Document Comments

Bulletin Board - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Staff Support Account Procedure

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure sets out the requirements for the governance and use of funds in Staff Support Accounts.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This procedure applies to all Staff Support Accounts.

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Section 3 - Audience

(3) This document should be read and understood by:

  1. staff who hold Staff Support Accounts;
  2. School and College staff who use and distribute funds held in School or College Support Accounts;
  3. Financial Services, and Research and Innovation Division staff;
  4. delegates authorised to approve expenditure that is subject to this Procedure.
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Section 4 - Definitions

(4) In the context of this document the following definitions apply:

Defined Term Meaning
Chief Investigator means a person responsible for the conduct of research project(s) and named as a Chief Investigator on a grant (G Number) or cost collector.
College Support Account means a Support Account assigned to the College.
School Support Account means a Support Account assigned to the School.
Staff Support Account means a separate cost collector established for the deposit of surplus funds received by the University:
- under the Project and Consultancy Procedure;
- from grants (G Number) in accordance with this Procedure; or 
- from the distribution of recovered indirect costs.
Stipend means an amount provided for a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidate to use towards living and study-related expenses.
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Section 5 - Procedure

(5) Only funds which may be used at the discretion of the University may be transferred to a Staff Support Account. Funds that are subject to a funding agreement or other restrictions must remain in their original grant (G Number) or cost collector until all obligations are satisfied.

(6) At the time they are identified, funds may alternatively be transferred to the cost collector of a Centre or Institute as defined in the Guideline to define Units, Centres, and University Institutes rather than being put into a Staff Support Account. This decision cannot be reversed once funds are transferred.

(7) Recovered indirect costs that are to be distributed to a University of Newcastle Chief Investigator or College will be transferred to a Staff Support Account or College Support Account.

(8) The purpose of a Staff Support Account is to provide a pool of funds from which a staff member can provide greater direction as to the application of those monies. Funds in a Staff Support Account must be applied for purposes aligned with the University strategic intent i.e. to support research and education activities. Managers and supervisors are to be consulted in the appropriate use of Staff Support Accounts.

(9) Funds held in Staff Support Accounts will be transferred to University general reserves at the time a staff member leaves the employment of the University and are not transferable or payable to the individual, another Staff Support Account, or another institution.

(10) The end date of Staff Support Accounts is set by the Chief Financial Officer.

Use of Funds in a Staff Support Account

(11) Expenditure of funds from Staff Support Accounts are subject to the University's Delegation of Authority Framework and Schedules (see Delegations Register) and any relevant University policies or procedures.

(12) Allowed activities for uses of funds in Staff Support Accounts are:

  1. bridging funds for academically related activities between funding contracts;
  2. support for professional development;
  3. seed funding for new initiatives;
  4. support for candidates under HDR supervision;
  5. funds to support publishing or other administrative costs associated with research activity;
  6. purchases of minor equipment or consumables; or
  7. travel and attendance at relevant conferences or other industry or discipline related engagement events.

(13) Staff Support Account funds cannot be used for:

  1. any activity that would create a potential, perceived or actual conflict of interest including payment of a salary or stipend for a spouse or dependent;
  2. private expenditure including payments for spouse or dependent travel;
  3. transfer of funds to another institution;
  4. any expense that creates a commitment beyond the end date of the Staff Support Account or is greater than the balance of the Staff Support Account at the time the commitment is made. For example, but not limited to:
    1. purchase of capital;
    2. employment of continuing staff;
    3. multi-year service contracts;
    4. HDR stipends except where the commitment is guaranteed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) or the College Pro Vice-Chancellor from operating or other funds under their administration.

(14) Staff with funds in a Staff Support Account must utilise these funds for allowed activities, prior to accessing any other fund sources such as operating funds or Research Support Program (RSP) distributions.

(15) Any deficit from a grant (G Number) will be charged to the Staff Support Account of the Chief Investigator. Where there are multiple Chief Investigators on the grant then the deficit may be shared across all Chief Investigator's Staff Support Accounts. This includes deficits resulting from:

  1. expenditure exceeding the awarded budget;
  2. expenditure on non-allowable items;
  3. failure to adhere to grant conditions resulting in loss of research revenue. For example, failing to delivery research reports in accordance with the research agreement; or
  4. integrity matters.

(16) Funds remaining in a Staff Support Account may be rolled forward at the end of the each year subject to confirmation that the staff member has:

  1. $50,000 or less in their Staff Support Account or, if the balance is greater than $50,000 then the staff member must have an approved strategy for utilising the funds agreed with the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor;
  2. no accounts in deficit or contained debts agreed greater than 90 days for which they are the Chief Investigator or responsible officer;
  3. met other core teaching and research accountabilities as well as any consultancy or contract work;
  4. has delivered on any existing strategies for the application of funds.

(17) Where the staff member has not met the requirements above, any remaining funds are transferred to the School Support Account. Residual funds in a School or College Support Account may be rolled forward at the end of each year subject to a plan for application of those funds being approved by the College Pro Vice-Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer. If the staff member is a Head of School any remaining funds will be transferred to the respective College Support Account.

(18) A report of Staff Support Account balances will be provided on a periodic basis to the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College or Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Division, as applicable, as part of the financial reporting pack.