(1) The University of Newcastle (University) recognises the value of attracting, developing and retaining high quality staff and is committed to supporting staff to meet performance and behaviour expectations through an annual staff performance and development program. For academic staff the program is known as the Academic Planning and Performance (APP) program.
(2) Triennial Planning and Performance (TPP) is the University's performance planning and review process for Level E College Professors, who will complete TPP every three (3) years in lieu of APP.
(3) The procedure is aligned with and supports the performance and career development provisions of the Academic Staff and Teachers Enterprise Agreement 2023 (Enterprise Agreement).
(4) The APP and TPP processes align each academic staff member’s endeavours with their level of appointment, the operational needs of their work unit and the University's strategic objectives through effective goal setting and building capability. This alignment fosters a shared responsibility for academic staff members in institutional success, performance, student experience and culture, underpinned by the University's values of Excellence, Equity, Engagement and Sustainability.
(5) This procedure outlines the steps involved in completing the APP and TPP processes.
(6) The purpose of APP is to ensure academic staff members have clear performance and development goals for each year, receive feedback on their progress, and engage in an annual review of their performance and development.
(7) The purpose of the TPP is to review the academic staff member’s past three years' performance and set career goals for the next three years, with a Panel offering recognition, coaching, and mentoring to support future career opportunities.
(8) This procedure applies to all academic staff as classified under the Enterprise Agreement who are required to complete and engage in the APP process each year.
(9) Academic staff and supervisors must comply with the provisions of the Enterprise Agreement throughout the PRD process, and the Enterprise Agreement should be read in conjunction with this procedure.
(10) This procedure does not apply to:
- ongoing academic staff who are within their probation period:
- if the academic staff member’s probation is completed before the 31st March, they are required to commence the APP when their probation is completed.
- academic staff will commence their first full APP cycle in the calendar year following the completion of their probation if their probation is completed after the 31st March.
- ongoing academic staff on parental leave or long service leave for more than 6 months of the calendar year;
- casual academic staff who have been employed at the University for less than six months are not required to participate in PRD. After six months of employment, participation in PRD is optional and may be undertaken at the request of the casual staff member or their supervisor;
- fixed term academic staff members with a length of contract (or extension) less than 12 months or less then 0.4 FTE and contingent staff on less than less than 10% operating funding source.
- academic staff participating in the TPP process in a calendar year.
(11) Supervisors may request an exemption to the eligibility criteria for an academic staff member to complete APP by requesting this via a Service Now request to HR.
(12) TPP discussions are part of minimum requirements for all College-based Level E academics excluding senior leaders (Heads of School and Pro Vice-Chancellors). The Academic Planning and Performance process will be followed annually for two (2) years, and a TPP discussion will take place for Professors every third year.
(13) Each eligible academic staff member will complete their first TPP in year four (4) following their appointment to a Level E role.
(14) Participation in APP or TPP is a prerequisite for applying for an academic promotion and for participation in the Special Studies Program.
(15) Staff and their supervisors share the accountability to actively engage in the APP or TPP process and must adhere to the key timeframes associated with each phase of the process.
(16) Appendix B - Criteria for Academic Achievement (Section 5) provides a detailed overview of University performance expectations for each academic level within the three academic domains of research, teaching and engagement.
Section 1 - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
(17) The University is committed to fostering an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment where all staff have equal access to career development opportunities and are assessed in a fair and inclusive manner.
(18) This procedure aligns with the University's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy.
(19) Supervisors are responsible for mitigating biases and proactively identifying and addressing barriers to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) during APP and TPP discussions.
Table A – Outlines how supervisors can integrate EDI practices into APP and TPP:
Key Principles |
Description |
Recognising non-linear career paths |
Acknowledge career breaks, parental leave, and part-time status, and assess performance relative to opportunity. Supervisors can contact the EDI team via if they need further assistance considering non-linear career paths as part of a staff member’s APP or TPP. |
Addressing bias |
Supervisors must proactively identify and mitigate potential biases that may arise during APP or TPP discussions, to minimise any adverse effect on staff contributions, engagement, and job satisfaction. Supervisors are expected to demonstrate awareness of potential biases, including but not limited to gender bias, perception bias, confirmation bias and unconscious bias and actively ensure objectivity and fairness in the process. |
Promoting flexibility |
Use APP and TPP discussions to encourage flexible work practices that support staff in balancing professional and personal responsibilities. |
Providing inclusive feedback and recognition |
Provide constructive and evidence-based feedback that focuses on performance outcomes and observed behaviours aligned to expected standards rather than subjective perceptions or personality traits. |
Supporting career development |
Ensure equitable access to development opportunities, including for staff that are on fixed-term contracts and staff who are part-time or casual and completing TPP and APP. |
Considering reasonable adjustments |
Supervisors should proactively identify and address any barriers faced by employees with temporary or permanent disability during APP and TPP discussions. This includes ensuring that reasonable adjustments are in place to support employees to perform their role effectively.
During APP and TPP, supervisors must:
- ensure reasonable adjustments are discussed, and if necessary, implemented or updated to meet the academic staff member’s needs. Assistance in devising suitable reasonable adjustments can be accessed via the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team via;
- ask academic staff members if they are experiencing any barriers to undertaking their work and discuss potential suitable solutions;
- recognise the additional self-advocacy burden academic staff may experience and aim to reduce this load;
- discuss and identify where an academic staff member may be encountering barriers on an organisational or personal level and explore how you can assist to address these with the staff member;
- identify career progression opportunities and leadership potential ensuring academic staff have equitable access to development opportunities and support to advance in their careers;
- encourage participation in networks such as the Staff with Disability Network and consider these efforts in APP and TPP as a performance goal to capture the staff member’s time and effort invested in the network’s work. |
Address self-advocacy burden |
Support academic staff members who may need to engage in self-advocacy at work as a result of their marginalised identity. Discuss where academic staff may be needing to self-advocate and consider how to act as an ally. For example, challenging problematic institutional structures; identifying equity issues before they impact employees and advocating for resolution; helping an academic staff member to assert their rights and achieve an equitable outcome. |
(20) All academic staff should consider incorporating EDI into their goals through committing to intentional actions that align their individual effort to the University's equity priorities. Examples of how academic staff can do this are:
- mentor or sponsor staff members or students from equity cohorts to support their career progression;
- attend professional development programs on topics like unconscious bias, cultural capability and inclusive leadership and incorporate skills and insights gained into work practices;
- actively participate in EDI initiatives such as staff networks or working groups; and
- ensure research practices and teaching materials reflect diverse perspectives and are accessible.
Top of PageSection 2 - Academic Planning and Performance (APP)
Part A - APP General Overview
(21) The APP process is completed annually, aligned to the calendar year, and captures performance and development goal setting, discussions and activities for academic staff.
(22) Human Resource Services will communicate the specific timeframe requirements each year for the completion of each phase of APP through an all-staff communication channel.
Table B - Phases of the APP cycle in the calendar year:
Phase |
Overview |
Indicative Timing |
Goal setting and planning |
The first phase of the performance and development cycle. This is the phase where performance goals and development goals are set and agreed upon between the academic staff member and their supervisor. |
Completed by end of March. |
Mid-Year review |
The second phase of the performance and development cycle. All academic staff should have regular conversations with their supervisor throughout the year to review progress against performance and development goals. It is recommended that a mid year review is completed between May to July. |
May to July |
Year end review |
The final phase of the APP cycle where academic staff and their supervisor recognise achievements, reflect on performance and leadership behaviours, including any areas of opportunity, and consider future focus.
Goal setting for the following year can be completed during the Year End Review or alternatively in a separate session. |
October to December |
(23) The online tool, Success Factors, is used to track and document performance and development discussions, agreed goals, actions and ratings. Success Factors training resources and references are available on the staff website.
(24) An academic staff member’s APP will incorporate:
- planning and goal setting, including documented 3-year research plans and future contributions in the domains of teaching and engagement;
- performance feedback, including reviewing the role and responsibilities of the academic staff member;
- review of achievements;
- development activities planned and completed.
(25) The APP should be informed by:
- the University's Strategic Plan and Values;
- the University's Academic Excellence program and available resources;
- the academic staff member’s position description, career aspirations and performance;
- the University's Leadership Framework;
- principles and obligations expected of academic staff, as detailed in the Staff Code of Conduct and other relevant University policy documents;
- survey results if applicable and available such as 360 results, Your Voice, People Experience Survey, Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT), and course experience surveys;
- data relating to research, teaching and engagement;
- the University's Criteria for Academic Achievement (Section 5); and
- outcomes from the academic staff member’s previous APP year-end review.
(26) Performance and development discussions and activities should be scheduled in advance and conducted in a confidential manner.
Part B - Approach to Underperformance
(27) The Enterprise Agreement outlines the procedures relating to managing underperformance. Human Resource Services can also be contacted via your divisional or College business partner to provide additional support and advice to both staff and supervisors via Service Now’s HR contact information.
Part C - APP Coordination and Completion
Phase 1: Goal Setting
(28) The Goal Setting phase defines the activities, goals, actions, and conduct that the academic staff member is responsible for during the review period, while recognising that some factors influencing goal achievement may be beyond their control.
(29) In accordance with the Enterprise Agreement, the goals should also align to the staff member’s appointment, operational needs of their work unit, and the University's strategic objectives. Goals should be devised to maintain and improve skills, enhance career opportunities and promote organisational performance.
(30) Goals should be developed as “SMART” goals, which is an acronym for goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound. The Career Development Guide is an available resource to assist with developing “SMART” goals.
(31) It is recommended that each academic staff member have four performance goals and two development goals in their APP.
(32) The key steps to completing this phase are:
- The supervisor and academic staff member must determine who will schedule the meeting and when there is a suitable time to schedule this for.
- Schedule time to complete goal setting and discuss the academic staff member’s performance and development plan;
- APP goals and performance expectations must be consistent with the staff member’s position description in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement;
- prior to the scheduled meeting, the academic staff member should reflect and prepare performance and development goals to discuss with their supervisor;
- supervisors can cascade goals that have been selected for academic staff that support the achievement of organisational objectives and strategic plans. The goals can be cascaded from SuccessFactors and this should be done prior to the meeting;
- the academic staff member and supervisor then meet to review and agree on performance and development goals and record them in Success Factors within the required timeframe for completion.
- the supervisor and academic staff member plan and schedule the mid-year review discussion as part of completing phase 1.
Phase 2: Mid-year Review
(33) The key steps for completing this phase are:
- the supervisor and academic staff member should determine who will schedule the meeting and when there is a suitable time to schedule this for;
- schedule time to conduct a mid-year discussion to review the academic staff member’s progress with their APP;
- the academic staff member and supervisor should meet for a mid-year discussion to review goal progress and identify any adjustments or additional support and training needs. Goal progress and new career development goals must be updated in Success Factors by the supervisor in the “ongoing conversations and development” area of the platform;
- consideration should be given to rewards and recognition programs for high performers. This could be divisional / College awards, or organisational programs such as Celebrating Success or the Excellence Awards.
(34) The supervisor and academic staff member plan and schedule the year end review as part of completing phase 2.
Phase 3: Year End Review
(35) Phase three of the APP is completion of the “Year End Review” and there are six (6) key steps to completing this phase:
- the end of year review discussion is scheduled. The supervisor and academic staff member can determine who will schedule the meeting and when there is a suitable time to schedule this for;
- to prepare for end of year review discussion the academic staff member and supervisor will review goals, reflect on the academic staff member’s performance, behaviours against the Leadership Framework, and then consider what rating will be allocated to each goal and Leadership Framework capabilities;
- prior to the discussion, the academic staff member must complete their end of year review comments and self-assessment in SuccessFactors, including the acknowledgement of completion of declarations and mandatory training required for their role;
- the academic staff member and supervisor complete the end of year review discussion and agree on ratings for all goals and overall performance;
- planning and goal setting for the following APP cycle can be completed in this phase if preferred and suitable to both the supervisor and the academic staff member. If goal setting is completed for the following APP cycle as part of the Year End Review, the goals should be entered into SuccessFactors;
- the supervisor must complete the final rating and comments in the system and ensure completion of the end of year review in SuccessFactors. If the APP has been supervised by an Advisor, the Head of School will also have actions to complete in SuccessFactors to finalise the APP.
Part D - Resources and Available Training
(36) The following resources are available to assist academic staff in completing APP:
- the University's Academic Planning and Performance webpage;
- the University's learning management system Discover has a library of learning that can support with the effectiveness in performance discussions and other learning modules that can assist with completing APP including the Introduction to Academic Planning and Performance e-learn module;
- the Capability and Development Hub is a gateway to a range of resources for professional development, Linkedin Learning, change management and leadership resources;
- the Career Development Guide is a self-service tool for staff and leaders that provides resources on career planning and development, including how to create and write “SMART” goals; and
- the University's Academic Excellence web page has a suite of resources relating to APP, including guidance on benchmarking and evaluating academic performance, information for APP advisors and supervisors and a frequently asked questions section.
Top of PageSection 3 - Triennial Planning and Performance (TPP)
Part E - TPP Overview
(37) TPP enhances the core elements from the APP, with deeper engagement with our professoriate regarding their academic career aspirations and their performance outputs across the domains of teaching, research and engagement that align to the University's strategic priorities and expectations.
(38) In TPP Professors will review their past three (3) years' performance and set career goals for the next three years, with a Panel offering recognition, coaching, and mentoring to support future career opportunities.
(39) A TPP discussion may be held sooner than three years from promotion, joining the University, or the last review, if a supervisor determines that it would be beneficial.
(40) The TPP Process is informed by:
- Professor career aspirations and goals and performance;
- their position description, field of research and strategic priorities of their College and the University;
- the completion of a 360-degree survey and feedback;
- data relating to research, teaching and engagement; and
- previous APP discussions.
(41) There are four stages to the TPP process:
- 360-Degree Survey and debrief for the Professor;
- Professor prepares a Preparation Pack for their TPP panel;
- Professor and Head of School participate in pre-TPP meeting; and
- TPP panel meeting and discussion with College Pro Vice-Chancellor and Panel of Experts.
Table C - Requirements for the TPP process in a calendar year:
Step |
Description |
Indicative Timing |
Schedule TPP discussions |
Each year College Pro Vice-Chancellors, supported by their Executive Officers and Human Resources Business Partner will schedule the TPPs to be conducted throughout the calendar year for eligible academic staff. This will include identifying Panel Members and setting dates for the TPP discussion. It is recommended that 1 hour is scheduled for each TPP discussion. |
Jan/Feb |
360-degree survey feedback |
Human Resource Services will arrange a 360-degree survey for each Professor prior to their TPP discussion. As part of this survey the Professor will identify a range of people to provide feedback including peers, external collaborators, direct reports and their supervisor. The Professor will be debriefed on the survey results prior to preparing for the TPP discussion. The survey is underpinned by the Quality Leadership Profile for Academics (QLPA).
The Professor should reflect on the feedback received when considering their performance and future career development opportunities. Whilst the Professor is encouraged to share the results of the survey with the TPP Panel, this is not compulsory. |
2 months prior to TPP Session |
TPP Preparation Pack |
The Level E academic will populate a Preparation Pack template that will capture key items relating to their Level E achievements, performance, and career aspirations. This document will be provided to the Panel Members in advance of the TPP meeting. |
1 month prior to TPP session |
Pre-Meeting –Head of School and Professor |
The Level E academic will meet with their Head of School prior to the TPP Panel Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure alignment between both parties regarding the Level E academic's performance over the past three years and development priorities and career aspirations for the coming three years. |
TPP Pack to Panel |
Human Resource Services will coordinate and distribute the completed TPP Preparation Packs to the Panel members at least two weeks prior to the scheduled TPP discussion. |
1 month prior to TPP session |
Conduct TPP Discussion |
The 60-minute TPP discussion will be chaired by the College Pro Vice-Chancellor of the same College as the Level E academic.
The participant will attend the TPP discussion along with their Head of School.
The TPP discussion will focus on the academic staff members long term career aspirations, their goals for the forthcoming years, their academic achievements and progress towards their goals, their position description, their field of research, and the strategic priorities of their College and the University, all relative to opportunity. The Preparation Pack will assist in guiding the conversation.
The Level E academic and the TPP Panel are to agree on outcomes from the TPP discussion. If agreement on the recommended actions from the TPP discussion cannot be achieved, this is to be raised with the College Pro Vice-Chancellor. |
Document TPP Discussion |
The Head of School (or their nominee) will document the recommended agreed actions from the TPP discussion. These actions will be added to the Level E academic's Planning and Performance record in Success Factors. The Level E academic confirm their agreement with the actions and outcomes from the TPP discussion. |
Ongoing review of TPP Actions |
The ongoing completion of actions from the professorial Planning and Performance discussion will be monitored by the Level E academic and their Head of School as part of the Academic Planning and Performance Process. |
(42) The College Pro Vice-Chancellor will source benchmarked data to inform discussions at the TPP. This may be data from the Academic Dashboard, external data sources (such as Scopus or QILT), or other relevant data, sourced in confidence from Research Performance, Strategy, Planning and Performance, Human Resource Services or a similar source. The data gathered will be shared confidentially with the academic, the Head of School, and the TPP panelists in advance of the meeting and the academic will have the opportunity to update any missing or pertinent data.
TPP Panel Requirements
(43) The TPP Panel is Chaired by the College Pro Vice-Chancellor of the same College as the participant. The College Pro Vice-Chancellor selects two senior academics from outside the participant’s School to assist them in a review of benchmarked data relating to the participant’s academic participation and performance and providing advice and guidance regarding the triennial development of the participant over the next three years.
(44) The Chair of the TPP Panel (or their nominee) will document the recommended actions from the TPP discussion. These actions will be added to the participant’s Academic Planning and Performance record in the online tool (SuccessFactors).
(45) Actions and outcomes from the TPP discussion may include:
- a recommendation to be nominated for Laureate Professorship, to apply for awards, to seek certain fellowships or memberships, to apply for managerial responsibilities, or other career progression and recognition activities; and/or
- a review of or change to academic loadings, HDR supervision levels, College responsibilities, or other adjustments to the participant’s role and activities including whether any performance improvement goals need to be set and agreed upon.
(46) The TPP SharePoint page is available to support academic staff through the TPP process with detailed process information, guides and templates available.
Part F - Roles and Responsibilities
Table C - Outlines the roles and responsibilities of staff and how they will participate in the APP / TPP process:
Role |
Responsibility |
Academic Staff Member |
Actively participate in their own APP/TPP and provide input on goal setting, performance and development planning.
Self-assess achievement against goals and leadership behaviours prior to mid-year performance discussion and end of year review and make every effort to ensure that performance and career planning goals are met.
Highlight any barriers to achieving goals to their supervisor when identified.
Academic supervisor / Advisor or their Nominee |
Ensure the APP/TPP Process is completed on time for all eligible academic staff who are a direct report.
Ensure that performance and development goals align with strategic and operational objectives, as well as enhance individual career opportunities and promote organisational performance.
Facilitate APP discussions and provide recognition, coaching and mentoring to academic staff members in relation to their performance and career development, including to resolution of performance concerns.
If an Academic Supervisor has an Academic Advisor/Nominee facilitating the performance and development process on their behalf; then the Supervisor is encouraged to take opportunities to periodically observe reviews and provide coaching to the Advisors/Nominees who are facilitating the conversations on their effectiveness.
If applicable, seeking feedback and contribution from other leaders or stakeholders that have oversight of work such as special projects to ensure APP/TPP captures an academic staff member’s performance and contribution in other teams or projects if significant.
Co-Planner |
Provide input to an academic staff member’s APP/ TPP in Success Factors if they are not in their direct reporting line. This could be suitable if the academic staff member has worked with them on a project or they have previously been the direct supervisor of the academic staff member in the current APP/TPP cycle. |
Head of School |
Provide guidance to Leaders and academic staff on goal setting to ensure it is aligned with School and University objectives.
Ensure all eligible academic staff in their area of responsibility complete the APP/TPP process in the timeframes required by this procedure.
Support Supervisor/Advisor or their Nominee to prepare for the APP/TPP discussion as needed, and with any post-discussion support requirements if they arise.
Complete the Year End Review form for any academic staff members that have had their APP supervised by an advisor once the final year end review has been completed.
Monitor participation and completion rates and take opportunities to periodically observe reviews and provide coaching to the Advisors/Nominees who are facilitating the conversations on their effectiveness.
Contribute to additional talent review processes and cascade up to senior leadership any learning and development needs and themes to support with organisational planning activities.
Ensure that academic staff development goals and any associated training is reviewed against operational budgets for approval. Ensure any academic staff requests for development is equitable across the broader School staff cohort and aligned to operational requirements.
Source and provide to supervisors benchmarked data to inform discussions during APP. This may be data from the Academic Dashboard, external data sources (such as Scopus or QILT), or other relevant data, sourced in confidence from Research Performance, Strategy, Planning and Performance, Human Resource Services or a similar source. |
Pro Vice-Chancellors, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Divisional Leaders, College General Managers |
Provide guidance to Leaders and academic staff on goal setting to ensure it is aligned with School and University objectives.
Ensure all eligible academic staff in their area of responsibility complete the APP / TPP process annually. Provide recognition, coaching and mentoring as part of individual APP / TPP development planning and talent review processes.
Contribute to additional talent review processes and cascade up any learning and development needs and themes to support with organisational planning activities.
Oversee the development, implementation and continuous improvement of the APP / TPP procedure and process. Provide benchmarked data to inform the process. Provide support to all parties involved in the process. |
Human Resource Services |
The People Experience team will coordinate the implementation of the APP / TPP process including system support, maintaining training resources, communication and education.
Human Resources Business Partners will provide advice to the PVCS, Heads of School and Academic Supervisors/Advisors and staff to prepare for and conduct APP / TPP sessions and on any performance management/improvement matters as needed.
The Human Resources Information Systems team will provide leaders with access to a Human Resources dashboard that provides completion data on the APP / TPP cycle. |
Top of PageSection 4 - Definitions
(47) In the context of this document the following definitions apply:
Term |
Definition |
Advisor |
A nominee of an academic supervisor who will supervise the APP for designated staff. |
Co-Planner |
This is the descriptive name that is assigned to a user in Success Factors, the University's online tool used to document the APP process. A co-planner is a contributing leader to a staff member’s APP that is not their direct supervisor. An example of this would be if a staff member has performance and development goals relating to a project, and the project lead is not the staff member’s direct supervisor. The project lead could contribute to the APP as a co-planner. An alternate suitable use of this contributor type is if a staff member changes reporting lines or roles in the calendar year, and the previous supervisor provides feedback, goal progress and achievement as this user type, whilst still enabling the current supervisor to complete their role. |
Equity Cohort |
A specific group of individuals within a community, organisation, or institution who share characteristics that are associated with disadvantage, underrepresentation, or inequity in access to opportunities, resources, or outcomes. For the University, information on our equity cohorts is available on the website. |
Gender Bias |
A person’s tendency to hold men and women accountable to different standards. |
Perception Bias |
The tendency to form stereotypes about certain groups that make it impossible to make an objective judgement about members of those groups. |
Confirmation bias |
Seeking out and interpreting information in a way that supports your preconceptions or hypotheses. |
Unconscious bias |
A judgement made quickly without being aware of doing so. |
Disability |
In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, disability can encapsulate a range of identities, experiences and conditions including mental and chronic health conditions, neurodivergence, physical, sensory, learning, neurological and intellectual disabilities. The right of people with disability to access reasonable adjustments at work is protected under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the Act). Carers and parents of people with disability who need adjustments to care for a person with disability are also protected under the Act. Not all people with disability or caring responsibilities may identify as having a disability and may not wish to access supports. |
Relative to opportunity |
The principle of assessing an individual’s achievements and contributions in the context of their access to opportunities, taking into account any personal circumstances, challenges, or structural barriers that may have impacted their ability to achieve outcomes. |
Performance Goal |
Performance goals focus on what an academic staff member needs to achieve in their role, such as delivering outcomes aligned with organisational priorities, strategic plans and delivering work activity that aligns with their position description. |
Development Goal |
Development planning and goals are focused on how an academic staff member can reach their full potential, enhance their skills and knowledge and gain development that will support career progression. |
Top of PageSection 5 - Appendix A: Criteria for Academic Achievement
(48) Academic achievement is categorised within the 3 main academic domains of research, teaching and engagement.
(49) Evidence of activity and quality must:
- substantiate achievement across the three academic domains;
- support the University's strategic objectives;
- align with the activities described in the Foundations for Inspiring People (Academic Staff);
- align with the University of Newcastle Academic Staff Position Classification Standards defined in the Academic Staff and Teachers Enterprise Agreement (Enterprise Agreement).
(50) Foundations for Inspiring People (Academic Staff) and the position classification standards described in the Enterprise Agreement list the broad categories of responsibilities for academic staff and a range of academic performance indicators that acknowledges the diversity of academic achievement, but are not an exhaustive list of academic activities.
(51) The University recognises there are a wide range of activities which academic staff may be expected to undertake, and a wide range of groups with whom staff members may interact as part of their academic roles. These interactions may be internal contributions to the University community or external to the profession and wider community.
(52) The patterns of academic activity vary widely across academic categories and disciplines. While there are common elements, the University recognises that the balance between them may be quite different depending on the discipline.
Research activities will vary depending on the discipline. Research effort and research performance must not be confused.
(53) The University would expect an academic staff member to be allocated sufficient time to research, usually over a period of three (3) years to be considered research active.
(54) Colleges are responsible for determining research-focused definitions and minimum thresholds of performance for an academic staff member to be considered research active within the College.
(55) The criteria for academic achievement, key performance indicators described in Foundations for Inspiring People (Academic Staff), and the position classification standards described in the Enterprise Agreement provide the basis for the evaluation of performance.
(56) The Academic Dashboard provides additional quantitative metrics that evidence achievement across the three academic domains relative to individual performance and an academic’s peers to further evaluate performance.
Teaching and Research Roles
(57) A Teaching and Research academic will contribute predominantly to teaching and research, based on the general principle of 40:40:20 in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement. As an exception, the Head of School may approve an alternative ratio of teaching, research, and engagement for an individual academic staff member.
Level A Academic – Associate Lecturer
(58) Generally, Level A academic staff are developing their careers and will work with the support and guidance of more senior academic staff. A Level A academic is expected to have an emerging profile in teaching and in disciplinary research.
Academic achievement for a Level A academic may be defined across the three (3) academic domains as follows:
- Research: formulating a coherent research program, working within a research group (where relevant), participating in applications for competitive research grants and publishing or exhibiting in high-quality outlets, often in collaboration with colleagues, consistent with their discipline.
- Teaching: achieving teaching quality as indicated by internal and external surveys and outcomes for students that will improve or innovate in response to feedback. Preparing and delivering lectures, presenting tutorials, seminars, practical classes, demonstrations, workshops, student field excursions, clinical sessions and studio sessions.
- Engagement: demonstrating efficient performance in allocated internal roles, sharing academic service responsibilities, contributing to outcomes of internal committees, and beginning to develop external collaborations.
Level B Academic – Lecturer
(59) In addition to the requirements at Level A, a Level B Teaching and Research academic will have a growing profile in teaching, research, and engagement.
(60) Academic achievement for a Level B academic may be defined across the three (3) academic domains as follows:
- Research: an established record of publication or non-traditional research output in high-quality outlets. Achieving national recognition in their discipline and taking a Chief Investigator role (often in conjunction with more experienced Researchers) in applications for external research funds.
- Teaching: contributing at undergraduate, honours and postgraduate levels, taking responsibility for the preparation and delivery of course modules and coordinating one or more courses, including collaboration in curriculum design and delivery where appropriate. It is expected that a Level B academic will have diverse teaching portfolios, covering several units of study and sometimes over several courses.
- Engagement: demonstrating efficient performance in allocated internal service roles and actively building external collaborations.
Level C Academic – Senior Lecturer
(61) In addition to the requirements at Level B, a Level C Teaching and Research academic will have an established record of achievement in research, teaching, and engagement.
(62) Academic achievement for a Level C academic may be defined across the three (3) academic domains as follows:
- Research: demonstrating a capacity for independent research; contributing as a Chief Investigator including collaborations which create new insights and opportunities and successfully managing significant external research funds. A Level C academic will have a developing international profile for research in their field through publication or non-traditional research output in high quality outlets and, where relevant, by the impact of their research on policy, practice and/or commercialisation. It is expected that a Level C academic will have an active and effective record of primary supervision of Higher Degree by Research candidates with timely completions.
- Teaching: demonstrating leadership in learning and teaching activities, having a central role in course and curriculum development, and peer mentoring.
- Engagement: demonstrating outstanding performance in a range of higher-level internal duties, providing a strong contribution to external activities, and developing international collaborations.
Level D Academic – Associate Professor
(63) In addition to the requirements at Level C, a Level D Teaching and Research academic will demonstrate excellence in research, teaching and engagement and have a sustained record of outstanding impact and achievement that is internationally recognised in either research or teaching.
(64) Academic achievement for a Level D academic may be defined across the three (3) academic domains as follows:
- Research: demonstrating quality and impact of their work through publication or exhibition in internationally recognised outlets, and, where relevant, through its impact on policy, practice and/or commercialisation. A Level D academic will have a record of successful applications for external research funding in a Chief Investigator role and mentoring more junior academic staff and Researchers. It is also expected that a Level D academic will have an active and effective record of supervising Higher Degree by Research candidates successfully to timely completion as the primary supervisor.
- Teaching: demonstrating strategic leadership in the planning and delivery of curriculum, which where relevant may include clinical teaching. A Level D academic will be recognised as a ‘content specialist’ within their College, teaching in specialist areas across courses and disciplines as appropriate.
- Engagement: making a strong contribution to the governance of the University, including successful mentoring of more junior academic staff. Leading and forming strategic partnerships between the University and industry/government and other stakeholders nationally and internationally.
Level E Academic - Professor
(65) In addition to the requirements at Level D, a Level E Teaching and Research academic will demonstrate excellence and a high level of leadership in research, teaching, and engagement. A Level E academic will be recognised internationally for their scholarly contribution and for its impact on policy or practice.
(66) Academic achievement for a Level E academic may be defined across the three (3) academic domains as follows:
- Research: demonstrating outstanding outcomes and leadership. Guiding the development of more junior Researchers, leading major funding initiatives, making significant contributions to knowledge and the beneficial application of knowledge, and intellectual leadership beyond the specific area of research or creative activity.
- Teaching: a distinguished record of scholarly teaching and leadership across all levels and appropriate contexts, including clinical teaching where appropriate. Actively developing educational policy and curriculum areas within the discipline.
- Engagement: making a significant contribution to the governance of the University, including developing policy and providing leadership in community activities in professional, commercial, and industrial sectors at a national and international level.