Associated Information
This page contains links to legislation, Rules, Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and other material identified as having a direct association with this document. The list is not intended to be exhaustive and individuals should seek out other related references relevant to their circumstances.
Governance Rule
University of Newcastle Act 1989 No 68
University of Newcastle By-law 2017
Standard on Records Management
Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Governance of Australian Universities
Website Links
Delegations Register
Schedule 2 - Governance Rule - Delegation of Academic Matters
Schedule 4 Conditions of Delegation
Other Electronic Publications
Schedule 5 - Governance Rule - Elections - D18/68708 (30.03 KB)
Schedule 7 - Governance Rule - Honorary Awards - D18/68724 (59.79 KB)
Schedule 8 - Sub-Committees of Academic Senate (64.94 KB)