafting the document, the Policy and Delegations Officer will need to be advised whenever a change in Policy Author is required, to provide the new author with access to the draft document. (28) The Policy Style Guide provides supporting information to assist Policy Authors when drafting. (29) When a final draft has been agreed upon by the Policy Owner and Policy Author, the document must be forwarded to the Policy and Delegations Officer for review prior to it being submitted for approval. The purpose of this review is to: (30) Further amendments may be recommended following the above review. Policies submitted for approval via committees without a Governance and Assurance Services review may be rejected from committee meeting agendas. (31) Consultation should occur with relevant stakeholders once a final draft is agreed upon. The Bulletin Board within the (32) Policy Authors and Policy Owners are required to maintain records of all consultation undertaken, and submit a summary of this consultation with the draft document when being submitted for approval. (33) The Policy Consultation Appendix template can be used for this purpose. (34) Where the publication of a policy document may have a wide ranging impact on the (35) An implementation plan should identify what actions are required, and by whom, to successfully implement and comply with the policy. This may include, but is not limited to: (36) Please see the Implementation Plan template. (37) All policy documents must be approved in accordance with the (38) The Policy and Delegations Officer can provide support and assistance in identifying the appropriate approval pathway and approval authority. (39) Prior to submitting a policy document for approval, the following must be undertaken: (40) The paper for submission for approval must include, at a minimum: (41) Draft resolutions provided on the paper for submission for approval must also be considerate of any related matter that may require approval to give effect to the policy. For example, where approval of a new policy document will result in the rescission of another policy, approval should be sought for the rescission at the same time, providing both approvals can be provided by the same (42) A record of confirmation of approval must be provided to the Policy and Delegations Officer to enable publication of the approved document. (43) The University Secretary may authorise publication of a policy document without confirmation where the provision of the confirmation may be delayed but immediate publication is necessary. (44) Publication of draft policy documents without confirmation of approval may be delayed until such evidence can be sourced from Secretariat. (45) The Policy and Delegations Officer will publish approved policy documents upon receipt of the confirmation of approval from the relevant approval authority. (46) The effective date of the policy document will be the date of publication, or a later date. Backdating of policy documents is not permitted. (47) A Policy Document must not be published in any form other than the accepted (48) The review date of a Policy document will default to 3 years, unless approved to be otherwise. The minimum review period will be 12 months; and the maximum review period will be 5 years (See Section 9 – Policy Review). (49) Once published, the Policy and Delegations Officer will notify the Policy Author of the publication. The (50) The Policy Owner, or their nominee, is responsible for monitoring the appropriateness and effectiveness of the policy document. (51) An editorial amendment is an amendment to a title or naming convention, updating hyperlink(s), correcting an inaccurate reference, or rectification of a typographical error. An editorial amendment to a position title is limited to changes where there has been no change to responsibilities. (52) Requests for editorial amendments should be sent to in the first instance. (53) A minor amendment is a change to a policy document that is of an insubstantial nature, not affecting the principles or intent of the policy. Minor amendments may affect responsibilities or operational aspects of processes. (54) Requests to make a minor amendment to a policy document should be sent to in the first instance. The Policy and Delegations Officer will make a determination on the approval pathway of the amendment requested. All approved and published minor amendments must be: (55) Minor amendments to Rules must be approved by Council prior to publication. (56) Where a minor amendment may also impact on the delegations register (such as to a position title), the Policy and Delegations Officer will consult with an appropriate Senior staff member to gain an understanding of the position title change in relation to any authority sub-delegated to the position prior to effecting any change in the policy library database. (57) Policy Owners are responsible for maintaining a Policy Issues Register to record any issues identified with the policy. The register should be reviewed to inform any future policy review. (58) In general, policy documents must be reviewed every three (3) years. Some documents, however, may be required to be reviewed on a more regular basis, or a longer basis (maximum of 5 years), depending on the subject matter and associated (59) The Responsible Executive is responsible for ensuring the policy review is completed in a timely manner, with the aim of completing the review within 6 months of the review date. (60) Review of a policy document should entail a full assessment of changes that may have occurred during the period that the document has been published. This assessment should include a review of: (61) A review of the policy issues register and consultation with key stakeholders must be undertaken as part of the above assessment (see Policy Consultation Guideline). (62) The review of a policy should involve determining if the original (63) A policy review should also gather information to determine if the original objective of the policy has been achieved, if the document has been implemented as intended, and if it is having the desired effect. (64) The policy review should consider whether the document is still required and relevant, or if the content could be consolidated with another document, or be in another format. (65) To revise a policy document that is due for review, contact should be made with the Policy and Delegations Officer to discuss the review process, and arrange for a draft document to be made available to the Policy Author in the policy library workspace. (66) The edit and review process must be undertaken in a timely manner to ensure that the content remains current throughout the review. (67) The Policy and Delegations Officer can provide support and assistance in completing the review, and should be provided with regular updates to inform of actions taken to finalise the policy review. (68) Revised policy documents must undergo the same review and consultation processes as for new policy documents as outlined above. (69) The approval and implementation of a revised policy must comply with Section 7 and 8 of this framework, unless the existing content requires no changes. (70) If after reviewing a policy document it is determined that no changes are required, an email should be sent to the Policy and Delegations Officer ( to request the policy review date be extended for a further period. The Policy and Delegations Officer will undertake a quality review of the policy document, and may seek approval from the University Secretary or an appropriate (71) Rescission of a policy document from the policy library must be approved by a (72) The Policy and Delegations Officer is responsible for removing the rescinded policy from the policy library. Where the rescinded document may be referred to in other policy documents, rescission of the policy may be dependent upon approval of amendments to the linked policy documents. (73) The Policy Owner is responsible for communicating rescission of the policy document to all key stakeholders once approval has been obtained. (74) The Responsible Executive is responsible for: (75) The Policy Owner is responsible for: (76) The Policy Author is responsible for: (77) The Policy and Delegations Officer is responsible for:Policy Framework
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Table 1 – Types of Policy Documents
Type of Policy Document
Purpose of Document
A Council approved document, made in accordance with Section 29 of the University of Newcastle Act, that has the same force and effect as a by-law.
A document that conveys the
A document that addresses how a wide-reaching activity is undertaken at an enterprise or organisation level through policy and procedure provisions.
Establishes a logical sequence of consecutive actions to achieve a desired output, or series of outputs. Procedures that are specific to a single business unit to provide instruction on how to undertake administrative tasks are not required to be held in the Policy Library.
Provides a group of policies and/or procedures that are related to each other. A manual must clearly identify policy content as separate to procedure content.
Provides supporting information that a reader can choose to comply with. The content is aimed at helping the reader make a decision or guiding their action.
Provides information to support a policy, procedure or manual.
Establishes expectations of behaviour.
Section 4 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 5 - Hierarchy of Documents
Section 6 - Policy Development
Determining the Need for a Policy Document
Table 2 – Examples of when a Policy document may be required
Type of Policy Document
Examples of when it may be required
Readers need specific information to understand a subject and use this information to make a decision.
Information needs to be listed or communicated; or readers need information that is relative to their work or relative to the
There are a number of policies and related procedures that could be grouped together to inform readers regarding a wider process or system.
Assessment of Risk and Opportunity
Engagement with Governance and Assurance Services
Review of Associated Legislation and Policy Documents
Quality Review and Final Consultation
Consultation Record Keeping
Implementation Plan
Section 7 - Approval of Policy Documents
Section 8 - Policy Implementation
Communication and Implementation
Policy Owner is responsible for ensuring that any communication and implementation actions are then completed.Monitoring
Editorial Amendments
Minor Amendments
Issues Register
Section 9 - Policy Review
Assessment of Change and Consistency
Residual Risk Assessment / Risk Based Thinking
Determining the Ongoing Need
Edit and Review
Approval and Implementation
No Change Review
Section 10 - Responsibilities