Associated Information

Associated Information

This page contains links to legislation, Rules, Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and other material identified as having a direct association with this document. The list is not intended to be exhaustive and individuals should seek out other related references relevant to their circumstances.

Course Management and Assessment Manual

( View Historic Versions )

Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 No 133
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10
  Academic Appeals Policy
  Academic Integrity and Ethical Academic Conduct Policy
  Admissions Manual - Coursework and Enabling Programs
  Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items Policy
  Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items Procedure
  Awards and Graduation Policy
  Code for the Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom
  Conflict of Interest Policy
  Education Quality Assurance Policy
  Governance Rule
  Oral Examination (Viva) Procedure
  Program Management Manual - Coursework
  Risk Management Framework
  Risk Management Policy
  Student Code of Conduct
  Student Conduct Rule
  Work, Health and Safety Policy
Website Links
  Academic Integrity Module
  Appeal Against a Final Result
  Forms, Guides and Templates
  New Academic Subject Area Form
  NSW Education Standards Authority
  Policy Library
  Refunds and Remission of Debt
  UON Health and Safety Management System Framework
Other Electronic Publications
  Assessment Types and Combinations  (21.47 KB)
  Course Coordinator Checklist  (28.80 KB)
  Coursework Program Teaching Qualification Guidelines  (82.44 KB)
  Formal Examination Paper Creation and Review Checklist - On Campus Exams  (308.64 KB)
  Formal Examination Paper Creation and Review Checklist - Online Open Book Exams  (420.76 KB)
  Grading Scales and Administrative Codes  (192.76 KB)
  Learning Management System - Teaching Courses Minimum Presence  (677.79 KB)
  Modes of Delivery for Courses  (110.36 KB)
  Quality Standards for Technology Enhanced Learning Blended and Online  (348.57 KB)
  Schedule 1 of the Awards and Graduation Policy - List of Current Awards  (344.83 KB)
  Schedule 2 of the Awards and Graduation Policy - List of Disestablished Awards 29.3.2018  (299.28 KB)
  Teaching Staff Reflection on Course Offering  (78.34 KB)