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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Academic Calendar Approval Procedure

Section 1 - Introduction

(1) The development and publication of multi-year academic calendars enables students, academics, and staff to have information about important academic dates. It will assist staff across the University to coordinate the scheduling of academic and non-academic events and ensure offer dates for future terms in admissions processes are correct.

(2) This Procedure supports the University’s Timetabling Policy and Timetabling Procedure and should be read in conjunction with those documents.

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Section 2 - Intent

(3) This procedure establishes the process for the development and approval of the Academic Calendar to ensure that important academic dates are scheduled in advance.

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Section 3 - Instructions

(4) The Vice-Chancellor is authorised to approve guidelines for setting terms dates in accordance with the delegation from Council. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President is permitted to approve standard and non-standard term dates in accordance with University policy under the delegation from Council.

Standard Terms

(5) The University of Newcastle Academic Calendar officially comprises two semesters and three trimesters, as well as three Singapore trimesters, in a calendar year. The Academic Calendar also includes a number of non-standard terms.

(6) The University of Newcastle Academic Calendar will be approved, where possible, in advance by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President on a rolling five (5) year basis.

(7) It is the responsibility of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar to coordinate the preparation of the University’s Academic Calendar and to recommend the dates for the University Academic Calendar to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President for approval following consultation with the University community.

(8) Amendments to the approved University Academic Calendar will only be granted where it is considered essential.

(9) Requests for such amendments must be submitted to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar for consideration and consultation with relevant parties.

(10) Amendments which are deemed essential may be approved under delegated authority by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President on the recommendation of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar, with the University community to be advised accordingly.

Non-Standard Terms

(11) Non-standard term will be approved at least one year in advance by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President, normally in conjunction with the University Academic Calendar. Non-standard terms include: Summer School, Singapore Block Terms, Winter School and ELICOS terms.

(12) As the Singapore Trimester terms will be approved, where possible, in advance by the Academic Senate on a rolling five (5) year basis, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President would normally approve the non-standard Singapore Block terms at the same time.

(13) Due to the University-wide administrative overheads associated with maintaining terms, approval for any non-standard terms will only be granted where it is considered essential.

(14) Any requests for non-standard terms, or requests for variations to dates for existing non-standard terms, must be submitted to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar for consideration and consultation with relevant parties.

(15) Any requested amendments which are deemed essential or additions to the approved schedule of non-standard terms may be approved under delegated authority by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President on the recommendation of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar, with the University community to be advised accordingly.

Non-Standard Terms - Bachelor of Medicine (JMP) and the Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine (JMP)

(16) The Clinical Placement requirements for the Bachelor of Medicine (JMP) and the Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine (JMP) programs do not fit within the standard terms for other University programs. This applies particularly to Years 4 and 5 of the program.

(17) The non-standard terms for the Bachelor of Medicine(JMP) and the Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine (JMP) will be approved at least one year in advance by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President, normally in conjunction with the University Academic calendar.

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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities

(18) Vice-Chancellor approves guidelines for setting term dates in accordance with the delegation from Council.

(19) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President approves standard and non-standard term dates in accordance with University policy under the delegation from Council.

(20) Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar to coordinate the preparation of the University’s Academic Calendar and following consultation with the University community, recommends the dates for the University Academic Calendar to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President for consideration.

(21) Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar to coordinate the preparation of the University’s Academic Calendar and following consultation with the University community, recommends the dates for the University Academic Calendar to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President for consideration.

(22) University community to advise Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar of any proposed amendments to University’s Academic Calendar or proposed non-standard term dates.

(23) Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar to coordinate any amendments to University’s Academic Calendar and following consultation with the University community, recommends the dates for the University Academic Calendar to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President for consideration.

(24) Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Academic Registrar to coordinate notifications to the University community when University Academic Calendar dates are approved or amended.